Chapter 1 - First Day

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Hey guys! Welcome to another story written by yours truly. This one has been on my mind for a few days now and I'm hopping it'll calm down soon. Enjoy!


Zora: (panting) Shit shit! It's the first day of school and we're running late already, what a wonderful start Ichika."

Two boys are seen running running down the street, wearing white uniform with red accents. Though the orange-haired boy had his uniform jacket opened instead of closed.

(This is what Zora's school uniform looks like)

Ichika: (panting) Well it's not my fault that the uber was 10 minutes late, but at least we made it to the train on time.

Zora: Barely! if it wasn't for me yelling at them to stop the train, hell itwas  about to leave as well.

Ichika: Yea well we would've gotten to the train faster if you didn't stop to play hero

Zora: Hey, that lady needed help back there!...Besides, she gave me candy, so I call that a win-win! Also, are we even heading towards the right direction to our class?"

Ichika: Ermm let me check.

The black haired boy stopped in his tracks and taking out a map of the I.S academy from his pocket.

Zora: (Huffing) Huf huf huf Ich, we are heading the right way...right?"

Ichika: (nervously) Uhhh...

Zora looks towards Ichika with a serious look.

Zora: Ichika.... we are heading the right way, right?"

Ichika looks away from the map and looks towards Zora with a 'oh shit' look then shakes his head no.

Zora: SON OF A BI-

Before Zora could finish his sentence, the School bell rings letting everybody know that class is starting and those not in class are now late.

Zora and Ichika look towards each other with a mortified look.

Both: Shit

Zora: Give me that!

The orange-haired boy swipes the map from Ichika and looks at the map for a few seconds before yelling.


Ichika walks over to Zora to look at the map.

Ichika: Look, that's the library, computer lab,cafeteria... Jesus christ that's a huge cafeteria!

Zora: This map compares to a Disneyland's at Univeral Studios Japan, except this time it's a really big school.


Both Ichika and Zora look towards where the voice came from only to see a girl around their age with light brown hair done in a ponytail and emerald green eyes. She was wearing a black blazer with silver lining and a tie to top it off. She also had a skirt with stockings and a pair of black shoes and finally, a peaked cap with the words engraved in silver reads 'Chief of the student security'. She seemed taller than both of them, making her look intimidating to both Ichika and Zora.

Zora: (Thinking) Just what we needed a Gestapo officer.' Right I'll do the talking Ichika, so stand back.

Zora fixes himself and takes a few steps forward to speak as formally as possible.

Zora: Good morning my name's Zora Ukashi and this is my friend Ichika Orimura and as you can see we are lost so if you may can you please help us?"

The girl glares at Zora then to Ichika and then the map in Ichika's hands then back to Zora.

Zora: (Thinking) Damn... I'm about to get detention on the first day of school...What a lovely day.

The girl closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and excels and suddenly her intimidating expression is changed with a lovely smile.

???: You must be America/Japanses's 1st Male pilot and representative of America and Japan Zora Ukashi."

Zora: Yea, that's me.

???: And you must be Ichika Orimura, the only other Male pilot in the entire world.

Ichika: That's me alright."

???: Well then my name is Monika Herrmann and I am the chief of the Student Security and our goal is to make the I.S Academy a safer place by enforcing all the rules and preventing and de escalate fights.

Ichika: That's cool but can you give us directions to classroom 1-A?

Monika: Of course! Also I hate to break it to you, but you guys are heading the wrong way.

Zora: We know, we know! We just don't actually know where it is that's why we are asking."

Monika: Well then follow me. I'll show you the way

Monika says walking the opposite direction Ichika and Matthew were running towards.


10 minutes later...

Monika: Well this is it classroom 1-A."

The trio then stood in front of a door with a green sign that read 'Class 1-A'

Ichika: Thanks."

Zora: Yeah, you're a lifesaver.

Monkia: Any time. Take care!

With that, she walked off with a wave to the boys.

Zora: Right here, we are our home room class."

Ichika: What should our excuse be for running late?

Zora: Simple. We tell her that we got lost."

Ichika: (shrugs) Alright whatever you say.

Zora: Here, I'll do the talking and you just stay quiet alright."

Ichika: Fair enough.

The duo soon fix themselves up before Zora raises his hand and knocks 6 times in a musical tone.

A few seconds later the door opens revealing a woman somewhere in her 20s and has short green hair, green eyes with glasses, and is wearing a revealing yellow short sleeve dress and black boots. But what caught Zora's eye the most was her bust.

Zora: (Thoughts) Hot damn... Wait a minute, isn't this against the school dress code? Does this school even have a dress code?

Zora quickly averting his gaze away from the teacher's bust and towards her face.

Teacher: Ah you must be Ukashi and Orimura.

Zora: Yes, ma'am.

Teacher: Ahh great my name is Maya Yamada and you two are just in time to introduce yourselves to the class."

She steps to the side, allowing Both Zora and Ichika to enter the class...only to see it was full of girls who were staring intenly at the duo.

Zora: (Thoughts) Oh wow. So, it really was a class full of girls. I don't whether to feel happy....WAIT IS THAT HOUKI? 

He looked over to the right and saw a beauitful young woman around his and Ichika's age with long dark brown hair that she kept in a slightly messy ponytail (that seems to be divided into two sections in the middle to the end) with a green and black ribbon, dark blue eyes and a slim, curvaceous body and large breasts.

She wore her uniform modified with white stockings and black knee-high boots that have white soles.

Zora: (Thoughts) Wow she changed a lot, in a good way! Maybe not her hair but that's her alright and...

Hoki noticed Zora looking at her, before a scowl plastered on her face and turned her head towards the window.

Zora: (Thoughts) Oh she doesn't look too happy to see me or Ichika. And here, I thought we were good friends. Could it be that she is still holding a grudge against me because of that one kendo tournament that I almost kicked her ass in back in the 4th grade? I hope not but anyhow Let's show My class a good old american introduction.

Zora walks to the front of the class with Ichika following. He then bows to the class.

Zora: Hey there, My name is Zora Ukashi and I guess you could say I'm a Representative contender of The good old United states of America and Japan. My mom being American and a veteren of the the United States Marine corps and and my dad who is Japanese is a restaurant owner/ cook and he owns 1 of Las Vegas's best restaurants so that's cool and I do hope we all get along together for the next 3 years."

After his introduction the class was quiet for about three seconds...before they squealed the whole class loudly. Zora flinched at the sudden noise while Ichika covered up his ears.


Girl 1: He looks so cute.

Girl 2: I'll be the first one to talk to him.

Girl 3: His eyes look hot!

Girl 4: "I'll ask him out for lunch later."

Zora blinked owishly at the class, wondering what he was witnessing at the moment.

Zora: (Thoughts) 'What the hell! Why the hell are they acting like they haven't seen a male before? I know the school is an all-girl school but they must have at least known some male outside of school.' 


Slowly but prematurely one by one everybody stopped talking.

Miss Yamada: Thank you for Introducing yourself Ukashi.

Zora: The pleasure was all mine.

Miss Yamada: You can take a set now if you like.

Zora: Will do, and am I be able to choose any seat from this lovely class?

Miss Yamada: Of course you can Ukashi

Zora: Thank you Miss Yamada.

Zora then took a seat on the first row at the front with a sight.

Zora: (Thoughts) Yeah, I killed that introduction.

He looked around and saw that all of the girls had stars in their eyes and were looking at him intently as he looked over at Houki again and noticed she was ignoring him again.

Zora: (To himself) Could've waved or something...Now let's see what Ichika has to say and please Ichika whatever you do, Do not make a fool of yourself because if you do your reputation in school is pretty much screwed depending what you do."

Miss Yamada: Orimura. Orimura.

Ichika flinched, coming out of a daydream of sorts

Ichika: Huh?

Ms. Yamada: I'm sorry but Ukashi finished introducing himself and now it's your turn to introduce yourself so can you please Introduce yourself pretty please.

Ichika:(in a robotic like tone) Yea sure um... ICHIKA ORIMURA NICE TO MEET YOU. 'Inhales gulp.' That's all.

Hearing this, the whole class face planted on the ground at the poor introduction.

Zora bursted out laughing at Ichika's failed attempt to save himself.


Ichika: What? That doesn't work? Zora, stop laugh-Ugh!

Suddenly Ichika was punched in the back of his head as everyone looked over and saw it was Chifuyu Orimura, Ichika's older sister. She was a beautiful adult woman in her mid 20s with long black hair that is split into parts in front in a similar manner to Ichika's hairstyle, brown eyes and she is shown to be quite tall, but shorter than Ichika. Her outfit consists of a formal white shirt, with a black business overcoat and matching skirt, green tie, a black stockings and Mary Jane heels.

At the moment, she had a stoic, serious expression on her face as she stared down at her younger slibing.

Zora: Warrior Goddess?

In a perfect manner of seconds, Chifuyu kicked Zora in the face, causing him to spin across the room and slamming into the wall.

Chifuyu: You will call me Ms. Orimura at school, is that clear!

Zora lifts up shaky thumbs up with swirly eyes as he was seen upside down.

Zora: (weakly) C-Crystal....(Thoughts) Yep, she's still got it.

Ms. Yamada: Oh, you're back! Does that mean the meeting is over already?

Chifuyu: That's right Maya. I'm sorry that I made you wlecome my class for me. Alright class, I'm your homeroom teacher, Chifuyu Orimura. It's my job to train you well enought so you can stand on your feet in one year.

The class started to cheer loudly when they found out Chifuyu was going to be the homeroom teacher.

Chifuyu: I'm amazed by how this many idiots can get together. Did the school put them all in my class?

Ichika: Chifuyu is our homeroom teacher?

Zora: Seems that way.

Chifuyu sharply turns her attention towards Both Ichika and Zora, cracking her knuckles.

Chifuyu: (sternly) So care to explain why you two were 5 minutes late?

Ichika: Well you see Chifuyu- GHAA.

He is cut off by Chifuyu slamminf his head onto his desk.

Chifuyu: It's Miss Orimura.

Ichika: Yes Miss Orimura."

Zora: I can explain.

Chifuyu changes her gaze towards Zora giving him goosebumps.

Zora: (Thoughts) Yup, I'm going to die.

Zora: Ok so we called an uber this morning at 8:00 AM and since we woke up at 7:30 Am sharp and the uber arrived at 8:10 am, it was a 15 minute drive to the Monorail which leads to the academy and from the monorail to the academy it was a 3-minute wait and once we got the monorail we got lost because of how huge this place is. If it wasn't for the head of the I.S academy student security president Monika Herrmann, we would of been here much later and that is why we are late to class.

Zora's posture was consisted with a straight face like a soldier does when his/her commanding officer is asking him or her questions..

Chifuyu cocked her eyebrow and narrowed her eyes at the boy.

Chifuyu: You only said part of the truth."

Zora: Umm, what do you mean? That was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Chifuyu: (sternly) What I'm saying is that you failed to mention that you two woke up at 8:20 am instead of 7:30 like you said and the reason why you two woke up at 8:20 is because instead of going to sleep like any responsible student would you two instead stayed up until 4:00 in the morning playing video games over the game lobby.

Zora just sat there shocked thinking to himself.

Zora: (Thoughts) How the hell did she know tha- Wait, it must've been Mom...or Sis! Welp I'm going to die today.

Zora: Well.....Shit.

He was then give a well-earned smack across the head by Chifuyu.

Girl: What Orimura is Lady Chifuyu's younger brother and Miss Orimura and Ukashi know each other?

Girl 2: Maybe they're family friends or something

This caused some girls around her to giggle to themselves.

Chifuyu: That's enough! Your syllabus for the next six months is to memorize all Data concerning the I.S. After that Practical training where you will have two weeks to master the basic maneuvers. So have you got that? Even if you don't say yes ma'am.

Class: YES MA'AM!

Miss Yamada: Now I'm sure that many of you are aware that I.S actually stands for 'Infinite Stratos.' It's a multi form suit originally developed in Japan. When it was first conceived ten years ago it was originally designed to be used in outer space however those planes are currently on hold. Due to the Alaska treaty the I.S is also prohibited from being used by the military therefore it is used solely for competitions and sporting events and our I.S Academy is the only institution in the world established with the objective of training I.S pilots. Students from all around the world come to this school where young people from a multitude of countries get to live,work and study side by side every day as they hone and perfect their piloting skills. So starting today lets all study hard over the next three years."

Class: YES MA'AM!

Zora clenched his fist tightly as he gained a determined smirk on his face.

Zora: (Thoughts) This is definitely gonna be an interesting three years.


Later that day during Lunch...

After the first set of classes, they soon had a break period and girls from other classes had all swarmed to Zora and Ichika's classroom and were all staring at them with intense stares in their eyes.

Random Girl 1: Ukashi, can you tell us more about yourself?"

Zora: Well, I don't think I have anything special to tell about really."

Random Girl 2: How is America like?

Zora: Sorry, I spent most of my younger days in the US so I'm don't know much about my homeland until recently."

Random Girl 3: What's your favorite color?"

Zora: Orange I guess"

Random Girl 4: What's your favorite food?"

Zora: I like wings the most.

Random Girl 5: Do you like video games and anime?"

Zora: Yes, I love anime actually."

Random Girl 6: What type of girl do you like?"

Zora was having a headache by being bombarded with so many questions at the same time and having to answer them, it was irritating but he didn't want to look like an ass either. He looked over and saw Ichika wasn't faring any better and he had his arms over his head as he leaned on his desk.

Ichika: Someone save us....

He seemed to have gotten his wish by none other by Houki as she stood in front on his desk.

Houki: Can we talk for a minute in private?

Ichika: Uhh, sure. But what about Zora?

Zora: No worries. You two go on ahead.

She then walked out of the room with Ichika following not too far behind.

Zora: Welp looks like I'm alone again... against an army of girls (Sighs) I think I'll just get my lunch and find a quiet area to eat.

He takes out the map of the I.S academy from his pocket and headed towards the cafeteria.


Inside the cafeteria...

Zora: So this is the cafeteria and they must be the student security 

He looks towards the students wearing the same clothes as Monika but the only difference is the words on their peaked cap which reads student security.

Zora: I wonder what's on the menu.

He walks towards the menu and looks over it.

Zora: Let's see they have ramen, rice sushi of course and a cheeseburger and a pizza! Ah, hell yea! But then again, that ramen looks way tastier than the cheeseburger... which looks like an average Mcdonalds burger so I'll take the ramen bowl and for my drink, they have water, milk, chocolate milk, and strawberry milk. Not even my middle school had chocolate or strawberry milk. I think I'll go for strawberry.

The orange-haired boy makes his decision before grabbing a tray.


At the cashier

Cashier: Alright kid, that's 20 yen please. (Correct me if I'm wrong about this)

The cashier was probably in her 40s and a little overweight and has black hair and brown eyes and is currently wearing a white shirt with a black apron and a net hat.

Zora reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet and as he opens it and pulls out the money. He then gives it to the lady before walking off. He then starts looking around at the place.

Zora: Wow, Ichika's really missing out. The place has about everything! I gotta check it out mo-


Zora is cut off as he crashes into someone hard causing him to spill his food on whoever he ran into whilst Zora falls onto the ground landing on his ass. As he looks up he sees the manliest girl he's ever seen in his life with broad shoulders and a broad chest with muscles and she is way taller than Zora. She has brown short hair with a sailors cap and has brown eyes and is wearing the standard I.S academy uniform which is now ruined by the boy's food. She is currently covered in Ramen which had an egg in it mixed with chocolate milk from head to toe.

The cafeteria stares in silence with everybody including the staff and the student security team watching.


Then, her friends who look manly as well come over to Zora and form a ring around the girl and him.

The girl studies herself before switching her gaze towards Zora, who is now standing up and waving his hands wildly. 

Zora: I'm so sorry about that! I wasn't pay attention!

Her now confused and horrified face switches to an angered face.

The girl grabs Zora by the collar and proceeds to throw him onto an occupants table sending bowls of Ramen into the air and onto whoever is sitting at the table.


Zora turns his head to whoever was yelling and finds another manly looking girl with broad shoulders and chest with blond hair and blue eyes. And she is covered in whatever she was eating as well as her manly friends. She then got up from her seat and rolled her sleeves up.

Blonde Girl: Alright, you CHINESE BITCH! I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!"

The brown hair girl then tied her hair into a ponytail.


Then both girls charged in and collided with each other, with the brown hair girl punching the blond hair girl in the face and their friends got involved as well. Meanwhile Matthew gets up from the table and watches aas the cafeteria is filled with the words of "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" whilst more members of the student security armed with batons and shields wearing what appears to be body armor complete with the helmet and boots ran into the cafeteria. The ones unarmed block the entrances of the cafeteria and only allow members of the student security team in and letting anybody who wishes to leave the cafeteria out.

The brown-haired girl grabs a tray and swings it into the blonde, who in return grabbed a bowl of ramen from one of the tables and smashes it against the brunette's head. The brunette tried to grab a batton from one of the armed student security, but failed and soon got tackled to the ground by more armed student security, alongside her her friends. As the same time, the blond hair girl and her friends were also tackled to the ground by security and then Monika arrives and yells for everyone in the lunchroom to get out immediately and that class has started.

Everybody starts to file out/rush out of the lunch room including Zora, who had several noodles on his head...which he proceeded to eat.

???: Zora! Zora!

Zora turns to see Ichika running up to him, being followed by Houki

Ichika: What happened?

Zora: Hehe...Let's just say I got into a food fight."

Houki: A really violent one I suppose."

Zora: Yea you can say that."


After they all got back to the class room, they started to go over more IS basics.

Ms. Yamada: Anyone has any questions so far?

Zora leaned back in his chair listening to the lesson and looked over at Ichika and saw that he was struggling like crazy reading the text book and the orange-haired boy just sighed.

Ms. Yamada: Do you have any questions, Ichika?

Ichika: Um...

Ms Yamada: If you do, ask away. After all, I'm you teacher

Ichika: Well...I understand almost nothing

Zora merely face-palmed and Ms Yamada looked at Ichika shocked.

Zora: Damn it all...

Ms. Yamada: Nothing? How many people are having trouble at this point?

No one in class answered, before Chifuyu went up to Ichika's desk.

Chifuyu: Ichika, did you read the IS reference manual?

Ichika: You mean that really big book?

Chifuyu: Yes

Ichika: Uhh...I accidentally threw it away

Chifuyu then slapped him across the face with her clipboard

Zora: How and why the hell did you throw it away!?

Ichika: I don't know, I just did

Chifuyu: I'll get you another one so cram it in within a week

Ichika: The whole book!?

Chifuyu gave him a death glare, until Zora stood up.

Zora: Now, now Warri- I mean Ms. Orimura. As much as I would love to see you give him brain damage and make him even stupider...

Ichika: Hey!

Zora: Since I already memorized everything, I could give Ichika my book instead, right?

Chifuyu: Fine then. Ichika, take his book and now that you have one, I'll make it so have 3 days to memorize it.

Ichika then fainted in his chair.


The bell had rang again and it was recess. Zora and Ichika were having a normal conversation until they were approached by a blond girl.

???: May I have a moment?

Zora: Huh?

Ichika: Oh, may we help you?

The girl then looked offended

???: What kind of reponse was that? You should be honored I'm even speaking to you in the first place! 

Zora: (Thoughts) Mmm, British. Interesting...

Ichika: Look, we'er sorry but we don't even know who you are

The girl then slammed her fist on Zora's desk

???: Ughh!? You don't even know who I am!? I'm Cecilia Alcott! England's representative contender! I score the highest on the-

She was then cut off by Ichika

Ichika: Hold on, hold on. I have a question.

Cecilia then smirked proudly

Cecilia: Well, it is my respondsibility as a noble to answer questions from the lower class

Ichika: Your a representative contender, right? What does that even mean?

Everyone else in the classroom except Zora and Cecila, fainted. Zora closed his eyes and put his hands in a prayin motion

Ichika: Zora, what are you doing?

Zora: I'm asking God to hold me back from knocking the ever-loving shit out of you....

Cecilia: This is unbelievable! I sure hope every Japanese man is not that deprived from knowledge like you! I mean, it's common knowledge!

Zora: Hold on! I know he's a bit of a dumbass, but that's no reason to being sexist!

Cecilia: It's more of a fact!

Zora: More like 'BS'

Cecilia: If you truly think that, do you know what a National representative is?

Zora: Pfft! I could tell you in so many different ways, but let's start with the basic. They're elites from their respective country, choese to represnt them as IS pilots.

Cecilia: Well, I'm surprised you know that that much, I suppose not all men are ignorant. You both should be glad that you are in the same homeroom as me, because I am an elite!

Zora: (saracastically) Oh, wow. Let me go report to the local news

Cecilia: Hey! Are you making fun of me!?

Ichika: No. You're the one who said how lucky we are.

Cecilia: I mean after all, I did defeat an instructor in the entrance exam

Zora: What an coincidence, so did we.

Cecilia: What!?

Ichika: Yeah. All I did was move out of the way and she smashed the into the wall...then you know...kaboom

Zora: (Casually) As for me, I clapped her cheeks so bad, I'm sure she was out for days.

Girls: Ooooooo~

Cecilia: But how!? I thought I was the only one to defeat an intsructor!

Zora: (shrugs) They probably just mean you were the only female

Cecilia: It's not possible! You're telling me you both defeated the drill instructiors too!?

Zora: I think that's already been established.

Ichika: Hey. Calm down, please!

Cecilia: H-How can I!?

She then got into their faces when the final bell rang and she backed up

Cecilia: We'll continue this conversation later! This isn't over, you hear me?!

With that, the blonde walked away

Zora: What the hell was that?

Ichika: Not sure, but I think we just made an enemy on the first day

(Opening Theme - Back On)

There you all have it! The first chapter of my IS: Solar Akatsuki story finished! The show itself was pretty good and I just HAD to get this out of my head at the time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and I will be updating and posting RWBYK (or KRWNS) REALLY soon! 

See ya!

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