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The night was young, and Jungkook was excited.

He hadn't even been on earth for more than four hours and so he was still astounded by its differences from where he was from. There was so much happiness, and the lights were so bright. Joyous laughter and ear to ear grins, loud music and bustling streets.

It was all so different, but he couldn't help but love it.

There were so many pretty faces too, it was almost overwhelming as he walking down the street, he didn't know what to focus on. Everything was so beautiful.

He sighed and adjusted to collar of the white button up he wore, thinking a moment before deciding to unbutton the top few buttons. Ripped black skinny jeans hugged his legs, a pair of black shoes completing the outfit that the devil had picked out for his first day.

He thought he looked pretty alright, she had told him that he looked astounding. 'Humans are going to be dropping to their knees before you in no time.' He wasn't quite sure which context he was supposed to take that in.

Nonetheless, it was hard to decide which human. They were all so nice to look at, with their glowing skin and pretty smiles. He wondered what they would look like once he had completely taken them apart; or what they would look tike before they wrecked him.

He wasn't picky.

But who would be first? Jungkook sighed and ruffled up his already messy hair, eyes scanning across the various faces.

He couldn't just pick somebody up off of the street, it would look sketchy for sure. The devil had told him that bars and clubs were his best bet, but had also told him to try other more innocent looking places; it would increase the impact that he would have on someone.

It made sense, but for his first night he wanted someone easy. Male or female, as long as they were somewhat appealing.

Which would be how he ended up sliding into a barstool in a club that he had gravitated towards; after he had handed over the fake ID the devil had given him. His lips touched a cold glass filled with straight up vodka, which tasted strangely familiar to him although he had never had it before.

"Jungkook?" Jungkook immediately raised an eyebrow as he heard his name be called. It was strange considering that absolutely nobody should know him, and so he looked to find who called him, confusion on his face.

His eyes landed on a male who sat beside him, gaze scanning across all of his features. Dirty blonde hair, sharp features, and striking blue eyes. He was pretty, sure, but there was something about him that Jungkook just didn't want. "It's me, Taehyung."

"You've got the wrong person." Jungkook shrugged, picking up his glass and downing the liquid inside before standing up and walking past the unknown male. The interaction was weird, but he quickly brushed it off as soon as his eyes caught on somebody leaning against a wall.

His hair was such a pretty silver tone that Jungkook couldn't resist it, eyes sharp and scanning across the crowd.

It was when they met eyes, that his eyes widened, standing up straighter as he watched Jungkook walk over. It was weird, because it was as if everyone else in the club had disappeared, all he could see was Jungkook walking close it him.

He caught scent of something sweet. Something akin to fresh baked cookie dough. It only got stronger as Jungkook walked closer, and his skin was already heating up by the time the taller male had leaned against the wall beside him.

"Pretty." Jungkook hummed, the male raising an eyebrow and gulping.

"What?" He asked, voice shaky as he raked his eyes across Jungkook's body.

"Your hair." Jungkook specified, looking over and meeting gazes. "It's pretty." He paused for a moment. "So are you."

The male smirked, teeth sinking into his bottom lip.

"You're one to talk." He laughed. "I'm not usually into guys but you're... Wow."

Jungkook smirked, brushing a few pieces of hair out of his eyes.

"And what does 'wow' mean?" He asked, staring straight into the male's eyes and watching as his gaze darkened.

"It means that I'm not really liking that there's so much space between us." He shrugged, Jungkook raising an eyebrow and licking his lips.

"Name?" He asked. "I've got to know who to be calling out for tonight."

The male smirked.

"Who says you're coming with me tonight?" He whispered, Jungkook sliding even closer so that their knees were touching.

"I do." He answered softly. "Name?"

The male shuddered, taking in a deep breath.

"Taewon." He responded, Jungkook nodding and reaching forwards to grab for his hand.

"Good. I'm Jungkook." He grinned, beginning to walk away and pull Taewon behind him. "Let's see how good you are for somebody who's 'not usually into guys' hm?"

"I can be as good as you want me to be." Taewon smirked, watching as Jungkook looked at him with a quirked eyebrow.

"I'm going to want you to be fucking fantastic." He grinned. "You sure you're up for that, sweetheart?"

Taewon nodded.

"As long as you're mine for the night."

And they left, not aware of the confused blue eyes who watched them disappear.


"First I was escorted onto a university campus, and now I'm being snuck into your room?"

Jungkook smirked, watching as Taewon clumsily unlocked his door. "Got any roommates?"

"None." Taewon answered, finally getting the door open and pulling Jungkook inside. Jungkook quickly shut the door behind them, leaning down so that he could connect their lips as soon as possible.

"Good." He whispered against his lips. "Wouldn't've cared anyway, I wasn't planning on being quiet - no matter the circumstances."

Taewon raised an eyebrow, snaking his arm around Jungkook's waist.

"Oh, you're gonna be loud for me then?" He asked lowly, pulling Jungkook in close.

Jungkook's gaze darkened as he wrapped his arms around Taewon's shoulders.

"I'll be whatever you want me to be." He mumbled, watching as he seemed to flip a switch within the shorter's mind. He was immediately grabbed by the wrist, absentmindedly kicking off his shoes as he was dragged towards what he could only assume to be the other's bedroom.

He was pushed into the room and then onto the bed in no time, grinning when Taewon climbed on top of him and immediately connected their lips. Jungkook sighed, brushing hips hands up to tangle in the other's hair as he slipped a knee in between his legs.

"You know that you're hot as hell, don't you?" He asked, mouthing against Jungkook's neck and nibbling at the skin there softly. He ground his knee against Jungkook more, making the other whimper.

"What makes you say that?" He asked, eyes fluttering shut as Taewon began to unbutton the rest of his shirt.

"Just the way that you walk." He shrugged, pushing Jungkook's shirt off of him and running his hands against his toned chest. "Looks like you know that absolutely everybody in that room wants you. You just get the fun privilege to pick who you want."

His mouth lowered, biting sharply at the skin of Jungkook's collarbone and listening as the male beneath him cried out.

"You've already got me all figured out." Jungkook laughed softly, running his hands through the other's hair as he moved lower and lower.

And Jungkook knew, his time on earth was going to be a good one.


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