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"I'm bored!"

Glaring up at the ceiling, you pout, sprawled on Jaejin's glorious couch. Half of your body is hanging off over the edge, the other half tangled up with blankets and pillows. Your hair is tangled, tied up tight in a bun that is the literal epitome of messy. You have eye bags deep under your eyes, your glasses falling off the brim of your nose. Your sweatshirt is the only piece of clothing you wear besides your underwear, and you wear fuzzy socks to keep your feet warm.

It would be safe to say that you have seen better days, but who do you have to look pretty for? You don't know anybody here and the only friends you had left you yesterday. Smiling bitterly, you try not to pitifully cry over that again, and bite your bottom lip, looking around the room. Besides, if the room itself doesn't have to look presentable, why should you?

To call the certain state of the apartment a mess would be an understatement. Lost pillows and blankets dot the floor at random places. Multiple bowls and cups lay discarded in the sink, coffee table, and dinner table. Sheets and comforters lay collapsed in a dilapidated attempt of a fort. The TV is on, playing Kdrama reruns, a bowl of popcorn half-eaten, sitting almost forgotten next to the TV remote.

Sitting up, hair unkempt and haggard, you slump over in your oversized hoodie, wrapping yourself with one of the many blankets you have pulled out from their hiding places in the large closet next to the front door. Fuming, you pick up your homemade boba tea and slurp violently at the tiny pearls. Facing the TV you roll your eyes at the main lead crying after she had been slapped across the face.

"You think your life is hard?" you mutter as though your current predicament were all her fault.

"At least you don't look like a hermit." You smirk at the little joke you had made, somehow proud that you just insulted yourself but it quickly fades as you realize nobody is around to enjoy it with you. Sighing, you roll your eyes, flopping back onto the couch.

"Damn you Taehyung." You mutter. "Being alone sucks."

When Tae told you to stay home, you had forgotten about it, thinking that it was just him being a worrywart. But then Namjoon called you and ordered you to stay home. He said that if you tried to show up, they would just turn you away at the door.

So you had woken up early for no apparent reason and gotten ready just to stay home. Even now the thought of it makes you upset. Snatching up a pillow you hug it, scowling at the TV. Doing nothing at home for 4 hours isn't entertaining. Honestly, it feels as though you are quarantined again.

Biting the inside of your cheek, you silently wish for something interesting to do when a knock sounds at your door. Startled, you sit up, tilting your head curiously at the door. You weren't expecting anyone today or any package to come in...is it someone looking for Jaejin?

Pondering whether or not you should answer it, you almost don't notice the small piece of paper that is slipped under your door. Curious, you stand, the horde of blankets and pillows falling in an overwhelming mess around you. Stepping over them, you pick up the paper, unfolding it precariously. When you read the message on it, written in beautiful Hangul, your eyes widen and you look back at the door.

어제 일은 미안해요.

I'm sorry for yesterday.

It's a simple message, and even without it signed, you have a sneaking suspicion of who sent it. Swallowing hard, you fold the message back up and hold it safe in the palm of your hand as you rise to your tiptoes, peering through the peephole.

Looking back and forth in the distorted view of the hallway, you can't find any sign of anyone there. Resting back on your feet, you look at the intercom, trying to see if you can find anyone on the surveillance footage. Confused, you struggle to try and figure it out when another subtle knock sounds at the door, scaring the crap out of you. As you jump, you accidentally press a button that sparks the intercom to life, making a weird crackling noise. Surprised, you turn to it, and see the screen awake, offering a view of the hallway.

The person on the other side is your neighbor.

The same one who lives across the hall.

The man from yesterday.

He stands in front of your door, nervously waiting for you to answer. Furrowing your brow, you scoff a bit, stepping back. If he thinks that you are going to forgive him with a stupid note, then he's out of his mind. You aren't in a particularly good mood and don't need him messing with you.

Sighing, you nearly turn away, but pause when you see him place a box in front of your door before knocking once more. You don't answer, still unsure and he sighs a bit before turning away. He walks back into his apartment, the door clicking shut behind him.

You wait a moment before turning away from the intercom and looking at the door.

It couldn't hurt to look at what's in the box...

Could it?

Biting the inside of your cheek, you sigh before turning off the intercom and opening the door. Kneeling, you regard the box with narrowed eyes. Glaring at his door, you pick it up and take it inside, closing the door behind you once more.

"This doesn't mean anything." You murmur, before opening it and peeking inside.

In it, there's a pin.

The same pin that used to be attached to your satchel.

You blink in surprise, picking it up and holding it delicately in your fingertips. This pin was given to you by your late grandmother before she passed away, it's one of your most precious possessions. You hadn't even realized you had dropped it yesterday.

Looking up at the ceiling, you sigh.

Maybe you were just a little too harsh on him.

Pocketing the pin, you open your door.

He stands on the other side, his hand raised as though he were about to knock a third time. He's frozen in place as you smirk at him. After a moment of this standstill, he lowers his hand and chuckles nervously.

"I-I'm sorry, I thought--"

"Thank you." You interrupt him, and he looks up at you, startled. "And I'm sorry I was being so rude. I accept your apology, so don't worry about it anymore."

He nods and you're about to turn away, but he stops you.

"I know that you said you accepted my apology, but would you mind me buying you a cup of coffee or something? I just don't feel right doing nothing." You hesitate, glancing back at the safe enclosure of your apartment.

"Besides, Jaejin was a good friend, and I would love to get to know you."

Looking at him and that puppy dog face, you sigh.

How can you refuse?

"Okay, I'll come." 





Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

A little background on this character, he's another one inspired by a kdrama so like I really am attached to him LMAO, even though we had a sort of rocky start.

You can find he has quite the attachment to Jojo ;) in their alternate universe LMAO

(still not sure if there's gonna be on in this universe)

but I'm curious to see who you guys think he is ^^

anyways...I ventured outside of BTS on my new Tumblr acc so if you wanna follow that, that's cool too ig

What I wrote was a little Yunho oneshot so like I thought it was pretty cute ehe



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