Prologue: "Outlaws from the West"

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By the 1900s Outlaws came to end as Law enforcement manages to capture or killed some outlaws who tried to hide from the law. But mostly some escaped as some continued their lives of living by being the Outlaw.

As it continues in the future as the world forever change when Japan finally made I.S or Infinite Stratos as it was originally designed for space but however those plans were delayed due to a treaty right now I.S are now being us for school in Japan which they name it the I.S Academy. As different send in their in the school.

They didn't know that four of their Outlaws have escaped out their country and headed to Japan as the four outlaws believe there is a secret vault so they can escape by one score that will change four misfits outlaws' lives.

Everyone has there own stories to tell that what I heard but for my story well. I could tell you this I'm a Outlaw from America as I'm wanted from five different states as I'm hiding here in Japan hoping I could lay low.

Well I could certain tell you that I'm not only Outlaw hiding out here in Japan as I meant four different outlaws. One is from Germany names Hans, One from French name Hugo and lastly one from Britain which he Scottish Oliver. But for me my names is Lucas and here is our story for our lives that forever will ever change.



It was raining in the city of Japan as police sirens echoes' in the distance as one police cruiser passed by a TV store showing one of the TV on a display having a breaking news.

News Reporter: "We have breaking news early this morning Five suspects' have just robbed the city bank as police got into gun fight between the five robbers as over 50 law enforcements were killed along with two civilians. But during the gunfight Police have shot one of the suspects as they were trying to escape from the bank.

Police are still searching those five criminals who robbed the bank if you suspect anyone who are the one who were part of this contact the police. "

As the New reporters on the TV continues on the report there was noise in the alleyway as water splash from the three different footsteps as it shows two boys carrying their friend to cover as blood was dripping to the wet ground from the boy who was place right next to the trash can.

Oliver: "Bloody hell mate that Heist went to shit."

Hugo: "Yeah it did.....I'm just hoping the law lost us."

Oliver: "I agree."

As the two could do anything else they hear footsteps coming to them as the two outlaws went hiding in the alleyway as they pulled out their pistol as it shows a boy wearing a fancy suit who is also soaked in wet from the rain.

??: "Oliver, Hugo! are you guys here?"

Oliver: "Oh thank bloody god mate you scared us.." *Comes out of hiding* "Found something Lucas?"

Lucas: "Yeah I found a place for shelters a abandon warehouse it ain't far from here come on."

Hugo: "Oui thank god now lets go Oliver help me pick up Davey."

Oliver nods his head as the two picked up their friend from the ground and followed Lucas who was leading the way to the abandon warehouse.


The door was then opened slowly showing Lucas having his Springfield XDM pistol out as he was checking the area was clear.

Seeing the room is clear Lucas placed it away as he turns to the others outside as the rain continues to pour in hard.

Lucas: "It clear bring him in!"

As Lucas move out of the way turning the light in the room they are in Oliver and Hugo brought in Davey as they laid him down on the table that was in the room as Oliver and Hugo got blood on their bottom of their clothes. Once placing Davey on the table, Hugo checks on Davey as Oliver walked up to Lucas as the two talks.

Oliver: "God the rain won't stop."

Lucas: "I know I hope Hans is safe out there."

Oliver: "Don't worry Lucas everything turns out right for that German."

Hugo: "Um guys...."

Lucas and Oliver turned to Hugo who had a sad look on his face as the two see Davey cover in a blanket that Hugo just did as he look down to the ground.

Hugo: "Davey is dead."

Oliver: "Shit....."

Lucas: "There was nothing more we could have done...."

Oliver: "Well we need supplies and something to get us warm from our wet clothes."

Lucas: "I agree I guess we leave Davey body here and go out there in the rain hoping to find Hans before the law get to him so let move."

As the two nod at the American the three then left the warehouse as they move quickly not wanting a police patrol spotting them. While they were off the streets and in the alleyway Hugo looked at Lucas.

Hugo: "So....Do you think it was a trap? In the Bank we were in."

Lucas: "That many men? I bet it was I guess they knew we were coming."

Oliver: "Yeah plus there was a lot of money in that vault alright. Luckily before we were escaping I hid the money so nobody could find it."

Lucas: "Nice thinking.'

As the three could continued to move on they then see a figure walking to them as this made the outlaws stopping moving as Lucas place a hand on his holster.

Lucas: " You there! Whos there?"

It then shows another boy also soaking wet from the rain as he walked up to the three outlaws as the group then sighed in reflief.

Oliver: "Hans."

Hans: "Herren" (Gentlemen.)

Hugo: "Found anything?"

Hans: "Yeah I think so Abandon Factory there but the place is filled with people there. I think they are guarding something in there."

Lucas: "Do you know what is there?"

Hans: "Nein I don't know. But I have a good feeling they have supplies we might need. So how about we start looking in to this."

Hugo: "Well...We have no choice lead the way Hans."

Hans: "Oh yeah how Davey?"

Oliver: "He didn't make Hans."

Hans: "I shame to see him go out like this."

Lucas: "It is."

Few Moment later.

After traveling out of the city they were in the four Outlaws then walked up to the abandoned factory on the small hill overlooking it as Hans pointed out the people who are still there. As they walked down the hill they were on the four then walked together to the front gate as Hans stopped the group.

Hans: "Hold on guys I'll do the talking alright since Oliver and Hugo got some blood on you. And they might called the law on us."

Lucas: "Yeah good idea. You talked to them while we get outsight I don't the folks get intimidate by us four outlaws walking up to them."

Oliver: "Alright I'll hide in the old guard post. Lucas you could hide behind those containers and Hugo hide behind that dumpster. Everyone got it?"

Outlaws: "Got it."

As Lucas and the other went to their hiding spot Hans walked up to the people as he spoke up while rain pour on them.

Hans: "Guten tag Freunde" (Good day friends.)

Guard: "What the hell are you doing here mister?"

Hans: "Well um sir me and friends were having trouble in the way and we need some help if you could um you know help and give us some supplies."

While listening Hans talking to the guards Hugo smelled something unoniradly as Hugo checked a dumpster only to see some bodies dumped in there as this made Hugo turn to Oliver and Lucas.

Hugo: "Merde....Guys we have a problem....There corpses' here. Lucas there bodies in the dumpster."

Oliver: "Shit..."

Lucas: "Just keep your eyes on Hans..."

After saying that the three then pulled out their pistol as the loaded it as Hans continued talking as Lucas peaked a bit see more guards slowly approached Hans. This made Lucas aimed his pistol at one of the guards heads.

Hans: "Please I'm not asking that much.......I'm kind of desperate...Please."

Guard 1: "Hey... you looked familiar come here. Come here!"

Hans took a couple of steps forward making the guards get a good look at him as one eye widened as he see who are they talking with.

Guard 2: "It's goddamn out-


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hans: "Scheisse!"

Hans pulled out his pistol and started firing as he dive to cover as the four outlaws continues firing at the people there as more were coming out of the building bring their weapons as they fired upon the four outlaws.

Oliver: "Watch out one in the windows!"

Lucas aimed as he shot one of the windows as the shooter came falling out as Hans ran to the others.

Hans: "Well our luck is shit!"

Oliver: "Yeah your not kidding!"

Meanwhile inside.

??: "What going on out there?!"

Guard: "Shut it, kid!"

The guard then hit the kid who was tied up as gunfire continues to go on as more of them ran outside to help.

Guard 1: "Who the hell are these guys!"

Guard 3: "I don't know but they just shot Billy!"

Guard 1: "Well are they military?!"

Guard 3: "No but someone different."

Hugo: "Oh yeah we are different."


The two guards then raised their hands in the air as they see the four pointing their pistol at them as one of them speak.

Lucas: "Now don't act dumb or else you will be like the rest of your friends outside."

Hans: "Now stand up!" *Still pointing the gun at them."

As the two obey what the outlaws just said Hugo quickly remove their weapon from them as he tossed them to the ground while he looted the two as he stole their money out of their wallet.

Hugo: "Hmmm not bad this is some decent cash you got..."

Lucas: "Well I and Oliver are going to look around this place seeing what they got while you two stay and guard these two idiots and alert us if someone is coming."

Walking inside the abandoned factory Lucas and Oliver looked around as they took some stuff for what they found. As soon Lucas finished taking the stuff he then told Oliver to look around just in case they forgot something but little did the outlaw know there was something waiting for them.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The prologue will be continue....

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