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but highkey this chapter is a doozy where all my theorist readers at 👀
"Jungkook what are you doing?"

Taehyung frowned as he walked into Jungkook and Yoongi's shared apartment to check on the younger; finding him sprawled out on the living room floor with his fingers rubbing his temples.

Yoongi had said to go check on him after the younger had gotten back from one of his days out, but Taehyung didn't expect to find him like this.

"My head is killing me right now." He mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut as he knotted his fingers into his hair. He didn't even know where it came from or what could have sparked it, all he knew was that as he lay on the floor then, his brain felt like it was trying to burst out of his skull.

In that moment, Jungkook looked like his old self to Taehyung.

Something about seeing him in such a vulnerable state reminded him of what he was like when he was a human, and it made Taehyung's heart sink as he thought about how much he had changed.

He walked closer and leaned down, running his fingers through Jungkook's soft hair. He could see sweat heading up on Jungkook's forehead, hands shaking as he took in laboured breaths. "It hurts so bad Taehyung."

Something about Jungkook's cracking and broken voice struck something within Taehyung that made his heart drop even further. Because in that moment, he reminded him of Jimin. The old Jimin; the broken demon that cried and crumbled apart day after day.

And it hurt.

The fact that Jungkook and Jimin had met once more but couldn't remember the history that they had together hurt even more. The roles had reversed, except it seemed as if the devil had worked even harder on Jungkook than she had on Jimin.

There was no love or fondness in his eyes when Jungkook opened the door to Jimin, just empty hearted lust - the only emotion a demon like him should have.

She had killed the love between them, and she had killed who Jimin and Jungkook once were.

They weren't Jimin and Jungkook anymore, simply imposters that had stolen their names and body.

"Push away your human form." Taehyung spoke, though the words still felt weird when spoken to Jungkook. "It can put stress on you if you keep it up for too long, maybe if you transform it all ease up on you a bit."

What he said was true, but he also wanted to see what Jungkook's demon form looked like. She seemed to favour him, and that probably shone through.

Jungkook nodded softly, and Taehyung watched with wide eyes as his horns began to grow back. His nails began to sharpen as well, but his horns stole the show.

Taehyung's horns were black, and when Jimin was a demon his were too. Yoongi's were dark grey, Hoseok's were a dark burgundy. Namjoon and Seokjin's were both a dusty ivory colour, resembling the colour of bone. None of them compared to Jungkook's.

They were such a astounding glittering silver tone, light bouncing off of them beautifully.

Taehyung couldn't help but reach out and touch them, thumb smoothing against the mesmerizing horns. He watched the way Jungkook tensed up, fingers curling into the carpeted floor as he let out a soft sigh.

"The devil made you really pretty didn't she?" Taehyung mumbled, thumb still rubbing against one of the demon's horns as his other four fingers scratched at his scalp soothingly.

Jungkook keened, Taehyung noticing then that his face was flushed a deep pink. He quickly came to the conclusion that his horns must be sensitive. He was a lust demon after all, it made sense. "Headache's gone now?"

Jungkook shook his head, but bucked his hips upwards when Taehyung wrapped all of his fingers around one of Jungkook's glittering horns. Taehyung found it extremely interesting that such a simple touch could elicit such a reaction, but also knew that he couldn't take it too far or else the devil may have a word with him.

He thought about the day that Jimin attempted to use his power on him, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip. He couldn't help but think though, that the reason Jimin got in trouble was that he had started it. Jungkook technically hadn't started anything.

"You're helping though." Jungkook mumbled. Taehyung scratched his nails down the length of Jungkook's horn, listening as he cried out and watching as his toes curled.

"So, Jungkook." Taehyung began, tapping his fingers against the horn teasingly. "What's up with you and Jimin?"

He couldn't help but ask, he needed to know.

Jungkook merely hummed in response, pushing himself up until his head rested in Taehyung's lap. Every single touch to his horns sent a bolt of pleasure down his spine and he couldn't get enough of it.

"Jimin..." Jungkook mumbled, seeming to have forgotten about the question that was asked as he nuzzled his head into Taehyung's lap. "Jimin's so pretty." A fond smile graced his lips. "Smells like raspberries and fresh cut grass. Fresh, and sweet. I like it a lot."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at Jungkook's rambling, most of his words slurred due to the pleasure he was feeling.

"But what is he to you?" Taehyung other hand was stroking along Jungkook's bottom lip, feeling how soft it was.

"He's my baby." Jungkook mumbled lazily, Taehyung watching with wide eyes as Jungkook's turned teary. He closed his eyes, a few tears slipping past them and rolling down his cheeks.

"Hey." Taehyung spoke worriedly, tilting Jungkook's head to the side so that he could observe his expression better. "Jungkook, why are you crying? Does your head still hurt?"

"N-No." Jungkook hiccuped, tears now steadily flowing down his face. "I don't know why I'm crying. Thinking about Jimin... It's making my chest hurt. I don't know why."

He pressed his face into Taehyung's thigh, tears wetting the other demon's jeans as he soft cries turned into sobs.

Taehyung was left in a state of shock as he watched Jungkook completely fall apart before him, struggling to get breaths in as sobs wracked through his entire body. Taehyung gulped and rubbed the other demon's back, listening as his sobs didn't seem to calm down.

"Jungkook, deep breaths okay?" He mumbled, running his other hand through Jungkook's hair. He felt Jungkook nod, the demon attempting to follow Taehyung's directions.

Taehyung was attempting to figure out what had happened. Jungkook had been completely fine up until the mention of Jimin's name, but the way he described him was completely different to how he had acted towards him a few days ago. He had looked at Jimin like just an object then, but now he was crying over him.

"Why are you crying over Jimin? Did he do something?" He asked, Jungkook shaking his head again as he calmed down his breathing.

"I'm fine now." Jungkook mumbled, sitting up and wiping his eyes. "I don't know what that was, what Jimin and I have isn't anything worth crying over. I don't feel anything towards him, I don't know what came over me."

Jungkook quickly stood up, smoothing out his shirt.

Taehyung watched as he stared blankly at the wall for a few moments before shaking his head, the cloudy look in his eyes now completely gone.

He seemed to be pushing down whatever had sparked his outburst.

"I'm going out, not sure when I'll be back." He sighed, tucking in his shirt and rolling up the sleeves to his elbows.

Taehyung nodded wordlessly, but was still a bit troubled.

He was determined to find the real reason behind Jungkook's outburst.


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