The Story

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Before we begin, this story was made for Infinitetheedge 's Infinite X Crystal fanfic contest. I really hope I can win with what I got. Anyways, enjoy this fanfic, especially you, Infinite.

For a long time, Infinite and Crystal have been one of the most powerful couples in the multiverse. They've stopped so many threats coming near them, from Xeggy and Wario-Man with their world-conquering schemes, to Francis and Blizzard, along with their Enderdragon Hydra. They have been the undefeated heroes of the multiverse... but now, it might soon change.

The couple was walking around in the city, enjoying their peace for the time being. Infinite breathes in and out, enjoying the air.

Infinite: Isn't it great to have peace in our multiverse, dear?

Crystal: Of course it is, my love. I never wanna leave this place.

Infinite: Me neither. Not only do our closest friends live here, but for all we know, there might be someone plotting to destroy the world, and we'll be there to stop any evildoer who gets in our way.

Crystal: Damn right.

Infinite: I'm so glad to have you as my wife. You're so cute and badass.

Crystal: Just like Meggy.

She giggled and kissed Infinite. He blushed and kissed her back.

Meanwhile, Wario and Waluigi were at their dump of a home, planning on scamming someone.

Wario: We gotta find someone to scam in this city! There are so many victims to choose.

Waluigi: I feel like we've scammed everyone here. There aren't any possible options le...

His eyes were suddenly on Infinite and Crystal.

Waluigi: Helloooooo.

Wario: Them?! But... they're gods!

Waluigi: I know, but I feel like we can scam them once and for all! Just have faith in me!

Wario: Hmm... sounds like a plan... but we need help. We're useless against them.

Waluigi: That's why we gotta be sneaky. Follow me. Do not make a sound.

The greedy duo put trash cans over their heads and started to sneak behind Infinite and Crystal while not making a sound. They got closer and closer to them, and once they got close enough, Waluigi made his move and quickly bashed their heads together hard.

Wario: Woah! Waluigi, isn't that a little too brutal?!

Waluigi: Nothing's too brutal when you're stealing their money.

Waluigi went in the couple's pockets and got out their wallets.

Wario: Great job, bro!

Waluigi: Actually... let's take it a step further.

Waluigi got out 2 big syringes with needles sticking out.

Waluigi: You do the honors, Wario.

Wario stuck the needles in the canines' necks and started sucking out all of their powers.

Waluigi: Good job. Now all of their powers are gone.

Wario: Nice.

Waluigi: Now only 2 things remain in this huge prank.

Wario and Waluigi stripped the couple of their clothes, and took the couple to Santa's sleigh from 8 months ago. Another couple who used to be evil, SMG3 and Desti Plushie, saw what happened.

SMG3: Those... assholes.

Wario and Waluigi flew over to a desert far away from home and dropped Infinite and Crystal down in the middle of it.

Wario: Get f*cked, bitches!

They started to fly away on their sleigh.

Waluigi: Lataaaaaaa!

A while later, Infinite and Crystal woke up in the desert.

Infinite: Ohhhhhh... what happened?

Crystal looked down and screamed.

Crystal: Where are we?! And where are my clothes?!

Infinite: I feel... powerless...

Crystal: Me too... what the hell happened?!

Infinite: I don't know... we seemed to just black out. Whoever did this is gonna be in a world of pain.

Crystal: We gotta find a way to get home.

Infinite held Crystal's hand and tried to teleport back home, but because of his lack of powers, he couldn't move anywhere.

Infinite: Oh shit...

Crystal: I hope we can get home soon.

Infinite: I can't believe this is happening...

Crystal: Me neither. We're lost.

Infinite: Don't worry, sweetheart. Even without our powers, we'll try our best to get back home.

Crystal: O-okay.

Infinite hugged and kissed Crystal to calm her down.

Crystal: Thanks, Infinite. I hope I have my Umbra Watch with me so I can turn into the waifu you love.

Infinite started to think about Crystalonetta in her naked state, as he started to glow red and nosebleed. Crystal giggled at that.

Crystal: Here you go again.

Infinite: L-let's focus on travelling through the... burning hot desert.

Crystal: Yeah, it's so hot out here. If we get home, I'm sleeping in the freezer.

Infinite: Can I join you?

Crystal: Of course.

The couple started to travel through the desert.


SMG3 and Desti Plushie rushed to the castle after what they saw, and they just arrived.

Desti Plushie: Everyone! Something terrible happened!

Everyone looked over at the couple, surprised.

SMG3: Wario and Waluigi... they... they kidnapped Infinite and Crystal!

Mario, Meggy, and Cristina: What?!

Smesh: OH NO!

Everyone else gasped.

Smesh ran over to SMG3 and Desti.

Smesh: Where are they?!

SMG3: I don't know where they took them.

Smesh: Oh no...

Cristina hugged Smesh tightly.

Cristina: Don't worry, sweetie. I'll help you find your best friend.

Smesh: Thank you so much, my love.

They kissed each other.

Mario: We'd love to help you two, but...

Meggy: I gotta get back to my Q&A. They're all starting to get impatient.

Smesh: Okay, Meggy. I'm fine with that. We're gonna go find Wario and Waluigi and give them a piece of my mind. You ready, darling?

Cristina: Of course, sweetheart. Let's do this.

Smesh and Cristina ran out the castle and started looking for the people who kidnapped Infinite and Crystal.

Back with them, they continued walking through the desert, hoping to find a shred of civilization.

Crystal: So hot out here...

Infinite: Need food... and water...

Crystal: And our powers too...

Infinite: My bestie must be worried sick. I hope anyone finds us soon.

Crystal: Yeah. I wanna go home.

Infinite: Me too.

Back with Smesh and Cristina, they arrived at Wario and Waluigi's home.

Smesh: WARIO!

Cristina: WALUIGI!

Waluigi: Huh?

Smesh: Where... are... Infinite and Crystal?

Wario: Eh, f*ck you.

The greedy duo started to run away fast, but Smesh and Cristina quickly caught up with them.

Cristina: Tell us where Infinite and Crystal are right now!

Wario: Or what?!

Smesh: Or I'll tell Master Hand to not put Waluigi in any future Smash Bros. from now on, and I'll burn all your money.


Cristina: Wow. Good punishments, Smesh.

Smesh: Thanks.

Wario: Okay, we'll tell you!

Waluigi: We put them in the middle of the nearest desert!

Smesh: Thank you for telling us. Oh... and one more thing.

Smesh started to beat Wario and Waluigi up brutally, and soon, Cristina joined in on the beating.

Smesh: Once we finish, lead us to where you put them!

Wario and Waluigi: Okay, okay!

Back with Infinite and Crystal, they were resting on the sand because they were too tired.

Infinite: We'll be back home soon, sweetheart. We'll survive... we'll survive...

The couple hugged each other, as they heard some sand moving without them looking.

Crystal: There's that sound again.

Infinite: I'll make this sound stop, Crystal.

They turned around to see 3 tigers made of sand. Infinite and Crystal's jaws dropped.

Infinite: What... the... hell?!

Crystal: I... I know where we are. I've heard about this place. We're in the Magic Desert of Danger!

Infinite: That definitely explains the sand tigers!

Crystal: What're we gonna do?

One of the tigers started running towards Crystal.

Crystal: Oh crap!

Infinite stood in front of Crystal.

Infinite: Even though I don't have any of my powers, I can still kick this tiger's ass!

Infinite started punching and kicking the 3 sand tigers.

Infinite: Don't you dare hurt my sweetheart!

Crystal joined Infinite and started beating up the tigers with him.

Crystal: We can still fight even without our powers!

Infinite: Yeah! You're doing great, sweetheart!

Crystal: You too, my love!

However, just a while later, the heat and their thirst got the better of them, and they started to get tired.

Infinite: Crystal... I can't fight anymore...

Crystal: Me... neither...

More sand tigers came out of the sand and surrounded Infinite and Crystal.

Crystal: Oh no...

They struggled to fight, but they were too tired.

Infinite: Crystal... I just wanted to say... I always loved you so much.

Crystal: I've always loved you too, Infinite.

The couple held hands and kissed each other, waiting for the inevitable to happen, but something came to their rescue. They saw a sleigh flying over them, and it was being ridden by Smesh and Cristina!

Infinite: S-Smesh...

Crystal: C-Cristina...

Smesh and Cristina drove the sleigh towards the tigers and started running them over, leaving nothing but sand behind. Just after they were all gone, they got near Infinite and Crystal.

Smesh: Hop on!

Infinite and Crystal got on the sleigh tiredly.

Smesh: Oh, and one more thing.

Smesh and Cristina threw Wario and Waluigi off the sleigh, as they flew away.

Wario: What the f*ck?!

Waluigi: Why are you leaving us here!

Smesh: Because you threw my best friend here! Have fun with the tigers!

All of the sand tigers started to reform and they surrounded Wario and Waluigi.

Wario: Well, we're f*cked.

They started getting attacked by the tigers, while Smesh and Cristina were flying Infinite and Crystal home.

Cristina: So, they took your powers and your clothes?

Infinite and Crystal: Yes...

Smesh: We got your clothes, and the crooks also left the syringes with your powers in here. Now be careful. It might hurt.

Smesh injected Infinite and Crystal with the needles, as they got their powers back.

Infinite: I... feel... powerful again!

Crystal: Me too! Thanks, Smesh!

Smesh: No problem. I also brought a cooler filled with ice big enough to fit you two-

Infinite and Crystal immediately went in there and closed the cooler.

Infinite: Ohh~

Crystal: That feels so good~

Cristina: Sounds like they're gonna be in here for a while.

Smesh and Cristina laughed, as they continued flying the sleigh.

Infinite: Smesh...

Infinite hugged Smesh very tightly for what he did.

Infinite: Thank you so much for saving us... bestie.

Smesh: You're welcome, bestie.

Cristina and Crystal: Aww...

Infinite went back in the cooler, with Crystal putting on her Umbra Watch to turn into Crystalonetta. He started to nosebleed a little.

Infinite: Uhh...

Crystalonetta: Oh, Infinite. (giggles) Wanna have some fun?

Infinite: Okay.

His face was as red as a tomato, as the cooler started to move a lot because of what they're doing inside.

Smesh: Looks like they're having fun in there.

Cristina: They sure are.

Smesh and Cristina were both laughing while riding the sleigh back home, hoping for that crisis to never happen again.

And that was my story for the Infinite X Crystal contest! I hope you enjoyed it, Infinite!

Anyways, see you all later!

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