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TW :: mentions of r*pe, assault, and graphic imagery and descriptions of those things


"This is unacceptable!"

BangPD sighs as Jiwon storms into his office, slamming a newspaper magazine onto his desk, the same pictures that have been circling the internet for the past few days now plastered beautifully in fine print and sleek sheets. Swallowing hard, he gives Mrs. Kwon a look from where she waits at the opening of the door. At his nod, she turns and closes the door behind her, leaving the two men alone to talk.

The founder of the company, and his successor.

"The woman is her mother?"

BangPD doesn't have to ask to know who he's referring to. It's written all over his face, his fury, and his sense of betrayal. Sihyuk knows why he's so upset, and what this reveal means. Not only for the company but for Yen herself.

But whatever fury Jiwon has let loose, BangPD has just as much written into the very fiber of his being behind his calm collected stare.

"Do you know how detrimental this could be for this girl's career?"

Running his hand over his face, Bang Sihyuk shakes his head.

"Of course I do." Turning to the article written in bright bold letters on the magazine cover, his anger only growing by the minute, he picks it up. "I thought I had requested for the article to be shelved. We have an agreement with Dispatch, but I didn't expect another low-level company to release it on their own accord."

The entire situation is infuriating, and Sihyuk knows he's at fault. He should've speculated that their hold on the media was slipping, as it has been ever since the incident with Taehyung's first live back, and the continued incidents involving Yen have only made it worse. Where they used to fear the wrath of the company, they now almost welcome it, just so they can expose a group that has long gone untouched. He should've known that an unheard-of news source would take such a big story and run with it, after all, what do they have to lose?

Sihyuk can understand that mentality all too well.

"Of course, you didn't." Jiwon snarls exasperated as he spins on his heel away from Sihyuk's desk. "Did you even think at all?! God, Sihyuk, what did you expect to happen?"

Something in the way Jiwon said the phrase, almost as though he were chastising a child, sets off a switch inside Bang Sihyuk. Almost as though he were powerless, his authority meant nothing in the presence of the man who took his company away. Regarding him with a cold stare, Sihyuk stands, staring the young man before him down.

He can take many things, he can accept that Jiwon is a better CEO than he was and that he can make the hard decisions he can't. He can accept that he now holds authority over his company and that he is the one responsible for the building he built from the ground up.

What he cannot accept, however, is the blatant show of disrespect that has been shown towards the chairman of the entire operation.

The disrespect that has been shown toward him himself.

And as Jiwon stares at the man before him, he wishes he could take everything back, that he has crossed a line that should have never been crossed in the first place.

"You forget your place, Jiwon. I am the company chairman, I precede you, I am your senior, and you do not get to speak to me in this manner without there being consequences. You may be the head of BigHit but you still answer to me, you'd do well to remember that."

Bang Sihyuk stares at him, a cold icy stare that puts a deep chill into Jiwon's bones and almost makes him shiver. Though his anger is still present, and he has many things to say, he knows that saying any of them would get him nothing but a quick removal. Swallowing hard, he looks away from the stare and nods silently.

But before either of them can say anything more about the matter, the door to Bang Sihyuk's office bursts open for the second time that day, Mrs. Kwon once more failing to inform others that he is not accepting any more visits today.

"Mr. Bang!"

Sihyuk shakes his head in fatigue as he catches sight of Jojo.

"Jojo, I thought I told you I wanted no interruptions. Any updates you have can wait until tomorrow. Mrs. Kwon, please...!"

"She let me in," Jojo explains, cutting Sihyuk off and setting fire to yet another bonfire of annoyance. Jiwon tries not to chuckle at the amount of irony at the sight of yet another person disrespecting his boss' authority and quickly falls silent at Sihyuk's sharp glare.


Jojo doesn't pay mind to the chilling tone he's adopted nor the way his eyes have grown smaller over the past few minutes in his perturbed state, but if you were in her situation, you would not have minded much either. After all, the news she carries is far too important to waste any time on fear of losing her job.

"Forgive me, but this is far too serious to wait, sir."

Bang Sihyuk gives her a suspicious look before accepting the folded letter she extends towards him, a letter he didn't realize she was carrying until this moment. It's nothing special, an envelope that could have been bought from a convenience store maybe, the paper itself crinkled and peeling. It's clear the envelope has already been opened, the red ink inside bleeding out onto the white paper itself. However, it's still easy to see who it was addressed to.

"This is a piece of fan mail...I don't understand."

"Read it."

Something in her voice, perhaps it's the foreboding or the way she stares at him with a hollow, almost melancholy look in her eyes, makes him hesitate for a moment. But he does open the envelope, he does pull the paper out, and he does read the contents.

It's not a long message, but it was never intended to be. It was only meant to strike fear into whoever read it, a clear warning from someone who only wished harm.

He goes still as the realization sinks in, and looks up at Jojo, the look in her eyes, and the urgency of her message all making sense.

"What? What is it?" Jiwon presses, but at the moment, Sihyuk has no time to waste on appeasing his curiosity.

"Jojo, try your best to get Yen on the phone." As Jojo pulls out her phone and dials Yen's number, Sihyuk turns to his intercom to contact Mrs. Kwon outside. "Mrs. Kwon, call the police and tell them to go to Ms. Lin's address. You have it in your records." Once he's sure she's on the task, he hangs up and turns to Jojo expectantly.

She shakes her head at his unspoken question, dread coursing into her heart at her answer.

"She's not picking up sir."

Sihyuk curses colorfully under his breath, throwing the letter down on his desk, in his frustration. How could things have gone so wrong so fast?

"Send a car out to both Jimin's and Ms. Lin's residences, they are our top priority at the moment." Jojo nods and turns on her heel to leave, but before she can, Sihyuk calls her back for one last instruction. "And Jojo? Keep trying to contact her."

Taking a deep breath, she nods in understanding before closing the door behind her and rushing down the halls to carry out her orders.

"Are you going to tell me what the hell that was about?"

Wordlessly Sihyuk hands Jiwon the letter, still dripping with the red ink...but now as Sihyuk takes a closer look he realizes that it's not ink but blood. Blood that now stains his fingertips as much as it stains the thin paper of the envelope.

Jiwon takes a sharp inhale of breath as he reads the fumbled letters before slamming it back on Sihyuk's desk before he turns to rush out the door.

"Where are you going?"

His hand on the doorknob, Jiwon barely looks over his shoulder as he answers his superior's question, his fiery eyes hardly visible from beneath the shadow in which they reside.

"To try and clean up this mess...sir."

The word hangs in the air, sinister and full of respite, and lingers even once Jiwon slams the door behind him. For some reason, that word feels even heavier now, a burden that Sihyuk hadn't realized it could become. And as he slumps back into his chair, he can't help but wonder if he even deserves the title. If he has done a good job. If he can even protect them like he vowed to do.

Or if every decision he's made up till now has been flawed.

If he ever truly cared about their well-being, or if he only cared to use them to his advantage.

To his dream of success.

And as he catches sight of the letter now sitting despondently on the edge of his desk, the words almost burning their imprint into his mind, he wonders where that success has gotten them.

A wonder, the weight words can give, the burden they carry within their mere existence, and the hidden sword they wield if used to cut down another. But also, if the threat they hold is said with hatred, resentment, respite. And the danger, if one turns those words into a reality.

Such as the blood which now drips from the words carved so eloquently into a mere piece of paper. The fear and frenzy they sent so many in the span of a few minutes, with only a simple phrase hanging over them like death itself.

"her blood will be spilled by your hand"

And as the blood spills over onto the photo pasted to the paper, staining her face red and dark, so does her path as they lie in wait to break her just as their hearts have been.


The street seems darker than usual tonight.

Jocelynn can't tell if it's because her eyes have swollen nearly shut, or because the stars have hidden behind a cloud of dark tonight, an extra piece of her light being stolen away. When the tears burn her throat, she shakes her head, refusing their release. She's cried enough to last her entire lifetime, she doesn't need any more tears to weigh her down.

But is that what weighs on her tonight?

Or is it the fact that she will no longer see him again?

Before she can dwell too much on the thought, her phone rings, breaking into her thoughts and mortifying her to reality.

Goddamnit Jocelynn.

You promised to let go.

In her defense, how can she expect things to go back to normal when just yesterday she was bombarded with reporters and cameras roaming her neighborhood? Or when she couldn't even step out into the street without someone recognizing her from the photos? After all, it was their fault that she had to shop this late at night, and even then she couldn't leave without wearing some sort of disguise, and she despises wearing a mask.

She's lucky the photos were blurred and they managed to hide her identity, but it doesn't stop people from speculating her likeness to the photos. Even with the statement from BigHit denying their relationship being released, people still aren't satisfied.

But when it comes to them, will they ever be satisfied?

And speaking of which, her phone is still ringing.

Groaning, she steps to the side of the street, setting down her bags to check the caller ID. At least, it's not another reporter asking for her side of the story, but she doesn't necessarily want to talk to her daughter at the moment either.

"Right now is not the time, Yen." She whispers, considering declining the call, but when she hears a couple of shouts across the street, she sees a few reckless kids horsing around. Smiling faintly, she's reminiscent of two young girls hurrying home from school to the convenience store near their house, buying ice cream and snacks to gift their mother who waits patiently for their return.

Maybe hearing a familiar voice is just what she needs. And so she shifts her groceries to one side as she answers the call, before continuing on her path home.

Unaware of how deserted the street really is.

Unaware of the many eyes watching her from where they lie in wait, ready to attack.


Yen slams the refrigerator door in her surprise, startling Jaejin from where he lounges on the couch. When he opens his mouth to ask her what's wrong, she furiously shushes him, setting down the carton of milk to prioritize her mother.

"Mama! I didn't think you'd pick up."

Jocelynn scoffs.

You and I both.

"I haven't been able to reach you all day, how have you been holding up?"

Yen had thought of visiting her mother but knew that probably wouldn't have been the best plan of action. Jocelynn doesn't particularly enjoy crying in front of her children, and Yen knew she needed time to sort through the emotions that were sure to transpire after the article's release.

"As well as I can I suppose." Pausing at the last crosswalk before her block, Jocelynn presses the crossing walk button, waiting for it to turn green. Even though few cars are active on this side of the city, it's better to be safe than sorry.

"Don't lie. I know it must've been hard for you."

At the phrase, Jocelynn flinches, wondering how much she knows. Yen can feel her tense up through the phone, and can't help but feel a sharp pang in her heart. She can tell it's been hard, even without Jimin telling her it was over between them. She hears it in her voice, the raspy almost choked way she speaks, the tears still present in her throat if not her cheeks.

"Jimin told me what happened."

Scoffing for the second time that night, Jocelynn tries hard not to feel betrayed. After all, she knew they were close, but it was news to her that they were close enough for Jimin to see her daughter as his confidant.

"Of course he did."

Yen knows what's next. Short, clipped answers, dodging around the questions, all because she doesn't wish to burden her. After all, a mother will always see their child as a child, no matter how much they may grow, and no matter how much they mature. And so Jocelynn will forever see her as her little girl, and Yen knows this.

But she also knows mothers deserve to be taken care of as well.

And so she pushes just a bit further.

"Do you love him?"

Jocelynn freezes at the question, stopping straight in her tracks at the shock.


And perhaps she would have finished the sentence, if not for the noise she heard behind her.

A pair of shuffling feet, scuffing the concrete.

But when she turns, there's no one there.

Just the empty street, the darkness closing in.

"It's okay if you do, you know."

Yen's voice fades into the background as figures begin to appear in the shadows, closing in around her, and cornering her. Adrenaline begins to roar through her veins, static filling her ears as they come closer and closer. She knows they are people, not much older than her youngest, not much younger than her oldest; not so different from you or me.

And yet there are so many and something about them, the way they continue to close in, the malicious air they have about them; paralyzes her with fear.

"You deserve to be happy."

She shakes, some part of her dreading what will come if they catch her, some part understanding that they mean to hurt her, and she has to escape. She backs up, hoping that maybe this isn't what she thinks. That they're not going to hurt her, that perhaps they're just walking in the same direction.

And her fear is so high, that she does not realize they are backing her into an empty alleyway, with no light. With no escape, and nowhere else to run.

"I just...I don't want you getting hurt."

"Who...who are you?" She whispers, and that's when Yen realizes something is wrong. Pressing the phone closer to her ear, she tries to listen to what Jocelynn is saying, hoping that some form of her surroundings could give her a clue as to what's happening.


But Jocelynn knows those are silly fantasies, silly excuses.

They are heading towards her, cornering her, trapping her.

But when she sees the weapon, the metal glinting maliciously in the dim streetlights, that's when it hits her. When it finally sinks in.

They're going to kill me.

Gritting her teeth, her fingers tighten around her groceries, biding her time until they're close enough for her to reach.

"Mom, what's going on?"

Come on, just a little closer you son of a bitch.

And when they're finally a few feet away from her, she smiles crudely.


Her grip tightening as tight as it can around the handles of her groceries, she hurls them towards the throng, hitting at least two or three of them before turning and running right into the trap they laid for her.

And at the sounds of the commotion, terror fully grips Yen's heart.

"Mom?! Mom, where are you?! What's going on, are you okay?!"

Jocelynn doesn't have time to answer her, or even enough time to turn off her phone, she hardly has time to make sure her location is on as she runs. For if she can't outrun them, at least they'll be able to find her body. The thought sends shivers down her spine, and she swallows hard as she pushes herself to run faster. She can hear them behind her, shouting obscenities and cruel unforgiving threats, but all she can do is run. She has no weapons, no means of defense, except for the person on the other side of her phone.

But when she rounds a corner and finds her path blocked, dread courses deep in her veins as she realizes there is no escape.


Panic suffocates her as she pushes against the wall, running around in circles to find any way of escape. Any sign of salvation.

But there is none.

"No, no, no, no, goddamnit!"

"Eomma! Please talk to me, what's going on?!"

But before Jocelynn can even speak to her daughter, before she can even cry out for help, arms are grabbing her from behind, jolting the phone out of her hands, and muffling her screams.

But not before Yen hears them.

And as the connection cuts off, leaving a static trail in its wake, you are frozen, petrified by fear. You can feel the memories tugging at the lock, your mother's scream reverberating in your ears until they become your own. The darkness starts closing in, blurring your vision, and making way for the memories to once more spill out into your reality--


No, you can't afford to give in. You can't afford to lose yourself.

Not when your mother is in danger.

Pushing past the headache, and the voices, you stumble out of the kitchen grabbing Jaejin's car keys from off the edge of the counter. When Jaejin hears the familiar jingle, he turns almost in disinterest to see what you're up to, but when he sees the pale look on your face, cold paralyzing dread sinks into his gut. He knows that look, that tantalizing fear.

After all, he saw it years ago, when he thought he was going to lose her.

"Yen!" Rushing to her side, he tries to stop her from putting on her shoes, so that she could take a breath before rushing into anything dangerous. He doesn't know what's going on, but he does know that it can't be anything good with that look on her face, and he's not willing to take any chances. "Yen, what happened? Where are you going?!"

You don't answer his questions, you don't even know if you could. The only thought on your mind is that of your mother. The only thing you can even distinguish amidst all the noise in your mind is her screams and the apprehension that grips you like a parasite.

Once your shoes are on, Jaejin's keys gripped tightly in your hands, you push him off of you violently, his shouts of protest nothing but mere static to your fragile mind.

You stumble out into the hallway, nearly falling as you try to rush to the door. But the screams won't stop circulating in your mind. They blur your vision, making it hard for you to breathe much less move. Reality mixes with memories, blood seeping into the corners of your eyesight and blinding you with the heavy black liquid. The fear grows and grows until it surrounds you in darkness, and you can feel yourself collapse from the weight of it all.

You're still not strong enough.

When you feel arms around you, bringing warmth once more back into your shivering body, the darkness starts to ebb away, even if only a little bit. The screams begin to fade, and you can hear voices, calm and consoling. Talking to you, whispering to you, begging you to stand.

Blinking, you emerge from the wasteland of your mind to see Sunoh's worried face inches away from yours, and Jaejin not too far behind. Jaejin breathes a sigh of relief when he sees you come to, reaching forward and pressing his forehead to yours.

"Thank God, you're okay." You close your eyes, giving in to the comforting feeling, a form of affection the two of you coined ever since you were kids. Back when the mere touch from a man would send you into a panic attack, he would merely press his forehead to yours and whisper calming words until you calmed down. Even now, he's still looking out for you, and when you look at him now, you can see just how worried about you he was. "Yen, what's going on?"

But you're not the one who needs help this time.

"Take me to my mom."

Jaejin looks a bit surprised and concerned at the request.

"What? Why? Is she okay?"

"I don't know!" Frustrated, Yen pushes him away feebly, her hands curling into the fabric of his shirt in her agitation. Her behavior frightens Jaejin and shocks Sunoh. They'd never seen her act this way, and Jaejin's only ever seen her like this during a panic attack, but that's not what was happening this time. Something else is making her afraid. "All I know is she's in danger and I have to see her!"

Still cradling Yen's body in his arms, Sunoh unconsciously tightens his grip around her, hoping that'd be enough to ease her affliction. He looks to Jaejin for help, his worry written clearly over his face, and reflected in Sunoh's eyes.

"Please Jae, I don't know how long we have left."


Jocelynn has known pain, but not pain such as this.

The pain of being defiled, the way they rip her apart and use her like a doll made for their pleasures. The pain of not being able to fight back as they beat her and beat her until all she can do is bleed, her will to live fading with each droplet. The pain of the obscenities thrown her way, the pain of being as though she were nothing more than trash, as though she were worthless and discarded.

But the worst is her fear.

How it grips her and sinks its talons into her heart. Destroys the will she has left, depletes what's left of her as a human, and turns her into an embodiment of what she once was. Of who she once was. It paralyzes her and makes her wish for only one thing.

For everything to stop.

She doesn't care what it takes, all she wants is for everything to stop.

She's cold, ashamed, and weak.

Too weak to pick herself up. Too weak to even fight back.

The world around her has become blurred. When they move, she hardly feels it. They have become faceless, and unrecognizable. Every emotion and every ounce of pain no longer registers in her nerves and instead becomes as numb as the world around her. The words they shout, the laughs they chortle, and the sneers they send her way, all fade into the background and no longer become noise.

Instead, it's all mute.

Deafening silence.

There's nothing but the chilling cold. Nothing but the icy numbness that seeps closer and closer to her heart, percolating every sign of life she has left.

She knows she's dying.

She can feel it. That's the only thing she can feel.

She no longer feels the beatings, nor the pain as they use her for their pleasures, she doesn't feel the hot sticky blood as it runs from the cuts on her body, nor the bones they break in their stead.

But she can feel herself dying.

She thought it would hurt more, but it doesn't.

When the pieces of life leave her body, she doesn't writhe in pain, instead, she lets out a tiny sigh of relief. Because that means she's one step closer to feeling no pain at all. Not in her heart, not in her body, not in her mind. Once that final piece of cold chases away her life, she'll be free.

Free of this torture, of this pain, of everything.

And as she drifts farther and farther away, she's no longer afraid.

"Get away from her!"

But then she hears a voice, a voice of salvation, a voice that she would recognize even in her darkest state. It brings her out from the darkness, chases away the numbing cold, and alights the fire once more in her heart. She can see the world again, she can hear the shouts and the screams, and she can feel the pain again.

And in the back of her mind, she wishes she had never come, that she wouldn't have to see her mother in this state. That she wouldn't have to inflict any more pain on her daughter than what she already has.

But Yen doesn't care, she never has.

And as she runs to Jocelynn's side, Jocelynn can't help but smile.

You don't pay any mind to anything else. Not the shouts, or the panic as the group makes their escape. Not the way Sunoh grabs hold of one of them, banging him up against the wall before he can shoot you with the pistol gripped tight in his hand. Not the fact that Jaejin has stopped at the entrance of the dank alleyway, calling 911 as his stomach lurches at the sight of the blood and filth surrounding a woman who practically raised him.

The only thing you are aware of is that your mother is laying there, half naked and broken on the ground. Her body coated so much in her thick blood and darkening bruises that it has become nearly unrecognizable. You can't see if she's awake, you don't even know if she's still breathing, but you don't care. You just have to reach her. You have to be by her side, you have to let her know she's not alone.

And when you reach her side, you drop to your knees beside her, your body going numb with cold, and shaking with fear, the world slowing and blurring around you until all that's left is you and her.

For the first time, you realize how fragile she really is. So easy to break, so easy to destroy. Slowly, you wrap your hands around the tatters of her clothes, trying your best to conceal her, and protect what little dignity she has left. Struggling to keep back your tears as her eyes look up at you from beneath the layers of blood and dirt, you swallow hard before carefully wrapping your arms around her fragile, broken body, and holding it close to your chest.

"How could they do this to you?"

It doesn't matter if she's soaked in blood, or the amount of filth that stains and coats her body, all you care about is that this is your mother. The same woman who would read you bedtime stories when you were too afraid to fall asleep at night. The same person who held your hand on the first day of school, who gave you advice when you had your first crush, and who held you when you were crying because you lost him. The same mother who supported your dreams, who told you everything was going to be alright, and who has always been there by your side.


And she's hurt.

They hurt her.

And she's slowly slipping away.

"Mama, can you hear me?"

Jaejin jogs up to Sunoh who stands guard over the captive who's been effectively beaten to a pulp and couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

"We're lucky there was already an ambulance on the way, someone else called them before we did. They should be here any minute now, along with the police." Jaejin murmurs, reminding himself never to get on Sunoh's bad side, as he catches a glimpse of the groaning man writhing at his feet.

"Good, because I don't think she'll be able to hold on much longer."

And as they look over at Yen cradling her mother's body, they each feel the sorrow that she does. Perhaps not to the same extent, and assuredly not to the same understanding, but they can feel her pain. Almost as though it were their own.

"Just hold on a little longer, we have help coming." You sniffle, trying your best to smile, to reassure her as you brush back her blood-soaked hair away from her face. Exactly like you used to do when you were a small child, playing with her hair and putting it into all sorts of different styles. Multiple different clips and braids all tied up in your own little childish game. "They're going to help you, okay? You're going to be okay, everything will be okay."

Jocelynn smiles faintly at the memory and raises her hand to her daughter's face to brush away her tears. She doesn't know why she's crying when there are so many happy things to celebrate. Like the first time, she said "mama" or the first laugh that ever escaped her mouth. Or the first time she first laid eyes on her baby sister. But at the touch, Yen just sobs, a broken smile breaking through her tears as she grabs hold of her mother's hand and presses it closer to her cheek, and Jocelynn doesn't understand why. All she wants is for her daughter to feel happy again. Why can't she smile again?

"I-I'm sorry."

Jocelynn doesn't know what she's apologizing for, but she knows she had to do it. Maybe it was to make her stop crying. Or maybe she did something to hurt her. All she knows is that she's glad she was able to say it before falling asleep. At least she could say it one last time before she let go.

You go still as your mother's hand grows weak and falls, her breath slowing until there is nothing left, her eyelashes resting softly on her cheeks as her eyes close tightly shut. You can feel your chest grow tight, the panic rising sharply by the moment. You start to grow numb, the world becoming but a distant memory as your body goes cold.

And in the distance, you can hear the sirens.

"No..." Hyperventilating, you take her body into your arms once more, hoping that she will wake up, that she will come back to you. "Mom! Mom, wake up, they're here to help you!"

She can't be dead, her body is still warm, she's still here, she has to be.

She can't leave me, she just can't.

"You just have to wake up. Please wake up."

She's just sleeping, that's all.

But she has to wake up now.

She has to wake up.

"Stay with me! Mom, please stay with me!"

You grab onto every part of her, trying to look for some sign that she's not gone yet. You cling to her, holding on to her tightly as you wail for her to wake up, as you beg her not to leave you. As you bargain for a little more time, for someone anyone listening to just give her a bit more time. A pain grows in your chest. It hurts but it won't go away, blossoming from the inside out as though it were implanting itself to forever plague you. It hollows you out, makes it hard for you to breathe, and numbs you of all reason, of all feeling, except that of sorrow.

When Jaejin pulls you away so the paramedics can tend to her, you're still screaming, your sobs and cries only growing numb and silent as the noise continues to grow inside your mind. The static has grown so loud that you've lost all sight of anything except for your mother. You fight against Jaejin's grip, reaching for her, just trying to stay by her if only to feel her warmth. If only to reassure yourself that she's still here, that she's still alive.

Please let her live.

I can't lose her.

And though she may be unconscious, Jocelynn releases a single tear, for she cannot bear to hear her daughter's cries, not even in her subconscious mind.


in case you haven't noticed...

this was a extremely hard chapter to write as well, but i think i'm going to have to deal with the emotional drain for the rest of this book BECAUSE IT'S GOING TO GET EVEN WORSE FOR THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS AAAAA

anyways, i know it may not have been that obvious for those who weren't writing this, but we've been building up to this chapter ever since the beginning, and if you pay attention in some of the beginning chapters with Jimin and Jocelynn it hints to this event happening, so that's a little easter egg for you to find eheh.

honestly, this was probably the hardest chapter to date that I've written for this series, but sadly, it won't be the last. after all, like I've said before it only get worse so...you've been warned.


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