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so I am posting the chapter today bc I'm hype bUt the schedule (as long as school doesn't get in the way) will be the same as lust's: Tuesdays and Thursdays
When he woke up, he was filled with an overwhelming feeling of fear.

His body was bare despite a pair of loose black pants, hanging low of his hips and exposing a fair amount of his unblemished skin. The floor beneath him was warm, and yet he still shivered, sitting up slowly and rubbing his eyes.

He didn't know where he was.

His bottom lip wobbled, eyes widened as he took in his surroundings. The lighting was dim, an ominous wash of red glow covering the room he sat in. His breathing quickened, panic slowly setting in as looked around the entire room; growing even more scared as he realized that nothing looked familiar to him.

However the real terror set in, when he realized that he not only didn't know where he was, but he didn't know who he was.

He brought his hands up, tears welling up and he prodded at his own face, tugging and smoothing his fingers across a face that felt foreign to him now. He didn't know his name. He didn't know what he looked like. He gulped, a tear slipping down his cheek as his breathing became what was borderline hyperventilating.

Why didn't he know any of this? He couldn't help it when a sob slipped past his lips, bringing his hands up to his mouth and squeezing his eyes shut as more tears escaped them. What had been done to him? He knew that he had to have memories, but they were nowhere to be found, no matter how hard he tried to search for them.

He was completely and utterly lost within his own mind, confusion and fright taking over his thoughts.

"You're awake." His eyes snapped up at the words that were spoken, eyes darting over to the woman that spoke them. She seemed familiar, so familiar that the horns poking out of her head didn't scare him. He felt like he knew her, like she knew who he was.

She walked over slowly, high heels clicking against the file floor as she approached him. "Why are you crying, beautiful?" She asked, kneeling down in front of him once she got close enough. The soft fabric of her black robe cascaded around her, as she leaned forwards, wiping his tears away with her thumb.

"I don't know who I am." He whispered, eyes glossy as he stared into the woman's hypnotizing red ones. "Who am I?"

"You're a masterpiece." She sighed fondly, running her thumbs against the smooth skin of his cheeks. She smiled as she took in his full appearance, incredibly proud of herself because of what she had created.

His skin was flawless, no blemishes to be seen. Soft lips, an enticing shade of soft pink. His hair was fluffy, messy in a way that didn't look unruly, but playful, the dark brown locks falling haphazardly against his forehead.

Out of it stuck two small horns, a beautiful silver lustre causing both of them to shine in a way that would probably make the other sins jealous, but that was the least of her worries. His eyes were a light silver grey as well, but they would take on the son's designated colour in no time; changing colour the moment he would display a characteristic.

His body was toned, jawline sharp, waist narrow. She had fine tuned him to perfection, though his human body was fine enough that she actually didn't have much work to do.

"You're a demon." She smiled softly. "And I'm the devil. I created you."

His eyes widened, lips parting as he took in the information. The devil reached up, stroking her thumb against one of his horns and causing a shiver to go down his spine. "I have high expectations of you, you know."

She leaned close and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, smiling in satisfaction once she felt him melt within his touch. He reached forwards, curling his fingers around his hand and taking in a shaky breath.

The devil was overjoyed. Simply a small touch of her lips to his skin and she could feel his skin heating up, a wonderfully familiar scent filling the air. It was different for everyone, but for her it smelled of cinnamon, and she merely hummed as she felt his lips graze her jawline. She was so proud of him. He was doing so well.

"We need a name for you." She mumbled, lazily running her hand through his soft hair as he bit softly at her skin. "It definitely can't be Jungkook."

The demon's ears perked up at that, halting his actions and leaning back. His eyes had finally transitioned into the bright, passion-filled red that she had intended, the colour that indicated only once specific sin: Lust.

She had turned him into Lust, and he took on the form beautifully.

"Jungkook?" He asked. "I like that name." The devil frowned, leaning back and sighing.

"You can't have it." She shrugged, the demon immediately frowning and leaning closer yet again. His pants slipped lower as he slid closer, more tanned skin and hipbones being revealed. The devil smirked. He was going to make the world burn, she just knew it.

"Please?" He asked, a pout on his pretty lips.

The devil pondered it for a second. His memories were gone, and as were Jimin's. Neither of them knew who the other was, that they even existed at that. Last time she checked somebody brought Jimin to a hospital after she dropped his unconscious body off on some random street in Seoul, but even if they did meet they would but mere strangers.

"Fine." She finally sighed. "You're a near perfect demon, you know that Jungkook?"

She brushed a few pieces out of the demon's eyes, pressing a soft kiss against his forehead. "I can't wait to send you up to the human race. Jimin's efforts are going to pale in comparison to what you'll do."

Jungkook frowned, raising an eyebrow at the devil.

"Who's Jimin?" He asked.

The devil smiled, extremely glad that her wiping of his memory had worked after all. She knew that she deceived Jungkook, leading him to believe that if she got his soul he would be able to live happily ever after with Jimin.

But the minute she saw Jungkook she knew that he would be one of the most beautiful demons that she could have. He was already basically begging to be turned into something devilish, body and mind already wonderfully riddled with sin.

She wasn't just going to let am opportunity like him slip through her fingertips.

"Nobody important." The devil smiled, gazing into Jungkook's gorgeously coloured eyes. "When would you like to go up to earth, hm?" She caressed his cheek with her hand.

He leaned into her touch, smiling and sighing.

"As soon as possible."


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