1A. my girls

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Context: Episode 58 scene addition - what happens after the camera pans out from MeeraSim's room. Originally posted on Twitter on July 6th (https://twitter.com/misskaahaani/status/1677147189972291584?s=20)


The moon was a silent voyeur in the sky, casting its silvery beams on Meerab and Murtasim, intertwined in their own world on the sofa in their room. Their gazes were latched onto each other, twin windows into their souls, devouring each other's presence to make up for the months they had missed. 

 A wave of gratitude, so profound it brought tears to her eyes, swept through Meerab. Standing up, Meerab held out her hand to Murtasim, her eyes locking with his. In silent agreement, he let her lead him to the bed, the very one that had been empty of her presence for almost two years. He could still remember the day her scent had completely faded from the sheets. It was the day he had abandoned the bed, refusing to lay on it for even a nap, the cold emptiness it bore had been too painful. 

 But now that very same bed seemed neither cold, nor empty. For in it lay his daughter, her brown eyes twinkling with curiosity and joy, her chubby fingers ceaselessly exploring the texture of the silk duvet. 

 With a soft giggle, Meerab drew Meesam into the middle of the bed, nestling the baby between her and Murtasim. As if sensing the gravity of the moment, Meesam seemed oddly still, the soft contours of her mother's body providing a reassuring backdrop as she focused her attention on Murtasim. 

 She was smiling at him, her eyes flickering over his face slowly as she gnawed on her own hand, covering it with drool. 

 "How old is she?" Murtasim's voice was barely a whisper. His eyes were riveted on the infant who was an uncanny resemblance of Meerab, down to the twinkle in her eyes, the shape of her rosy cheeks, and the curve of her small, chubby lips. Yet, there were glimpses of him too. 

 "Fifteen months." Meerab whispered, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips. Seeing the confusion flitting in his eyes, she explained. "She was born premature, at seven months." 

The confused look that crossed Murtasim's face was swiftly replaced by a dawning comprehension. Murtasim shifted his gaze to Meerab, his eyes reflecting a sadness that was palpable. "It must have been hard to go through all of that alone." He murmured, the depth of his regret reverberating in his tone. 

 She hadn't given him a choice though. 

 Tears welled up in Meerab's eyes as she shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. "I made my choice...I lived through it." Yet, the undercurrent of guilt remained, festered and brought to surface by the haunted look in Murtasim's eyes. 

 "Why didn't you tell me?" Murtasim's question hung in the air, fragile and poignant, exposing the raw vulnerability between them. 

"With everything that happened...with us, with Haya...with Rohail...I thought you wouldn't - that I'd come back and you'd question if she was even yours." Meerab's voice faltered as she confessed her deepest fear. 

 The room fell quiet except for Meesam's soft babbling, her small hands reaching out to her mother's face, repeating the one word she knew well. "Mama...Mama..." Each sound seemed to soften the heavy atmosphere. 

 Murtasim heaved a sigh, regret tinging his features. He couldn't deny the possibility that he might have doubted Meerab in his anger, only to be overwhelmed by regret later. 

 He shifted his gaze back to Meesam who was watching him, her big eyes full of innocent curiosity. "Does she say much else?" He asked, the playful tone a marked contrast to the serious conversation they were having. 

Meerab shook her head, the faintest smile gracing her lips. "Just Mama, nini for water, and all these little sounds that sometimes mean something, and other times don't." 

 As Meerab spoke, Meesam watched Murtasim with a growing curiosity. Her brown eyes flickered across his face, absorbing every minute detail. Murtasim looked at Meerab, a shy smile playing on his lips. 

 "She keeps watching me." He whispered, feeling a sense of overwhelming love and responsibility for this tiny creature. "She's curious about you. She's usually very shy with strangers, but she likes you." Meerab's voice was a soft murmur, her eyes never leaving their daughter as the little one's gaze remained fixed on Murtasim. 

 The look that crossed Murtasim's face at that moment threatened to shatter Meerab's heart into a million pieces. There was a potent blend of joy, surprise, and heart-wrenching regret, as he whispered back. "She likes me?" 

 "Hmmm." Meerab hummed, her voice barely more than a whisper, the sound weighted with a thousand unsaid words. "Maybe a part of her knows who you are, that you're someone she will love with all her heart soon...like her mother does." 

Her words felt like a thousand tiny shards of glass under her skin, stinging and tingling all at once. There was a terrifying yet liberating power in vocalizing her feelings, in owning them, in laying them bare before the man she loved. But each word also felt like a painful extraction, the agony of regret that she hadn't been able to say them sooner. 

Meerab knew her confession was indirect, but it was the only way she could manage. How could she reconcile the contradiction of leaving the man she loved? 

 Murtasim's eyes, dark and beautiful, mirrored her own emotions. They widened in a mix of shock, hope, and an overwhelming tide of love. His gaze met hers, roving over her face as though imprinting every contour, every shade of emotion that crossed her face, into his memory. His eyes brimmed over, the tears spilling out in a stream of raw vulnerability. His mouth opened and closed, an embodiment of the whirlwind of emotions that had taken him hostage. 

"I love you, and I missed you too. A lot." Meerab forced out, the words slicing through the heavy silence that filled the room. Each word was a desperate plea, a lament, an admission of guilt, and a promise of love. "Every time I looked at Meesam, I saw you, and I wanted to come back...but I - I am sorry this took me so long to say it, that it took me so long to come back." 

Her mind echoed with the countless rehearsals of this moment, the fantasies she had played over and over in her mind during the quiet hours of the night, when loneliness loomed large and swallowed her whole. It had been easier then, with the veil of hypotheticals shielding her. But reality bore a sting she hadn't anticipated. It made her words heavier, her love more profound, her regret deeper. 

Tears cascaded down Murtasim's face, the sight an open wound in Meerab's heart. She reached out, her hands cupping his face, fingers gently tracing the lines of his strong jaw, the stubble prickling her fingertips. She wiped his tears, the salty wetness seeping into her skin, a visceral symbol of his pain, his longing, his love. 

The moment was disrupted by the sound of Meesam's innocent babbling. To Meerab's utter surprise, their daughter bravely crawled across the bed towards her father. 

Murtasim watched as his little girl, with her bright and curious eyes, reached out to him, echoing her mother's action. His heart swelled as her tiny fingers gingerly brushed his cheeks, her fascination evident as she squealed and giggled at the feel of his beard. 

The sight made Meerab laugh, the sound like a soothing melody. Murtasim, however, remained still, his eyes wide with wonder and awe. Meesam was relentless in her exploration, her little hand once again venturing to his beard, her gleeful squeal filling the room as she swiftly withdrew her hand. 

"I-" Murtasim's voice faltered, his eyes flickering up to meet Meerab's, seeking her reassurance. 

"She just wants to play with you...do what feels right, Murtasim." Meerab's voice was like a gentle caress, a soothing balm over the raw emotions that had flooded him. "You don't need to be scared, I trust you, she trusts you." 

Murtasim, blinking back the remnants of his tears, looked down at Meesam, his gaze full of a renewed sense of purpose. As if on cue, Meesam responded with an enthusiastic babble, her chubby hands reaching out towards him. "Uh-uh." She cooed, her voice a soft chime that tugged at Murtasim's heart. 

"That means up." Meerab whispered, still surprised at Meesam's focus and comfort with Murtasim. 

His large hands gently scooped up the tiny bundle, carefully lifting her above him. She was weightless in his arms, a tiny sprite full of joy and laughter. Her little feet kicked playfully in the air, each small motion, a celebration of her innocence. She squealed in delight, her laughter like a melody that filled the room, chasing away the shadows of past regrets. 

 His gaze was locked on her, his daughter, his flesh and blood, his love made manifest. He marveled at how she wriggled in his hands, how her tiny fingers clutched at the air, how her feet moved in uncontrolled delight. He could see Meerab in her, in the arch of her eyebrows, the curve of her tiny nose, and the spark in her eyes. 

 Murtasim responded to her excited babble with a wide smile, his voice a warm baritone as he cooed back. "Baba, can you say baba, Meesam? " His voice was playful, filled with an indescribable emotion that made Meerab's heart swell. 

 Meesam gurgled and kicked her legs even more vigorously, repeating ba ba ba ba ba over and over again, the endearment, though accidental, seemed perfectly timed, washing away the lingering heaviness in the room. 

 Murtasim chuckled, gently moving her up and down in rhythm with her kicks. "Are you flying, little bird?" He teased, his eyes crinkling with a joy that Meerab had missed. 

 His interaction with Meesam was a balm to Meerab's aching heart, the sight of Murtasim and Meesam lost in their own world filled her with an overwhelming sense of peace. This was what she'd longed for, this was what she'd dreamed of, and seeing it in reality was more heartwarming than she'd ever imagined. 

 The room was alive with their daughter's giggles and coos, her excitement mirrored in Murtasim's responses. He tickled her sides gently, relishing her resulting squeals of laughter. The look on his face, the unguarded happiness, the pure love that shone in his eyes, was priceless. "Your laugh is just like your mother's." Murtasim told Meesam, his voice heavy with adoration. "Music to my ears." 

 In a tender moment that took Meerab by surprise, Meesam didn't scramble off Murtasim's chest as he carefully placed her there. Instead, she seemed to melt into him, her tiny body settling comfortably over the steady thrum of his heart. A chubby hand stretched out towards Meerab, as though inviting her into their shared warmth, a silent request too endearing to deny. 

 With an affectionate smile, Meerab shifted closer, tucking herself under Murtasim's waiting arm. His bicep provided a firm, comfortable pillow, and she found herself blushing slightly as she snuggled into his muscular frame. His unique scent enveloped her, a heady mix of musk and something undeniably Murtasim that sparked a familiar warmth within her chest. 

 She lifted her gaze to find him watching her with an affectionate smile gracing his face. The room was lit solely by the soft moonlight and the lamp by the bed, casting his features in an ethereal glow. His eyes were the perfect reflection of the night sky, glinting with stars, but instead of cold and distant, they were warm, inviting, full of love. 

 "I love you." He confessed, his voice a whisper that threaded its way into her heart. 

 For the first time, she found herself reciprocating verbally, her words a soft sigh carried on the gentle night breeze. "I love you too, Murtasim." 

 His smile widened at her confession, the tenderness in his gaze deepening. His arm around her tightened, pulling her closer to him, her body fitting snugly against his side. She yielded willingly, nestling deeper into his embrace, her senses filled with the all-too-familiar scent of him that she'd missed so intensely. Her eyes drifted shut, her heart beating in sync with his. 

 Meesam's soft hand patted her cheek gently, her tiny body content against her father's chest. Her touch, soft and feathery, was like a soothing lullaby, adding another layer of warmth to their intimate cocoon. 

 "My girls." Murtasim's voice broke the comfortable silence after a while, his words a soft utterance, as if he was still in awe. 

 A blissful smile spread across Meerab's lips. She opened her eyes to find Murtasim looking down at her with a profound adoration that took her breath away. "Yours." She responded in a whisper, the word carrying the weight of a promise, a commitment to him, to their daughter, and to the future they'd share together. 

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