Premium Access - Patreon

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So, I finally got around to setting up a Patreon account.

For those that don't know what that is, Patreon is a great place to show your support for your favourite online creators. It's an online service that allows anyone to financially support content creators, similar to an Onlyfans/MyFans account. It's a membership service that allows me to get paid for my writing. Patreon takes monthly small donations from supporters (you!) and gives that money to me (after taxes). This allows people who traditionally have difficulty monetizing their work, like indie undiscovered authors, to earn cash for their efforts.

If my explanation is still a bit confusing, watch the video at the top of this chapter to get a better idea of what it is.

Patreon can be set up in a multitude of ways, but I've set mine up into three Tiers. Each tier has a price on it and has fixed "rewards" that you guys get when you pledge to that tier. The more you pledge, the more rewards you get.

I've set up a Patreon because I think it's time that I move forward in my writing career. All of my first drafts (unedited, unrevised versions) of my books will remain on Wattpad. On my Patreon, you'll find heavily revised versions of my work, as well as a plethora of bonus content, interviews, and other tidbits.

NOTE: There is NO NSFW content on there--all of those chapters will remain completely free, here on Wattpad. I'm doing this so people of all ages can enjoy my premium content.

How to start using Patreon

Patreon isn't complicated at all. All you have to do is create a Patreon account and link a payment method. Note, for those of you under the age of 18, parental permission is required.

On my homepage, you'll see some information about what I do and why I use Patreon. The left side shows how many patrons the creator has and how much money they'll earn per month (if this info is public).

How to pledge support

Check the right side of the page and find the "Tier" list. You can select any of these tiers, and the tiers start off at a very low price. Mine starts at $2 USD, the price of a coffee! Simply click 'select' under the tier of your choice and just follow the prompts to gain access to my content.

What are the Tiers, and what do I get once pledging?

I have 3 Tiers. They are as follows:

Bronze Tier ($2 USD)
1) Access to professionally edited versions of Inferno & Keeping A Straight Face
2) Early access to new Inferno, Like Chalk & Cheese and Those Three Boys content before it goes live on Wattpad.
3) Access to limited bonus content for my novels (only a specific number of bonus content)

Silver Tier ($3 USD)
1) All of Bronze Tier's content
2) Access to most bonus content (including but not limited to: short stories, one-shots, extras from my books, character profiles). There will be one new bonus content item every month.

Gold Tier ($5 USD)
1) Access to all of Bronze & Silver Tier's content
2) Access to all bonus content. There will be one new bonus content item every month
3) Access to interviews, information about upcoming novels and sneak peeks (Prologues and first chapters of never-before-seen novels!)

Okay, you've sold me. How do I start pledging?

You can download the Patreon app on your phone and search for my username (JacobSinne) or find the website on a computer ( I'll leave it as an inline comment here with the link. The link is also found at the very top of my bio on my homepage, as well as in my linktree.

How to support me without spending money!

Okay, I get it. Sometimes, life's tricky. If you don't want to pledge or are unable to pledge, here are some other ways you can support me and help me grow as an author:

1) NUMBERS MATTER. IF you want me to succeed but you can't necessarily give monetary aid or they don't have it available, then help my numbers. Promote my stories, read my works, etc.

2) FOLLOW me (and other authors) you want to succeed. It doesn't always work, but, being able to give a tangible number of a reader-base can be very helpful for me trying to take the next step in their career.

3) VOTE on my books. I know we sometimes forget. But, apart from the number itself, it really does help my self-esteem to see that people aren't just clicking on the chapter but are actually liking it. View the vote button as a "like" button. If you're reading offline, click the vote anyway and they will all register and go through when you next get wifi.

4) COMMENT on my books. For authors that have been writing online for years, to those that have just started; it can be extremely difficult to hear radio silence back. Yes, it's great to interact with others and post emojis, but also tell me what you think and if you're enjoying the story.

5) SUPPORT BOTH OFFLINE AND ONLINE. If you have social media, either follow me or interact with me on there. Boost me up when they have writer's block. Send a message, tell me your honest opinions on my books. Post on my message board or DM me even if I'm not doing anything. I will see it and feel a little less lonely in an industry which can be very isolating.

6) BE THERE FOR YOUR AUTHOR. The reason I go through half of my burnouts, writer's block, and crippling moments of self-doubt were because someone sent me a message at the right time. Communities support each other and you have an amazing opportunity to help authors you truly like, so be there for them and their books will be there for you. 

Pledging or not, I'm super thankful that you guys took the time to read this and my novels and I can't wait to see where things go.

- J. S. xx

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