7F. a lovesick fool, part 6

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Author's Note: As promised, here is the next chapter, less than 24 hours later, enjoy this one, hehehehe.


Meerab Ahmed

Echo Valley High School, USA


Meerab looked at the door to the classroom and sighed. She had hoped Rohail would show up again; his presence kept her distracted and meant that she didn't have to talk as much to Murtasim. She tried to get herself to stop thinking about him, to get her heart to stop reacting to his presence, but it wasn't working. Every time she saw him, her heart did a little flip, and it frustrated her endlessly.

It had been one whole week since she had seen him with Mahnoor, since the first time she had cried over him. Each day felt like an eternity, her heart aching with the memory. She had avoided him like the plague, seeing him just a handful of times and refusing to look at him lest she cry. Her stomach twisted every time she thought of their late-night texts, the way his voice had made her heart flutter, and the fleeting touches that had felt so electric.

She had used Rohail as a shield in the two tutoring sessions she had attended since then, his presence a buffer against the overwhelming emotions that threatened to break her. Yet, even with Rohail there, she had felt Murtasim's eyes on her, the unspoken questions hanging heavy in the air. Her heart felt like it was in a vice, squeezed tight with confusion and longing.

It was still the same.

And there was no Rohail to help her today.

Murtasim was working on their calculus homework. She was too, albeit she was a couple of questions ahead since she had started during lunchtime. The classroom was quiet, the faint hum of the air conditioning and the scratch of pencils on paper the only sounds breaking the silence. She could smell the faint aroma of his cologne, a scent she had come to associate with comfort and longing.

"How is this wrong?" she murmured, looking over her answer again and comparing it to the number in the answer key, it was way off, and she couldn't see what she had done wrong.

Her breath hitched in her throat as Murtasim leaned over, his arm brushing against hers. His proximity sent a shiver down her spine.

Why did he have to come so close? And why did she have to react that way?

"This question doesn't use this formula. You have to use the other method and sub in variables," he said. Her eyes flew up to him in shock. She sometimes felt like there was something off about this whole situation. He would get the simplest things wrong, but he seemed to understand everything in a way that told her he should know how to do all the homework.

"I must be a really good teacher," she mumbled, looking back at the question she was working on and mulling over what he said. The words felt bitter on her tongue, a reminder that she was just that, someone teaching him.

"I am going to go grab something to drink. You want anything?" he asked, pointing towards the hallway.

I want to leave because I hate being this close to you right now.

"No, thank you," was what she said instead. "Do you have the table for the next set of problems? I left mine on my desk at home." She tried to focus on the task at hand, pushing down the growing sense of unease.

"Yeah, it's in my bag...if you can find it," he grinned down at her before walking out of the room. Her treacherous heart skipped a beat again, why did his smile have to be so beautiful?

Meerab got up and walked over to his bag, grabbing a huge heap of papers from it. She tried to repress her thoughts of organizing them into a color-coded binder for him. As she sifted through the mess, she was about to pull out the familiar table when his report card caught her eye.

She knew she shouldn't have looked, but she was curious. What she found made her jaw drop in shock. Murtasim had a really high-grade point average, just slightly lower than hers. His marks for all his math classes were about the same as hers. He was clearly good at math, calculus included.

Murtasim Khan is that smart?

Her heart raced as she caught sight of another paper, the familiar SAT score report, and pulled it out of his bag.


That was the 97th percentile. Her score was 1560, the 99th percentile. She scanned the paper, noting he had a 760 in math, which was near perfect and just ten points lower than her 770.

This can't be real. He's brilliant. Why am I tutoring him?

Sure, he might have had extensive prep help because he could afford the best tutors and SAT courses, but he had still written the test himself. Then why did he fail the calculus test? It made no sense. Her mind raced with questions, trying to piece together the puzzle.

She turned and looked up at him in shock as he walked back into the room, a bottle of juice in his hand. "You had a 91 average last year. You got a 93 in calculus, a 760 in Math on your SATs." Her voice trembled with disbelief.

His eyes grew wide, like he'd been caught in a lie. She was confused and hurt. Why had he lied to her?

"I can explain," he said, coming to stand in front of her, his expression sheepish.

Why is that look so cute?

"You messed up the first test on purpose, didn't you?" she asked, the realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. It all made sense now—his paper didn't look like he didn't know what to do; he had purposely used the wrong methods.

"I—" He started to say but then nodded.

"Why?" she asked, looking up at him, her heart pounding in her chest.

He spoke quietly, looking right at her, but his nerves evident. "Because I knew you'd be running the tutoring sessions."

"I—I don't understand," she whispered, her mind racing. What did she have to do with this? She tried to ignore her screaming brain, she didn't want to get her hopes up again.

"I wanted to spend more time with you, you ignore me in any other situation, so I thought..." Her heart flopped in her pericardial cavity again and her eyes grew wide.

Could it be...

"But why?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I—because I like you," he said quietly.

She was sure the nodes of her heart stopped conducting current, and her heart stopped beating for a second. The words hung in the air, surreal and almost too good to be true.

No – that wasn't – but –

"You like me?" Her voice sounded shocked to her own ears, the words foreign and unbelievable.

He nodded, and her heart picked up double time. What the hell?

Her emotions were a chaotic whirlpool. Relief, joy, disbelief, and fear crashed over her in waves. The room felt too small, too bright. The scent of his cologne seemed stronger, more intoxicating. The soft hum of the air conditioning was now a distant murmur, drowned out by the deafening roar of her heartbeat. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, the vulnerability in his posture. He was baring his soul to her, and all she wanted to do was throw her arms around him and accept his words.

But doubts lingered.

"But Mahnoor—"

"-is just a friend at best."

"But at lunch the other week-"

"Her grandpa passed away last month, and now her grandma is undergoing some tests to check for cancer. She was just upset, and my grandma went through the same thing, so—I am not with her."

He was just comforting her. It made sense...she would have done the same.

"Oh," she said, her heart speeding up even more. He wasn't with Mahnoor. "I thought—"

"That I was with her and flirting with you?" He asked and she nodded sheepishly. "I – do you think I'd do something like that?" He asked quietly, he sounded a little hurt that she could think that.

Now that she thought about it, it didn't seem like something he would do. But she hadn't exactly been thinking clearly over the past few days.

She shook her head no, he wouldn't do that now that she thought about it. But why did he like her? Why her? She had spent days convincing herself that he couldn't possibly like her.

"But why?" she whispered again, needing to hear it from him, needing to be absolutely sure.

"Why I like you?" He asked and she nodded. She needed him to spell it out for her.

"Because you're you," he said simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't understand—" she started, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion.

"You're perfect - " he began.

"I am not—" she interrupted, shaking her head.

"You are to me," he said, his voice unwavering and sincere.

"That's not healthy or right," she insisted, feeling a pang of doubt.

"I like the person you are. like how you're always so kind to everyone, even people who don't deserve it. I like how passionate you are about everything you do, how you put your heart into everything, whether it's school, Student Council, or just helping someone out. I like how you're not afraid to speak your mind and stand up for what you believe in, even when it's not popular. You're...you." He was looking down at their feet while speaking, his vulnerability making her heart ache.

Her heart swelled with each word, her mind spinning with the revelation. She felt like she was floating, the room around her blurring as her focus narrowed on him. The way his eyes softened when he talked about her, the way his voice wavered slightly—it was all too much, too wonderful.

He continued, his voice almost a whisper. "There's no one else like you."

"So you did this?" She whispered, still shocked at all she was hearing.

"I've – I've had feelings for you since Grade 9. But you wouldn't even talk to me, you avoided looking at me and I just- I thought I could spend time with you like this." She was shocked that she hadn't passed out, he had liked her since Grade 9?

She felt like an utter idiot now.

"So...you jeopardized your calculus mark, in senior year at that, to get to know me better?"

He nodded. Idiot, he had to like her to take that gamble that big.

"You idiot, you could have just told me." She said while whacking his arm lightly, he didn't have to go through all that trouble if he had just told her.

"But you didn't even look at me." He whined so cutely.

"Yeah, because I didn't want you to catch me staring at you!" The words escaped her mouth before she even processed them.

She wanted to take them back but he looked down at her, his eyes filled with hope and she decided that they had wasted enough time. If he could lay out his feelings for her clearly, she could do the same.

"What?" He asked quietly, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"I thought you were with Mahnoor for the longest time and I felt like such a bitch because I had feelings for another girl's boyfriend. So, I avoided you." She was speaking much too fast, all the feelings flowing out.

"Wait, so you- you like me?" He said, his eyes surprised. It was his turn to be surprised now.

"How did you get a 1500 on your SATs? You can't even comprehend simple speech!" She teased, tears filling her eyes.

He liked her. She liked him. Since Grade 9. All this time.

"But- you- you like me?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion and wonder.

Of course she did, how could she not?

"Yes, I like you, how could I not?" She said sincerely, her heart in her throat.

"Oh." He whispered, his face softer, his eyes shining, a small smile pulling up on his lips. A small, endearing smile tugged at the corners of his lips, making her heart flutter.

He is so cute.

"Since Grade 9," she added quietly.

"Oh." He said again, his eyes widening a little more.

She didn't really know where to go from there.

It seemed like he didn't either because they just stood there staring at each other for a while, frozen in time.

The air between them crackled with unspoken words and lingering emotions. Then, as if drawn together by an invisible force, he stepped closer. His hand came up to her face, gently pushing her hair behind her right ear with his fingers before cupping her cheek. His thumb caressed her skin in slow, soothing circles, sending shivers down her spine. His hands were so big and warm, making her feel safe and cherished.

Her mind was screaming, he's touching me, he's touching me.

She couldn't help but lean into his touch, her heart hammering in her chest. She looked up at him, taking in every detail of his face up close. His dark, expressive eyes, framed by thick lashes that any girl would envy. His strong, straight nose and those lips—full and inviting, with a hint of a smirk that always made her stomach flutter. His jawline was sharp, lined with a trimmed beard that added an edge to his otherwise boyish charm. The way the soft light highlighted his features made him look even more irresistible.

"You're beautiful," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion. His fingers gently played with her hair, caressing her face like a man starved for her touch. Every stroke of his thumb sent electric pulses through her veins.

She was sure that there was something wrong with her heart because it was literally racing, pounding so hard she could hear it in her ears.

Murtasim was touching her, he liked her, he was so close. Her body was heating up, a mix of nervous excitement and longing.

Her mind was a chaotic whirlpool of thoughts: Kiss me, kiss me, please kiss me. Every second that passed made her more aware of how much she wanted this, wanted him. His lips were so close, so unbelievably close. She found herself obsessing over the way they looked, full and inviting, slightly parted as if waiting for her.

Her breath hitched as his face inched closer to hers, his eyes never leaving hers. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her skin, the faint scent of his cologne—woodsy with a hint of something musky—invading her senses.

His eyes met hers in a silent question before flickering down to her lips and she found herself nodding subtly. She had wanted him to kiss her for years, thought about a thousand scenarios of how it could happen, but never like this.

With his hands still cupping her face, he moved closer, her eyes closed in anticipation as his lips brushed against hers gently. They were even softer than they looked.

Oh my God, this is happening. His lips are on mine. It was everything she had ever imagined and more.

She felt a tremble run through her and they both froze for a millisecond in surprise before their lips started moving against each other's, slowly, in gentle pecks. His lips were warm and gentle against hers, moving with a tenderness that spoke of years of hidden feelings.

His lips are perfect. Why did I wait so long for this?

One of his hands slid from her cheek to the back of her neck, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. Her hands found their way to his chest, feeling the steady, reassuring thump of his heart beneath her fingertips.

He tentatively took her bottom lip between his lips and sucked on it gently, she let out a little gasp, her hands going to his waist, grasping the white shirt she loved so much on him. His hands were still holding her gently, like one wrong move could break her.

Their bodies moved closer together, the heat between them growing. She could feel the firm muscles of his chest under her fingertips, his heartbeat mirroring her own frantic pulse. The kiss deepened, becoming more passionate, more desperate, as if they were both trying to make up for all the years of missed opportunities.

His other hand moved from her face to her waist, pulling her even closer, until there was no space left between them. She felt like she was melting into him, her entire body tingling with the intensity of their kiss. She couldn't think, couldn't breathe—she didn't want to. All she wanted was this moment to never end.

This is why everyone was sneaking away to make-out. It felt like this. Like a drug.

He pulled back slightly, their foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breath. Her eyes opened, meeting his, a smile making its way onto both their faces. A giggle escaped her, she didn't know why.

But then he smiled wider and kissed her again.

This is perfect. He is perfect. I don't ever want to stop.

She didn't know how to describe it—she didn't think his lips would be so soft and gentle, or that her whole body would feel like it was on fire, or that her knees would want to give out from under her. She wondered if this is what it felt like to be drugged; if someone asked her what her name was at that moment, she wouldn't be able to answer them.

His lips moved with hers in a rhythm that felt both natural and electrifying. Each move sent a jolt of warmth through her, the roughness of his stubble against her skin a stark contrast to the softness of his lips. Her hands moved up from his chest to his shoulders, feeling the strong muscles tense under her touch. She couldn't believe this was happening—she had dreamt of this moment so many times, and now it was real, and it was perfect.

His hand, large and warm, on her waist, pulled her even closer. The heat between them was palpable, the air around them charged with electricity. Her knees felt weak, and she clung to him, afraid that if she let go, she might just melt into a puddle on the floor.

When he pulled away again, a smile spread across his face, his eyes sparkling with joy. "You're so pretty," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion as his eyes flickered over her face, taking in every detail like he was seeing her for the first time.

She felt her heart flutter, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "So are you," she replied, her voice barely more than a breath. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, a mix of disbelief and pure, unadulterated happiness.

"Pretty?" he chuckled, his lips curving into that irresistible smile that made her heart skip a beat.

She nodded, grinning shyly. "Pretty."

His chuckle was a deep, rumbling sound that sent shivers down her spine. And then, in a move that made her heart swell even more, he leaned in and kissed her forehead. The tenderness of the gesture made her swoon, her legs feeling like jelly. It was better than the books, better than anything she had ever imagined.

How am I not a puddle of goo right now?

He stepped back a little, creating a small distance between them. Meerab's hands tightened around him instinctively, holding him in place. She blushed when she realized what she had done, letting him go even though she didn't want to. The warmth of his embrace lingered on her skin.

"So, no more tutoring?" she asked, needing something to say.

He shook his head, a shy smile forming on his lips. "Maybe we can use the time for something else."

Like making out in dark corners? She thought, barely suppressing a giggle.

She nodded, her heart swelling with happiness. It felt like it was going to grow as big as her body and she was going to explode.

"Can I walk you home?" he asked, his eyes searching hers.

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Every day?" he added, hope shining in his eyes.

She nodded again.

He grinned, nodding. "I'll carry your bag," he offered.

She shook her head, "You don't have to."

"That's what boyfriends do," he said, a teasing glint in his eyes.

She had to bite her lip to not squeal, but a little excited sound escaped her throat. He definitely heard because his smile grew wider.

"Is that what you are now?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

He nodded, his eyes never leaving hers.


She was smiling so big she felt like her face was going to explode. They tidied up quietly, both of them smiling like idiots. He took her backpack from her, as expected.

As they walked down the hall of the school towards the exit, their hands brushed against each other until he finally took her hand, their fingers intertwining. Her heart skipped a beat at the contact, his hand warm and strong around hers. His hand was much larger than hers, enveloping hers completely, and she could feel the rough callouses from weightlifting. He was so warm, so solid, and the connection sent a thrill through her entire body.

Her mind was yelling, I am holding hands with Murtasim! Wait, I just KISSED Murtasim. Not just a peck. But a kiss-kiss.

She tightened her grip on his hand as they stepped outside, feeling the steady thump of his pulse against her skin. They walked together in silence for a few moments, both of them basking in the newness of it all.

Ajiya is going to die when I tell her.

"So, why didn't you ever tell me you liked me?" she asked, breaking the silence, her voice sounded so giddy.

He chuckled softly, glancing down at her. "You didn't either."

She hummed, squeezing his hand, looking up at him as they walked. "I was scared."

God, he's so fucking sexy.

He turned his head a little, looking down at her, his eyes were filled with sincerity and a hint of sadness. "I was afraid too. You're so smart, so kind, and you seemed so out of my league. I thought you'd never look at me that way."

Her heart swelled at his words, her chest tight with emotion. "I did look at you that way. For a long time."

As they walked, their hands swinging gently between them, the clouds above them got darker as it started to rain a little. She didn't even care about it. She could feel the rain droplets on her skin, mingling with the warmth of his hand, creating a sensation that was both exhilarating and comforting.

"What are you doing this weekend?" he asked, glancing at her with a hopeful expression.

She started to answer automatically. "Oh, you know, the usual: tons of homework, assignments to finish, college applications to write. It's going to be a busy weekend."

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed his expression fall slightly, a small look of disappointment flashing across his face. Almost immediately, she realized what he was actually asking.

Idiot, she mentally scolded herself.

"Oh!" She stopped walking, turning to face him. "I mean, I go to the library to work on weekends sometimes... if you want to come... we can get lunch too?" Her voice wavered slightly, nervous yet hopeful.

His face lit up with the brightest grin she had ever seen, brighter than the sun that was hiding behind the clouds somewhere above them. "I'd love that," he said, his voice filled with excitement.

She smiled back, her heart swelling with happiness. They continued walking, the rain a gentle drizzle now, making everything around them glisten.

"What do you usually eat for lunch?" he asked, squeezing her hand gently.

She hummed softly. "Whatever's quick and easy. Sometimes I just make lunch or buy a sandwich or something from the café near the library."

He nodded, looking thoughtful. "I know a great little place not far from there. Maybe we can go together?"

Her heart skipped a beat at the idea. "That sounds perfect," she agreed, squeezing his hand in return.

I have nothing to wear! Oh god, I need to go shopping or raid Ajiya's closet. What do you wear to a library and lunch date anyways?!

As they approached her house, the rain fell harder. They ran the last few steps up to her covered porch, he ran so effortlessly despite holding two backpacks and pulling her along. Both of them were laughing and a little out of breath as they reached her porch.

She was about to say something as she looked up at him, but the words caught in her throat when she saw the water droplets dripping from his hair, racing down his skin, clinging to his beard and his lips. He looked so irresistibly hot, wet and tousled, that she knew her dreams were going to feature this image for a long time. She wanted to kiss him again, more than anything.

He dropped both their bags, and in the next instant, she was pressed up against the wall of her porch. His hands cupped her face, and his lips crashed onto hers. His kiss was hot, urgent, filled with a passion that took her breath away. She could feel the heat of his hands even through the chill of the rain-soaked fabric of her clothes. His thumbs caressed her cheeks as he deepened the kiss, their mouths moving together in a dance that was both frantic and perfect.

Is this what kisses left like? She thought, feeling like she had missed out on too much.

The world around them blurred into nothingness; all that existed was the warmth of his mouth on hers, the electric touch of his fingers on her skin. She felt like she was floating, her knees weak, her mind a whirl of sensations and emotions.

He kissed her as if he couldn't get enough. She responded with equal fervor, her hands slipping up his wet shirt to feel the hard muscles of his back. She had wanted to kiss him like this for years. Her fingers traced the lines of his shoulders, clinging to him, pulling him closer. The intensity of the kiss grew, her body heating up with desire, the cold rain forgotten.

Murtasim's hands slid down to her waist, gripping her firmly and pulling her even closer. She let out a small gasp as his lips left hers to trail kisses along her jawline, down her neck. She was gasping for air, like she couldn't get enough. Her skin tingled where his lips touched, and she felt a shiver of pleasure run through her. She tilted her head back, giving him better access, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts.

She couldn't get enough of him. Now that she had a taste, she didn't want to stop. She wanted more, needed more. Her hands roamed his back, feeling the flex of his muscles under her touch. His lips returned to hers, more demanding this time, and she met his urgency with her own.

Their lips were locked in a passionate kiss when they were interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing.

Murtasim jumped back, and they both turned to see Ajiya standing under an umbrella, her eyes wide with surprise.

"As much as I love this—and trust me, I do—Meerab's mom will be home soon, and I don't think she needs to see that...as hot as it is," Ajiya said, her tone teasing.

Meerab's cheeks flushed a deep red as she whacked Ajiya's arm, who just grinned at Murtasim. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Khan."

Murtasim rolled his eyes, his lips curving into a smile. "Keep your suggestions to yourself, shorty."

Ajiya gasped dramatically, placing a hand over her heart. "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!"

He shook his head, turning back to Meerab with a smile that made her heart flutter. "I'll see you tomorrow at school, Meerab."

HER BOYFRIEND WAS SMILING AT HER. She nodded, her mind racing. Could it be Friday already?

He was about to turn around when she yelled, "Wait!"

He turned back, arching an eyebrow.

Meerab grabbed Ajiya's umbrella, handing it to Murtasim. "It's raining."

"It is," Murtasim said, his eyes flickering over her face.

She wanted him to stay. She wanted to keep kissing him.

Ajiya groaned, "Yes, it's raining. Bye, Murtasim. You better bring MY umbrella tomorrow."

Murtasim rolled his eyes but kept his gaze on Meerab, smiling. She giggled—he was so cute.

"Bye," he said, his voice soft.

"Bye," she sighed, feeling like she was floating.

As soon as Murtasim was far enough away, Ajiya turned to her with a scream, hitting her lightly. "WHAT THE FUCK HE WAS SUCKING YOUR FACE OFF THAT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN A FIRST KISS WHAT HAPPENED TELL ME EVERYTHING!"

Meerab leaned against the door, grinning from ear to ear, her fingers going to her lips—they felt swollen from the kiss. Her heart was going to burst.

She squealed, "He's my boyfriend!"

And then they were both screaming and jumping, hugging each other as Meerab tried to open the door and talk a mile a minute about everything that had happened.

"He messed up his test on purpose to spend time with me! He's liked me since Grade 9! Can you believe it? He's so sweet and—"

Ajiya's eyes were wide with excitement. "I knew it! I knew there was something there! And that kiss! Oh my God, Meerab, you looked like you were in a movie! THAT WAS SO HOT!"

Meerab giggled, feeling like her heart was going to burst with happiness. "I know, right? I can't believe this is happening. He's so perfect."

They finally made it inside. They collapsed onto the couch, still giggling and talking over each other, the excitement of the moment making everything else fade away.

Ajiya turned to her, eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Okay, spill! I need a play-by-play of that kiss. Every single detail!"

Meerab laughed, her heart still racing from the excitement. She was about to talk but she could only scream. "AHHHHH."

"Shit, that good?" Ajiya teased.

Meerab kicked her feet, remembering it. "It was amazing...his lips...they felt perfect, soft but firm. I thought I was going to melt right there." She squealed.

"Did he kiss you like that the first time too?" Ajiya asked, her eyes wide.

Meerab nodded, "it was hesitant for just a few seconds and then – ahhhhhhhhh." She squealed, her heart attempting to jump out from her pericardial cavity as she remembered the kisses.

Ajiya leaned in closer, eyes wide. "With tongue?"

Meerab blushed, nodding slightly. "Yeah, a little. It was gentle at first, but then he deepened it, and...oh my God, Ajiya, it was like fireworks. My heart was beating SO fast. It still is!" She said, grabbing Ajiya's hand and placing it atop where her heart was beating.

Ajiya squealed, pulling her hand away, grabbing a pillow and hitting Meerab with it playfully. "What were his hands doing?"

"One was cupping my cheek, and the other moved to the back of my neck as we were kissing, then he was moving them down my back, holding my waist."

Ajiya squealed. "HE'S GOT MOVES!"

Meerab giggled, "It felt so...right. I never wanted him to let go." Her eyes glazed over as she remembered the feeling of his touch.

Ajiya sighed dramatically, clutching the pillow to her chest. "This is straight out of a romance novel! And then what happened?"

Meerab grinned. "We walked home together, holding hands – his hands are so warm."

"And big?" Ajiya teased, waggling her eyebrows, Meerab might have mentioned she liked his hands to her once.

She ignored the question and continued speaking. "He asked what I was doing this weekend, and I started rambling about homework and assignments. He looked a bit disappointed, and that's when I realized he wanted to spend time with me. So, I told him I usually go to the library on weekends and that he could join me...we could get lunch too. His smile was so bright, like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. HE IS SO CUTE!"

Ajiya squealed again, grabbing another pillow and tossing it at Meerab. "You're going on a date with him! You just got kissed on your porch after!"

Meerab nodded, her smile widening. "I did! It was so romantic, Ajiya. The rain, the kiss, everything. I felt like I was in a movie – like Elizabeth Bennet. And the way he looked at me...I thought my heart was going to explode."

They both started screaming again, hitting each other with pillows, their laughter filling the room. Meerab's cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but she didn't care. She was so happy, so elated, she felt like she could float away.

"I'm so happy for you, Meerab! This is the best news ever," Ajiya said, hugging her tightly.

Meerab hugged her back, tears of joy pricking her eyes. "I couldn't have done it without you. You're the best."

"I know." Ajiya grinned.


Murtasim Khan

Echo Valley High School, USA


Murtasim stood outside the school, his eyes glued to the sidewalk, heart pounding in his chest. This was going to be his new routine now, waiting for Meerab to appear, just like she did every morning. His stomach flipped with anticipation, excitement bubbling inside him like soda about to explode.

I'm waiting for my girlfriend, he thought, the word still feeling foreign and wonderful.

Meerab, who liked him back.

Meerab, who let him kiss her.

Meerab, who had texted him to ask if he got home safely and then spent hours talking to him, he had been kicking his feet in bed like a middle schooler with a crush.

I feel like I've just won the lottery, he mused, a goofy grin spreading across his face. Only this prize is way better than money.

His heart picked up double time when he finally caught sight of her. The clouds from the previous day had completely disappeared, leaving sunshine in their wake. The sun made her glow, as if it was shining just on her, making her glow. She was talking to Ajiya, her mouth moving a mile a minute, her hands gesturing animatedly. It was like watching an angel descend from the heavens.

She's so pretty, he thought, feeling his hand twitch as he waited. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a black long-sleeved sweater, her hair cascading in curls around her shoulders.

She looked perfect. No, scratch that. She looked like the epitome of perfection, like she stepped out of a dream.

And she's my girlfriend. He was afraid he was going to giggle all day in front of people at this rate. Like some sort of cartoon character who had just swallowed helium. He could imagine it now—people staring at him like he'd lost his mind, his friends giving him weird looks, maybe even asking if he'd finally cracked under the pressure of school.

Meerab stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him. For a second, she looked surprised, but then she smiled, a huge, radiant smile that was directed at him as she walked towards him. His heart somersaulted, doing backflips like an overexcited gymnast. Her smile was like the first warm day after a long, cold winter—melting away every ounce of his anxiety and filling him with an almost dizzying warmth. His knees felt a little weak, and he was pretty sure his stomach was performing its own acrobatics routine.

"Hi," he said, feeling a bit breathless as she came to a stop in front of him.

"Hi," she replied, her smile widening, looking a bit shy despite everything that had happened yesterday.

Her "hi" was quickly becoming his favorite word in the English language, especially when she said it like that—so sweet, so full of warmth. How could two simple letters make him feel like he was on top of the world?

Her eyes flickered over his face, making his heart thump even faster. The way she looked at him like that had made him kiss her yesterday, not once but twice. She looked at him like she couldn't help herself, her gaze moving in a tantalizing V-shape from his eye to his lips and then to his other eye, like she was some sort of adorable, accidental seductress. It made him feel like his heart was doing cartwheels in his chest. How could he not want to kiss her when she looked at him like that?

Someone cleared their throat, pulling them both out of their little bubble. Murtasim turned to find Ajiya standing there, looking much too amused.

"Where's my umbrella, Khan?" she asked, arching an eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes, reaching into the side pocket of his bag and pulling it out, handing it to her. "Here, happy now?"

She hummed in satisfaction, taking the umbrella. "I'm watching you, hurt her and die," Ajiya said, making a slitting motion across her throat.

"Don't you have a boyfriend to go bother, shorty?" he shot back, though he was secretly grateful for Ajiya's protective nature. It showed how much she cared for Meerab.

Ajiya rolled her eyes. "I don't know what she sees in you," she muttered, then turned to Meerab. "See you later."

Meerab nodded, smiling at her friend.

She's gorgeous.

As Ajiya walked away, Meerab looked back at him.

"Hi," he said again, feeling like an idiot for repeating himself. Why am I such a dork? Get it together, Murtasim!

"Hi," she giggled, the sound sending butterflies fluttering through his stomach. How could a person sound so cute?

Calm down, he told himself, taking a deep breath. He held his hand out to her, trying to steady his nerves. Please take my hand, please take my hand...

She beamed, placing her hand in his, and they walked into the school together. He could hear the gasps and escalating whispers as they walked by, hand in hand. It felt surreal.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, glancing down at her, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Not really," she muttered, her eyes widening a bit as she blushed.

He chuckled, feeling a strange mix of relief and delight. "Me too," he admitted.

At least we are both sleepless idiots together.

She looked up at him and beamed, and he couldn't help but smile back. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but he didn't care.

As they continued to walk, he couldn't stop himself from sneaking glances at her. Every little detail, from the way her curls bounced with each step to the way her fingers felt intertwined with his, made his heart swell with happiness. Her hand was so much smaller than his, and he could feel the softness of her skin against his calloused palms. It felt like the perfect fit, like she was meant to hold his hand forever.

As they approached the classroom, Murtasim felt a surge of determination.

Today, he wasn't going to sit at the back like he usually did. Today, he was going to sit beside Meerab. He wanted everyone to know that she was his girlfriend. His heart was beating fast, but it was a good kind of fast—the kind that made him feel alive.

When they entered the room, he noticed Rohail's empty seat next to Meerab and decided that was where he would sit. Killing two birds with one stone.

Meerab glanced at him, a mix of surprise and curiosity in her eyes as he followed her to her desk, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she gave him a shy smile that made his heart flutter.

He let her hand go as she settled in and sat beside her, pulling the chair closer to hers, the legs scraping softly against the floor. The sound drew attention, and a few of their classmates snickered and hollered, teasing them.

Whispers quickly spread across the room, growing louder and more animated.

"What's going on?"

"Are they a thing now?"

"No way, since when?"

Amid the murmurs, Akash piped up, "That's why we got beat up all time?!"

Meerab turned to him, arching her eyebrow in question, he just grinned and winked at her.

Meerab blushed, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink, but she didn't move away. If anything, she seemed to lean in closer, and Murtasim felt a surge of pride and affection.

As he settled into the seat, Mr. Raza walked in, his presence commanding the room as always. He took a quick look around, his eyes widening slightly when he saw Murtasim sitting next to Meerab. There was a brief moment of silence, the air thick with anticipation, but then Mr. Raza's face broke into a smile. He didn't tell Murtasim to move back. Instead, he simply nodded, acknowledging the change with a twinkle in his eye.

Just then, Rohail walked in, coming to a halt when he saw Murtasim in his seat. "Hey, that's my seat," he said, sounding more confused than confrontational.

Before Murtasim could respond, Mr. Raza intervened. "Rohail, just pick another seat," he said, his tone calm but firm.

Murtasim grinned at Rohail, giving him a look that clearly said, "She's my girl."

Rohail rolled his eyes but didn't argue, finding another seat without further complaint. As he settled into his new spot, the whispers continued, and Murtasim caught a few more snippets of conversation.

"Did you see that?"

"I can't believe it."

"They're so cute together."

Amid the buzz of excitement, the door swung open again, and Saad walked in. He took one look at Murtasim and Meerab sitting together, and a huge grin spread across his face. "Finally!" he groaned happily, causing the entire class to snicker.

Murtasim couldn't help but laugh along with them. His heart felt light, his spirits soaring. For the first time, he felt like everything was falling into place.


A/N: TADAAAAAAA! Sooooo, what do we think?! Whatever shall happen next?

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