Chapter 5 - Univited Guest

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Last Time: Zora and Ichika reunite with their other childhood friend, Rin

This Time: Because of Ichika's misundertanding of a old promise, he and Lingyin battle in the class league match, but they are interrupted when a mysterious guest.


After school hours

"Wait, Houki...!"

After school, in the 3rd training arena, two IS units were currently facing each other down in the field. On one side was Ichika in his Byakushiki while on the other side was Houki in a training unit, the Uchigane, a highly-reliable 2nd generation IS frame. The Uchigane was a very elegant model with its samurai-like design.

After the school hours, Ichika, by his routine, went for training with Houki. After some talking, Zora had agreed to spar with Ichika in multi-field IS combat and be his sparring partner, whereas Houki would still train him kendo techniques since he had already familiarized himself with the Houki's sword teachings. And right now, they were half-way through a mock duel.

"What's wrong, Ichika! You're too slow!"

"Listen, Houki. This is to- whoa!" Ichika didn't get to finish his sentence as Houki suddenly charged forward, her sword came crashing down with an immense force.

He jumped back just in time to avoid getting hit. His face showed visible confusion; still trying to figure out what had made his childhood friend so aggressive. Though his irrelevant thinking caused him a moment of delay of reaction and sure enough, he found the tip of Houki's sword leveled at his throat the next instant.

"Wandering thoughts have no place in a battle, Ichika!" She admonished him for his lack of focus, something that would cause him dearly if he was to be on a real battlefield.

"Ugh. You're too strong for me Houki." Grunted Ichika as his body protested in pain from many strikes that she had landed on him before.

Having watched from the stand Zora had admit, he was really impressed with Houki's performance and skills. Simply put, she was incredible.

She moved with the fluidity and precision of a professional despite her age. It was very stunning for him to see such a delicate-looking girl for any normal eye, yet having an extremely solid style. Her style was exquisite, it removed any excess movements while relying heavily on the foundations of the Japanese swordplay. No wonder she was the champion in the national Kendo tournament according to what Ichika had told him.

Her IS piloting skills were not the greatest, though, her strength in the sword would be enough to give many a run for their money. 

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Ichika's voice.

"You know, Zora, I believe for you to train me is still better. I don't think I can handle Houki's gorilla training." Said Ichika, his IS disappearing into blue mots.

"Sometimes, you gotta run before you can walk, Ich. You shouldn't have slackened off during a fight like that." Zora replied. "Your reaction time is too slow, specs-wise, you should have been able to avoid most of Houki's attacks. Yet, you ended up being her target practice."

"Hah, you sound like Chifuyu just now."

"Thanks, I've been practicing. Anyways, it was properly due to your inexperience and that you haven't completely adjusted to Byakushiki specs yet. My guess? You need to have as much familiarity with your machine as possible and learn some evasive maneuvers." Zora said.

"Since your CQC is being handled by Houki, I can help you with learning long to mid-range defensive and offensive tactics. This would be best if Cecilia helps you out, but uh..." He glanced over to Houki, when she wasn't noticing, and slowly rolled his eyes over again, "...She may be busy, so I will help you out on this."

Truth be told, as much as he would've enjoyed it, he didn't want to see a catfight in the training field and having to clean it up since he was the one who asked for permission to use the arena, so that was out of the question.

"Thanks, Zora. I knew I could rely on you bro."

Slowly moving to the launch pad, Zora called upon the Solar Akatsuki. Now Zora had grown accustomed to it, he was about to show Ichika a few of his tricks, as well as being a small test for him.

"Hope you got 3D glasses, Ichika. I'm coming at ya!" Zora spoke through the comms.

"Anytime, Zora. I'm ready for you." The raven-hair boy replied as he IS re-materialized after taking some rest. However, he was unawarded of what was about to come.

"We'll see. Solar Akatsuki! Launching off!"

Thus, as a golden silhouette flew out from the hangar, Ichika readied his Yukihira once again. Rooting in his place and waiting for a close approach from Zora, he had formulated many plans to combat his silver opponent.

"There he is. Come!" Taunted Ichika as his body curled up to make a jump back when he saw the familiar figure of the Akatsuki closing in. He clenched his sword and shot up to meet Zora halfway.

The two then collied in a bright explosion of light.

(Opening Theme: Back - On)


"Hey, are you good Ich?" Zora spoke first. He believed that he may have gone too far as to kick Ichika down to the ground like that during their training session. He admitted that his enthusiasm for a fight had taken over him at the last moment. "I might've gone a little too hardcore..."

Lying on the ground now was Ichika with his eyes squinted and his mouth shut close due to frustration. Despite his deceptively blank face, the raven hair boy was on the verge of throwing a tantrum.

"Aghhh! Come on, I almost have you there! Your IS is basically a Pay-to-Win. You have 2 weapons like Yukihira and I only have 1! It's unfair!"

"Ah, come on, man. Don't be such a sourpuss, if you try harder next time, you will win. After all, this loss was due to-" Zora tried to cheer his friend up and gave him advice, but Ichika quickly interrupted. Probably still feeling sour of his close victory being taken away.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I went in underestimating your weapon capabilities and got my ass handed. That's all."

"At least you admitted it."

But when thinking about it further, Ichika remembered that he had also made the same error last time during the duel with Cecilia. Out of embarrassment and frustration, he instantly knitted his eyebrows and rustled his head. He couldn't believe that he made such an amateur mistake back then and even now. "Ugh... I think I should fix that..."

"I see, Ichika still has that bad habit huh?" An acknowledging voice could be heard from the side, which belonged to Houki. Seeing that the training is over, she walked over to the two of them with two towels and some drinks on her hands. "Here, it must have been tiring, right?" She handed a bottle and a towel to Ichika and another to Zora.

"Thanks." Zora nodded and accepted them, "By the way, your sword fighting is really good too Houki-Poki. I think your sword training has definitively helped him there." He stated, thinking about the last maneuver that Ichika had pulled off, "Your toughness in teaching will make him more likely to remember. He's more of a muscle memory type anyway."

"You really think so? Umu, I also believe that if Ichika follows the way of the sword, he will become much stronger." Houki was glad that Zora also had the same thought as her, she held her hand tight to her chest in contemplation and delight.

"Oh, come on. Give me a break, I can't handle Houki spartan training anymore." Ichika groaned, having a PTSD of what he had gone through during her past training. To which, Houki quickly shot an eye at him, silencing whatever the guy had in opposition.

"...Nevermind," Ichika quickly turned away, causing Zora to laugh

"Welp, I'm gonna gonna head back first." Zora called over to Ichika as he looked at his brother, who slumped down in exhaustion after an intense session of piloting in the school's Training Unit. "See ya guys tomorrow."

"Hah, hah. Alright Zora, you go on ahead, I need to catch my breath." Ichika panted as he laid back down on the ground.


The sound of water coming from the bathroom could be clearly heard throughout the room. Zora came out after finishing his shower, wearing his casual shirt and shorts with a towel wrapped around his neck. As he went reaching for the hairdryer, his phone started to ring, which he assumed to be Ichika. He went over to pick it up and indeed, it was Ichika. He then answered the phone and put it on video call and Ichika appeared.... though with a very depressed look on his face... and a red handprint on the left cheek.

Blinking confusingly, Zora could only mutter a simple sentence that any normal people would say. "...Damn, who knocked your ass out?"

Ichika slumped in depression before answering. "I met Rin outside when I came back from the arena."

"Uh-huh. And?"

He sighed and went reaching for some ice to apply on his face. "I just don't understand. We talked a bit about our older days and then she suddenly mentioned the promise I made with her. I was certain that I remembered it exactly, but for some reason, when I explain it to her, she gave me this extra." He said while gesturing to the glowing red mark on his face.


"Uhm, she promised me that if she became a better cook with her dish, she would treat me to her sweet and sour pork every day."

"Ahhh... that makes sense."

"It does? But wait, that is not what I'm worried about. We ended up agreeing that if I win in the interclass tournament, then she will tell me. But if I lose, I will have to do any one thing that she wants." After letting out a long-exasperated sigh, he lied down on his bed. "Aghhh... I think I just dug my own grave..."

At this point, Zora didn't know what to say to his friend anymore. On one hand, from his point of view, Ichika was a lucky bastard to have a girl offering a deal that was beneficial to him both ways, but it was just that the guy didn't realize it. On the other hand, if the guy loses and then rejects the girl's feelings, he would just turn into a pathetic person.

Zora rolled his eyes before going over to his bed  and sitting on it. "I'm not sure whether to sympathize with you or feel jealous of you..."

"What do you mean? Shouldn't it be the former?" Ichika raised a finger to object.

"Shut up, lucky bastard." Said Zora as  and fell backwards on his mattress to vent his anger.

He was very envied of Ichika that the guy was having three girls actively pursuing him while he himself had no one. Now, Zora prided himself on being a lady's man. Though, in reality, it was because he didn't go for any girls in the academy, for he still clinging to the notion that his destined one was out there somewhere or maybe close by.

"What? Don't you see I'm in trouble right now?"

"Hmm! Serve you right!" deadpanned Zora. "Besides, you've kinda deserved it for not understanding the meaning of the promise and opening your damn mouth without knowing the real thing." 

The bluenette didn't knew the implications of making said promise and agree to it wasn't the problem, the problem was that both Ichika and Rin were at fault here, the boy being an idiot who can't control his own mouth and Rin being unreasonable. Still Zora had to help his friend out, otherwise he might just dug the hole deeper without even realizing it.

"What are you talking about?" Ichika spoke up.

Zora sighed before speaking up. "Listen Ichika, under what circumstances do both a woman and a man would be together that the woman can cook for him daily?"

Ichika racked his brain for a while, then his eyes shot wide open and he jerked up straight. "Wait, that was a marriage promise!?" He looked at the orangette with wide eyes.

"Shhh! Keep it down! You want Houki or the girls to hear it!?" Zora shushed the boy. "Well, I wouldn't call it a marriage promise, but what Rin wanted was to be your girlfriend. That's what she meant when she made that promise with you." Zora explained clearly to the shocked boy.

"And I thought it was really about free food. God, I'm such a jerk, treating her like this." Ichika drooped his head shamefully.

"Now you know. First things first, you have to apologize to Rin. We both know how she is. She made that heartfelt promise to you and you inadvertently stomped on it. Whatever happens you'd still need to apologize for hurting her first."

"But what happens if she still wanted to fight? I'm still new to all this and who knows how experienced Rin is and what her IS is? 

"Well, if push comes to shove...she might not kick your ass THAT badly after you apologize."


They arrived at the main hall of the building and noticed that a large number of girls had gathered around the school notice board and went to check it out. Turns out that it was the matchups for the Inter-Class Tournament and on one of the first rounds, Ichika will be going up against Ling while ora would be facing someone else from another class.

"I'm facing Ling in the very first round?" said Ichika, as he and the group comprising of Houki, Cecilia and Zora were currently assembled in the launch bay. The boy currently had Byakshiki materialized and waiting for the signal to launch.

"Looks like it, but I'll be rooting for the both of you," said Zora while patting Ichika in the back.

"Huang's IS is the Shenlong, it's a close combat type IS similar to your unit the Byakushiki." Maya told over the IS comm channel.

The holographic screens showed a schematic of Rin's IS, along with the video feed of the arena which showed the petite brunette currently in the arena.

"Remember, this isn't like the match you've had with me and Zora. So please, don't let your guard down." Cecilia noted.

"Don't worry, just fight like you've practiced and it'll be alright, don't stress out." Houki added.

Zora gave him a mock salute. "Trust yourself to not give up, and put your trust on Byakushiki. It's the only thing that won't betray you at this point."

Both contestants should get into their position now." The automated system blared out, signalling the cue for Ichika's departure.

"Got it! Right, Ichika Orimura, Byakushiki, lifting off!"

Ichika was shot out of the launch bay, and he flew towards the designated starting position. Face to face with an annoyed Rin.

"If you apologize now, I'll lower the intensity of pain you're about to feel!" The pilot of Shenlong regarded the boy with no small amount of hostility.

"You want an apology? Fine, I'm sorry that I've misunderstood the meaning of the promise."

"That's much better, so have you figured it out now?" The brunette raised an eyebrow, her gaze softened slightly.

"Zora told me what it meant, and I felt like a jerk for not seeing it soon. I'm sorry."

"So you're telling me that if it weren't for Simba, you wouldn't have apologized!?" Rin was now mad, her eyes hardened as she drawed her scimitar and activating it.

'Oh boy, seems like you're right after all, Z.' Ichika drew the Yukihira and stood ready. "I'll only apologize for the misunderstanding, but I won't stand around and get thrashed around! Ready yourself, Rin!"

Rin narrowed her eyes, "Fine! Just so you know, the IS' Absolute Defense isn't perfect. If the damage exceeded its limits, it could damage the pilot."

"I don't need you to tell me that, Elliot already did his job." Ichika's gaze sharpened on his opponent.

"Both contestants may begin combat." The automated system signalled the start of the match. Upon which both fighters circled then rushed towards each other, their blades clashed harshly against each other as Ichika blocked Rin's slash. The two then split apart and stood apart a fair distance from each other.

"Not bad, you've actually able to block my first attack. But that won't last!" Rin brandished another scimitar and twirled both her blades, before charging into the fray again, both blades seeking blood as they flashed in and out, battering against Ichika's guard, causing the boy to grunt in exertion.

The crowd were cheering wildly upon the exchange of blows, as the major school faculties watched intently.


In the control room, the previous trio was watching the match intently, with Yamada-sensei and Chifuyu both present. Houki was watching anxiously as she saw Ichika being pushed back by the savage brunette.

"Ichika..." The ponytailed girl whispered, clenching both her hands on her chest.

"Wow, she's amazing" Zora muttered in awe. "Kinda makes me wish I was out there."

Chifuyu watched the match intently, her face betrayed none of her thoughts.


Back in the arena, Ichika was frantically dodging Rin's various strikes, much to the annoyance of the petite brunette. But Ichika knew that dragging on a fight was counterproductive, so he racked his brains for a solution.

'This isn't good, if the fight drags out it's going to be gruelling.' He dodged a diagonal slash to his left as he gunned his thrusters in an effort to gain distance from the Shen Long.

"So naïve!" The flying orbs beside Rin lighted up, and suddenly Ichika found himself thrown wildly off course, only managing to correct himself before he barely scraped the arena floor.

He squared off against Rin, her face was adorned by a gloating smirk. "And that's what you called a jab!" The twin-tailed girl gloated, as both orbs began to light up again, Ichika braced himself.

The pilot of the Byakushiki found himself launched out of the skies and straight into the arena floor, tumbling in the sand as the inertia of the blows struck him, rolling to a stop on the ground.


"What the hell kind of attack that she used!?" Houki exclaimed.

"What she used was a Shock Cannon. It's a weapon that manipulates barometric pressure of the surrounding environment to form an invisible attack." Yamada sensei explained.

"That's right, Shen Long is China's third generation IS. Just like my Blue Tears." Cecilia commented.

"Interesting..." Arthias said to himself.


Ichika struggled to stand up, and instantly Rin filled his spot full of invisible shots, forcing the boy to dodge and weave frantically. The fire then stopped, and the boy glared up towards Rin.

"You're dodging pretty well; I thought the invisible bullets and barrel were supposed to be RyuHou's features. However..." Rin stared proudly at the boy.

"There's something else about the Shock Cannon. It fires at any angle unlimited by its barrel angle of skew." Maya explained to the trio of students, echoing the words Rin was saying in the arena.

"So, you're saying that it doesn't have a blind spot." Cecilia figured out.

"I'm afraid that's exactly it." Yamada sensei concluded.

Houki looked at the screens, worry etched on her face. She hoped that Ichika could win.

"If there isn't a blind spot inherent to the weapon, you make one yourself." Arthias commented, drawing the attention of everyone.

"Explain, Yamato." Chifuyu ordered.

"The Shock Cannon doesn't have a weakness in its design, but it's a weapon still, and weapons only work just as well as their wielder's skill allows. If there isn't a weakness in the weapon, then..." Arthias trailed off.

"The weakness lies within the user themselves." Zora finished for him.

"Exactly. How good a weapon is only puts a ceiling on how much damage it can do, the wielder determines how much of that potential can be exploited, or wasted." Arthias explained, crossing his arms. "Rin may have an advantage with the cannons, but if Ichika can get close enough, his skill with the sword combined with Yukihira's power will give him the victory. The only determining question now is whose will is stronger."

The girls and Maya, except Zora, stared at the man in wonder. His words did make some semblance of sense, but what did he meant by will itself?

"After all, we have here with us the prime example of that. Orimura here won the Mondo Grosso twice with nothing more than a blade. It's not a weapon that wins, it's the wielder wielding it." Arthias glanced at Chifuyu, who glared back in response.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Orimura still has to get close, and right now he's having a hard time doing so."


Ichika regarded his opponent tensely, clenching his fist. "Hey Rin."

"Yeah, what is it!?" Rin shouted; irritation clear in her voice.

"Look, I'm warning you, I'm not gonna hold back."

"What's that mean? That's what you're supposed to do! Besides, I'll show you we're not in the same league." Rin twirled her polearm, and rushed towards Ichika, who dodged her strike and flew away. Both machines flew after each other, locked in a high-speed pursuit.

"It looks like Orimura is looking to do something." Yamada sensei noted.

Arthias' eyes lighted up in understanding, "Looks like he's going to put that skill into good use now."

Cecilia turned towards the gold-eyed blonde. "What do you mean, Yamato?"

"Ichika's going to attempt an Ignition Boost, closing the distance rapidly between him and Rin for a coup de gracé."

Now Cecilia was puzzled, "Hold on, what exactly is this Ignition Boost?"

"It's a form of surprise attack which you close in on your opponent at a maximum rate of speed. As long as he can ignite it at just the right moment, he can even go toe to toe with a Representative Contender." Chifuyu explained, drawing the attention of the girls. "Unfortunately." Her gaze sharpens. "This is his only chance, because it just works once."

"Ha! He's got this!" Zora said, confidentally.

Ichika weaved and dived as barrages of invisible projectiles streaked through the air, with Rin in hot pursuit. Occasionally the pursuit turned into a melee fight, with neither both sides gaining much ground against the other. Among that melee Rin lost sight of Ichika, who dived down and upon seeing an opening, activated Ignition Boost that sent him rocketing straight towards Rin. The girl, being caught off-guard could only watch in shock as the boy closed the distance.


A beam of light broke through the skylight of the stadium and crashed into the ground, resulting in a large crater and smoke rising to the sky, interrupting the match much to everyone's confusion.

In the observation room, red lights were blinking and the consoles were beeping out loud in alarm as Maya was currently searching for the cause.

"What?! What's happening?!" asked Cecilia confusedly.

"It's a system damage! Something seems to have pierced through the arena shield borders!" said Maya.

Chifuyu reached over to grab a mic from the computer console to talk through the loudspeaker "The match is cancelled! Orimura, Huang, retreat at once!"

Meanwhile Ichika and Ling were looking down at the crater, trying to see what stands at the center of it.

"What is in there?" thought Ichika, then screen opened up on his HUD.

[IS of unknown organization detected. You are currently locked on]

"I'm locked on? That means it's targeting me?"

Ling contacted him on the comm link "Ichika, you need to return to the pit!"

"But what about you?"

"I'll buy some time which you'll use to escape,"

"Run away and leave you behind? There's no way I'm going to-WOAH!" Ichika quickly moved to the side just in time to avoid a beam of light which had burst from the cloud of smoke "Besides it seems to have its sights set on me,"

Both IS pilots looked through the smoke to seen who it was that shot at Ichika. It was a black IS that is over two meters tall in height and resembled a mechanical giant with two bulging arms which appear to have four powerful looking cannons in each of them, and its mask appears to have several circular optic lenses.

"Orimura, Huang, you need to get out of the arena immediately! The teachers are on their way to suppress the unknown IS!" said Maya through the comm link.

"I can't, that IS is after me and if I leave, it might go on a rampage and attack everyone," Ichika responded.

"That's true, but-"

"I'll stay behind and help," said Ling.

"But Huang-"

"Ling, it's coming!" they shut off their comm links right as the unknown IS took to the air by expelling the exhaust from the numerous jet propulsion nozzles all over its body and headed straight towards them.


"Orimura, Huang, please respond!" Maya tried to reconnect to them but to no avail.

"Since they claim to want to do it, then let them be," said Chifuyu nonchalantly.

Maya along with everyone else looked at her in surprise "Ms. Orimura, how can you have such a carefree attitude at a time like this?!"

"Calm down and have some coffee, you get upset when you don't get enough sugar," Chifuyu went over to a coffee maker to do just that. However a certain trio weren't falling for that act.

'She's really worried about her brother but doesn't want others to see that' Arthias thought.

'To the point that she made a small blunder,' thought Zora as they watched Chifuyu about to raise the cup of coffee her lips to drink, only for Arthias to stop her.

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you," He told her.


"Umm put salt in the coffee...not sugar," said Maya.

A pink tinge appeared on Chifuyu's cheeks as she turned away to hide her embarrassment. As much as Zora wanted be amused at her mistake, he's rather focused on much more important things.

"Chi- Ms. Orimura, they need help down there," Zora spoke.

"As much as I would want to...take a look at this," Chifuyu pointed at a screen which displayed 3D diagram of the arena.

[Emergency Level 4, All Gates locked]

"A level 4 lockdown?" said Houki.

"And all of the doors are locked too. Could that IS have caused this?" said Cecilia thoughtfully.

"It seems so, we can't evacuate them out or go out to help them," said Chifuyu.

"Then what about the government? Surely you would contact them for this emergency?"

"We're already doing so and the third year students are trying to crack the system as well. As soon as the barrier shields are shut up, we can send in our troops," said Chifuyu.

"I don't think Ichika and Ling will have that long, which is why I'm going to speed things up," Arthias walked towards the console while he reached for the side and pulled out a USB cable which he plugged into the system and proceeded to tap on the keypad as numerous windows displaying alphanumeric characters appeared in the screen.

[Specter Program uploaded and executed] said a female voice.

"What are you doing Yamato-kun?" asked Maya, Cecilia glared at her for calling Arthias with a suffix.

"I'm uploading a viral program into the system firewall, with it I should be able to sneak by the hacked firewall and take it down from the inside out," said Arthias.

[Sir, level 1 security has been unlocked] sure enough, the door to the observation room opened up.

"Continue to unlock the other levels then afterwards execute the exorcism program to remove the virus."

[Yes sir]

Seeing the door opened, Zora turned to leave.

"Ukashi, where are you going?" asked Chifuyu sternly.

"To help Ichika and Rin," Zora replied.

"Sorry, I can't let you do that,"

"And why the heck not?" Zora looked at her with a frown.

"Even though Solar Akatsuki is a strong IS, you would end up being a nuisance to the assault troops. Have you ever partaken in a cooperation training? What your position in a team is? The level of enemy you trained against? And how long you can continue to operate?"

"No I haven't," said Zora, looking down slightly.

"If you understand, then it's fine,"

"However, if standing here doing nothing but watch my friends put their risk is your best advice? Then I'm going to hell with that,"

"Ukashi, are you disobeying me?" Chifuyu glared at Zora, but he stood there unfazed.

"Chifuyu, you should know this about me; I'm a rebel. I don't run from fights. I'd rather be seen as a rule breaker than someone who doesn't have a heart to care about the people close to him. So when I get back, I'll take whatever punishment you dish out, even explusion."

Zora ran out of the room while the others especially Chifuyu watched him leave in stunned silence while Arthias stayed behind and was smirking after his cousin's departure.

'Ukashi, please be careful,' thought Maya worriedly.

'To speak that way to me...heh, I'll admit. Kids got balls,' thought Chifuyu with a small smirk.


Zora bolted down the hallway to his entrance of the arena with narrowed eyes. "Hang on, guys. I'm on my way!" He exclaimed, before racing down the corridor even faster.

Soon, he reached his destination, barely breaking a sweat as the commotion reached his ears. He could hear it, the sounds of steel clashing against each other and a large explosion.

Cleching his fist, the orangette lifted his right arm where his IS closed form resided. "You guys aren't going down without a fight. Not with out me!" He declared as golden light engulfed. "Soar high, Solar Akatsuki!"

With that, he shot off into the arena streaking off in a flash of gold with a roar like a jet engine running at full blast.

(Ending Theme - Fly Away)


Not much to say on this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. Also leave a review or PM me your thoughts and so on.

See ya!

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