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Jimin woke up in a cold sweat.

He could feel his heart racing, hands feeling clammy as he sat up and gulped, looking around the room. A familiar scent lingered in the air, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was from. Jimin brought his sweater sleeve up to his nose, breathing in and smiling as he found that the sweet smell was all over the fabric.

He sighed contently, taking in the sweetness for a moment. It was almost addicting; the scent smelled of every single one of his favourite smells, mixing together into something that made him feel dizzy and warm all over.

His state of reverie was quickly cut through by thoughts that he couldn't control, eyes widening and hand bringing up to cover his mouth as he let out an involuntary whimper. He didn't know if it was a dream or a real memory, but he knew for sure that his mind was swimming with images of the gorgeous man he had met on the stairs; head between Jimin's legs, and hands roaming everywhere.

Jimin closed his eyes, taking in a shaky breath. These were much clearer than any of the snippets from any other dreams he could remember. He could remember the way Jungkook's lips felt, he could remember how strong his hands were as they gripped his hips, and he could remember his intoxicatingly sweet scent enveloping him.

Jimin's eyes widened, swinging his legs over the side of the couch and bringing his sleeves up to his nose again. He was sure of it, the sweet scent that coated his sweater was the exact same one he could remember from his 'dream'.

That meant that Jungkook was there. Which could also mean-

Jimin flushed, standing up and looking around the room. Jungkook was nowhere to be seen there, and so Jimin made his way into the kitchen. The first thing that his eyes caught on was the untouched cup of coffee left one the counter, finding out that it was cold once he walked over and touched the mug.

Just more confirmation that it wasn't a dream.

Jimin huffed bringing his hand down to scratch at his forearm. It was only then that he caught a glimpse of something written there on his skin, eyebrows shooting up before he pulled back his sleeve so that he could read it.

He completely flushed upon seeing that there was a phone number written there is marker, 'I guess I tired you out" underneath it. The message was signed with Jungkook's name, Jimin's legs nearly going weak once he realized that everything he had though was a dream, was in fact true.

Jungkook had been there, had been on top of him, had his mouth on him, had his hands all over him.

Jimin groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. He not only felt flustered, but embarrassed. If he remembered correctly then he knew that he must've sounded so needy and pathetic to Jungkook; somebody he had only met a few hours before. He had never thought himself to be somebody who would put out upon the first meeting, but apparently he didn't know as much about himself as he thought he did.

He huffed, but fished his phone out of his back pocket nonetheless, rolling up his sleeve once more so that he could copy down the phone number into his contacts. He had only just finished when his phone began to vibrate, signalling that he was getting a call.

He adjusted his glasses, seeing the person calling to be Jungah. He leaned against the counter, answering the call.

"Jungah?" He answered. "What's up?"

"Jimin, can I please come over?" Jimin eyes widened upon hearing her shaky voice, it being obvious that she was in tears from the sounds of sniffles that he could hear from over the line.

"Are you crying?" He asked, standing up straighter as his eyebrows furrowed in concern. "What's wrong? Do you need me to call Taewon?"

"No." Jungah's voice was dark, startling Jimin a tad. "He's the absolute last person I want to see right now."

Jimin's lips tugged into a deep frown, crossing one of his arms over his chest.

"Why? What happened?" Jungah and Taewon had been together since high school, being sweethearts since their junior year. It was so strange to hear her say that she didn't want to talk to him.

"I'll tell you if you let me come over."


"He cheated on me, Jimin."

Jungah sat with her legs crossed on Jimin's bed, a cup of tea in her hands and tears in her eyes. "He cheated on me, with a man."

Her bottom lip trembled, bringing her mug up to her mouth to cautiously blow on the steaming drink. "It's been nearly five years, Jimin. What did I do wrong? I thought he loved me as much as I loved him."

Jimin gulped, walking over to her and draping a blanket over her shoulders before sitting down. He watched as she closed her eyes, newly forming tears falling down her cheeks. "It doesn't make sense. Why would he just..? What did I do?"

She took in a shaky breath, not being able to silence the soft cry that left her lips.

"You didn't do anything wrong." Jimin sighed, rubbing her hand against her back soothingly. "Are you 100% sure that he cheated? How did you find out?"

Jungah set her mug down on the floor, bringing both of her hand up to wipe away her tears. It was a pointless action though, because more were rolling down her cheeks just seconds later.

"I remember him telling me that he was going out for a few drinks last night, and I okayed it because I... Because I trusted him." Her voice cracked on the end of her sentence as she leaned into Jimin's touch. "You know how him and I go get coffee together every morning?"

Jimin nodded.

"I went to get him this morning." Jungah continued. "He wasn't up, so I assumed he was sleeping. But before I could even walk to his bedroom, this man walked out. It was obvious what he did with my boyfriend. His hair was all messed up and he had hickeys all over his chest." She took in a deep breath. "When he walked past me he smelled like Taewon's cologne."

She couldn't help it, she burst into a fit of sobs, crying into her palms as Jimin wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer in an attempt to comfort her.

"Jungah, I need you to look at me." Jimin spoke softly, watching as she slowly brought her hands away from her face. She looked up and caught Jimin's gaze, face wet with tears. "You did nothing wrong. He's the one at fault. I don't want you to blame yourself for anything."

It was silent for a moment, Jungah just staring Jimin down with her watery eyes.

He thought of Jungah as a sister.

Which is why it was so surprising when he felt her lips on his.

He was frozen still, not responding to her actions. He was in complete shock, able to smell her perfume and feel her hands on his shoulders.

He knew however, that she didn't like him like that. He knew that her heart still hopelessly belonged to Taewon, and that the trembling hands that had found purchase in his sweater were just looking for something to ground her.

He knew that something was wrong, and it was confirmed when she broke down once more, removing her lips from his and pressing her forehead against his chest as she tried to will herself to stop crying.

She was just looking for a distraction, Jimin realized. Something to take her mind off of the immense heartache she was feeling.

"I'm sorry." She sniffed. "I don't know why I did that I'm so sorry."

"Jungah, I already told you that I'm gay." Jimin mumbled, feeling the girl's grip tighten on his shoulder.

"I know." She whispered. "I'm sorry I just needed to feel something."

"It's okay." Jimin sighed, pulling her close and smoothing down her messy hair. "I know that you just need some time." He paused. "What's going to happen with you and Taewon?"

Jungah tensed up.

"I don't know." She mumbled. "He's been such a big part of my life for so long, how am I supposed to let him go?"

Jimin shrugged.

"Well, are you going to be able to trust him again?" He asked, Jungah sighing before answering.

"I don't know."

Jungah ended up falling asleep there, her hair covering her face as she snuggled her face into Jimin's pillows.

Jimin, on the other hand, was up. He stood in the living room, one hand up to his nose so that he could breathe in some more of Jungkook's scent, the other holding his phone as his finger hovered over Jungkook's new contact.

He bit his lip, trying to ignore the way his stomach bubbled with excitement. Jungkook left his number, that meant he wanted to meet up again. Somebody as gorgeous as Jungkook, wanted to meet up again.

Jimin worried his bottom lip. Did he really want a fuckbuddy though? He was almost completely sure that was what he was being offered, but he almost didn't mind that. There was something about Jungkook that he couldn't describe.

Was it the scent? Jimin disregarded that. It would be weird to be attracted to somebody simply from how they smelled. But then again, Jungkook also had the looks to match.

He was built like a god, Jimin's knees nearly going weak as he thought about what he might've looked like underneath his clothes. They hadn't done much; although Jungkook's mouth felt like heaven, Jimin knew that he could do so much more.

He couldn't help but wonder how good Jungkook was with his hips. Would he hold Jimin tightly? Would his fingers leave bruises?

What would he sound like? Would he groan deeply into Jimin's mouth? Would his kisses leave Jimin's lips bruised and swollen?

Jimin whimpered at the thought, knees nearly buckling as he took in a shaky breath. Jungkook wasn't even there and he was causing Jimin to get so worked up, feelings only being amplified by the scent that he took a deep breath of.

He looked back down at his phone, not thinking twice before sending a text to his new contact.

'Want to try and tire me out again?'


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