xxiii. let the rebellion begin

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A FEW DAYS LATER, Peeta was allowed to begin training with other people. Elena could tell that it was to the disgust of quite a few people, barely anybody here trusts him and that brings hurt to her heart. It doesn't seem to bother him as much considering most of them are strangers and that Katniss is still some sort of monster in his mind.

Worry also weighs on her mind as she thinks about the events of a few days ago where he became so anxious that he begun to argue with himself. Therefore, she's taken it upon herself to be his guardian. Currently, he's training with the beginners so that he can get into the swing of things.

After a quick conversation with Katniss, however, she is aware that it is for the cameras. They are hoping to broadcast that Peeta is with them, that he is fighting for the rebellion and not against it.

"Perhaps a few shots of you two for the camera," Plutarch comments as he passes by the blonde pair, which only evokes a slight glare from the girl. There is no way Peeta is ready to be paraded around in front of the cameras and used as a pawn - he's only just come back from being Snow's pawn.

"Leave him be for now," Jace interjects when he sees the uncomfortable look upon his sister's face. "Peeta needs a little downtime first,"

"The rebellion doesn't have a downtime," Coin interjects.

"Well make one. Peeta isn't the only victor you have in this building," Elena's voice is quiet yet assertive.

"Miss Rogers, we must move quickly to hit the Capitol. We cannot afford to be inefficient in our actions," The president fires back at the young girl.

"You have Katniss, you have Finnick and you have Johanna. Surely you can wait a few more days,"

Unfortunately for them, Coin didn't seem to care about Elena's objections. She still believes that it is best if Peeta is in line of sight, she wants to show the Capitol that she is in control. So, within the following days, Peeta and Elena find themselves travelling towards a large group of soldiers.

Whilst Elena doesn't want to be involved in the physicality of this oncoming war, she refused to let Peeta go and be with a group of people who detest him. She knows that her brother, and Finnick alike, will be furious with her decision but it's a risk she is willing to take.

"This might be a mistake," Peeta breathes as he looks at her. "You shouldn't have come, it's not safe,"

"I know, I do. It's not safe for you either, Peeta. I'm probably the only person who they haven't altered your memories of, you said that. Which means I'm going to take care of you until you feel safe to be around the others by yourself," Elena replies truthfully and his lips twitch upwards slightly.

"I don't deserve you,"

Elena allows her eyes to travel to him, compassion and love brimming them to the fullest. It's the first time she's felt like this in such a long time, since Everett whom she admittedly hasn't thought about in a wild - it makes her feel an everlasting guilt.

"Come on. They're waiting for us," Elena's cheeks have since flared a bright red, embarrassment coating her expression.

The two of them walk out together, guns slung over their shoulders. As they near the crew, Elena grabs the boy's hand for comfort and squeezes it lightly. She can make out the shapes of her brother and Finnick, both whom are chatting about something amongst themselves. Gale and Katniss are also off to the side talking with each other.

The instance they're spotted, there is tension in the air. This is interlaced with many other emotions - shock and confusion the most prominent of the lot. Elena is well aware of the anger that is radiating from the two men before her and she winces slightly, she's probably going to get a bit of a talking to after this.

The man, who Elena believes is called Boggs, goes to make a call to who she can only assume is Coin when Peeta stops him.

"It won't matter," Peeta comments to them, squeezing Elena's hand slightly. "The president assigned me herself. She decided the propos needed some heating up,"

"And you Elena?" Jace hisses quietly to his younger sister who flinches at his tone. "Did Coin assign you too?"

"Um- not quite. I wanted to come," Elena's voice is slightly more timid than usual.

Jace gestures for her to come over to him so they can obviously have a chat. Elena slowly lets go of Peeta and walks over to her brother, passing Finnick who shakes his head at her lightly. His disappointment and anger hurts her more than she would like to admit, it probably shouldn't effect her as much as it does.

"I'll call Coin and have you on the first flight back to Thirteen. You're not cut out for this kind of thing, Rosie. It will only hurt you more," Whilst the anger is still evident, his tone is softer.

"Peeta isn't cut out for it either, Jay. I wasn't going to let him do this alone," She responds.

"Lena, please. It would help me feel a lot better if you weren't here to see any of this,"

"And it would make me feel better if I were. I couldn't go back, I'd be stir crazy. You, Peeta, Finnick - all of you would be here and there is a great chance you will get hurt. I can't have that, I just can't,"

Jace sighs and nods his head, pulling the girl into his arms for a hug. She is quick to return it, needing the comfort of her big brother as they look to embark on this horrific journey together - however in the end, it may be worth it.

Yikes, this is so bad and short. I'm so sorry that it took so long and that it was a major filler chapter! We are moving further into the plot though so the next chapter should be a whole lot better. Thank you for stopping by and reading!

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