[002] blue eyed boy

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002. blue eyed boy

It's a few days later when the invitation turns up in her mailbox, the Capitol emblem on the front of it. Elena hasn't had anything sent to her for a long time, the Capitol far too occupied with organizing the next games after her Victory Tour to think about it — so naturally she is a little cautious about the envelope in her hands.

"You are cordially invited to attend the Capitol celebration for Panem's newest victors Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark," Elena reads aloud to her brother who scrunches his eyebrows in confusion. "We would also like to extend the invitation to your brother Jace,"

The last part is scribbled in at the bottom of the clearly printed letter, the words written out in cursive handwriting — clearly a last minute addition made from whoever had sent this so Elena actually turns up. Making it so she doesn't have to approach a loud, rambunctious crowd of Capitol residents on her lonesome is definitely a way to get her to at least consider going. Her own party had been a borderline disaster for her, way too many people and not enough places for her to runaway to.

"I don't remember the previous Victor being at your fancy Capitol party," Jace comments casually, peeling the potatoes in their fancy kitchen. He's one hundred percent correct with that, Elena doesn't remember seeing any other victors there besides Finnick whom had accompanied her. "Could be fun though,"

"I guess. It would be nice to meet some Victors who are actually my age, most of the others are a fair bit older. I mean the only Victors I ever converse with are the ones who live here," Elena points out.

Elena has never been one for making many friends, she had a few acquaintances who she hung around with when she was younger but they've since grown apart. She's found that it's hard for people to deal with the baggage she carries around on her shoulders, the nightmares and constantly looking about for some sort of threat. At least if she made friends with those who have experienced the same, they'll be doing the same as her. It's one of the reasons she's stuck by Finnick so much since returning home, because he just gets it.

"I think you should go," Jace says finally, looking up from the food he's preparing in order to address her. "I should be able to get some time off from work if you want me to come with you,"

"Please," Elena replies softly, knowing there's a chance that she won't get along with Katniss and Peeta at all. The last thing she wants is to be standing on her lonesome for several hours.

"Alright," Jace smiles, tipping the chopped vegetables into the pot.

Elena can practically smell the alcohol as she steps out of the large limousine, the nighttime breeze pushing against her hair. Her normally straight hair is curled, the golden locks falling down her back in beautifully crafted ringlets that she'd managed to do herself. If being rich has done anything, it's improved her ability to adopt some of the Capitol's extravagant ways of making herself up.

Out of instinct, the girl curls her arms around herself as people begin to pay attention to her. The attention is something she still isn't able to fully grasp, the way all these people recognize her as some sort of celebrity — a fame she'd gained through killing other people which is why she simply isn't able to accept it like they think she will.


The sound of her name draws in her attention, the blonde turning her head to see a smiling little girl. Elena musters up the brightest smile that she possibly can as the child practically runs at her, giddy for the attention of a former Victor.

"We're matching!" The girl gasps, eyeing Elena's fancy dress. The baby blue gown she's wearing is identical in colour to what the child is wearing, the only difference being the jewels that line the straps of Elena's. "I heard you were going to be here and asked my mother to buy a dress like the one you wore,"

This blue had become rather synonymous with Elena Rogers, her stylist having made all of her fancy dresses the same colour. The woman had mentioned something about the ocean and seashells in her explanation, but the anxiety of the following day had been enough for her to shut out the conversation completely.

"Your dress is lovely," Elena comments softly, not wanting to upset the child by giving her no response.

"Thank you! Can I get a picture? I want to put it on the wall with all of my other ones,"

Her face is beginning to become pained, the fake smile she's giving hurting her cheeks. Yet, she knows she has a persona to hold up here and if Elena isn't careful, there may be some major consequences coming her way. So to keep the people of the Capitol happy, the blonde teenager nods her head in response to the question. The little girl runs off to find her parents, needing them to take the photo for her. She cannot wait until she gets to go home.

Elena takes the photo with the girl, standing around to awkwardly chat with her parents before they're pulled away to talk with others. She has no idea where Jace has wondered off to, though she does know it'll probably be somewhere around food. Elena had told him all about how fancy it was, plates and plates of food she'd never even heard of before coming here — he's more than likely on his third or fourth plate by now.

People smile at her as they walk by, obviously not forgetting about one of their previous victors even though this is a celebration for the newer ones. Most have gravitated to the centre of the room now, dancing about with their partners to the music and laughing as they have a good time. Jace is still nowhere to be seen, so Elena decides to take a small break from moving about the room.

Instead, she stands by and watches people hold their significant others close and sway with the beat of the music. It causes a small tremor of sadness to roll through her, Everett's face flashing about in her mind for a few moments, before fading like it always does. That should be them.

Swallowing lightly, her eyes move to Katniss Everdeen who looks just as beautiful as the last time she'd seen her. This time though, her features are highlighted through the use of make up and a flowing black dress. It's the polar opposite of what Elena is wearing, the two a complete contrast of one another.

The man she's dancing with is one that Elena can't say she recognises, more than likely some Capitol official who wanted to get a glimpse of the newest Victor. The blonde does vaguely remember sharing a dance with the Head Gamemaker Seneca Crane at her own celebration before she was happily whisked away by Finnick, the man obviously sensing her discomfort.


Elena doesn't want to say that she almost fell off the chair she was sitting on at the sound of the voice, but she most certainly did. A pair of steady hands manage to catch her before she falls flat onto her face, the blonde looking up to thank the person. His blue eyes glimmer under the lights of the party, a glint of regret washing over them as he realises that he's scared at her.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have scared you like that,"

Peeta Mellark is just as handsome up close as he had been on the television, his beauty in no way exaggerated through the screen.

"No, no, that's okay. I was just out of it," Elena assures quietly, her lips pulling up into her first real smile of the evening.

"Sorry, I recognized you and thought I'd introduce myself," Peeta's smile is just as soft as his tone and yet it comes across so sincere. "I'm Peeta,"

"Elena," the blonde girl responds, the boy moving his hands away as she finally stands up properly. The silence that passes between the two of them for a few moments is, thankfully, more comfortable than awkward. She doesn't really know what to say, unsure whether he'd want her congratulations for winning such a horrid game. "Are you enjoying your party?"

Peeta chuckles quietly and nods his head. "It's all a bit much, isn't it?"

"Always the way. You should've seen it last year, they got me a chocolate fountain that was practically the size of me,"

The mere idea of it had been insane to her, the constant flow of warm chocolate that she could dip a strawberry into. Elena is quite convinced that most of it ended up being eaten by her in the end.

"They never do things by halves here," Peeta responds, his expression thoughtful as he seems to ponder something quite deeply. Elena doesn't want to pry, so she simply nods her head in response to his words. "Did you want to dance?"

His question catches her off guard slightly, his arm out slightly as if to offer it to her. Elena isn't usually one for dancing, she'd never really had an opportunity to be. Last year when she'd danced with Finnick, it was as if they were the only people there. The older man had been able to keep her attention away from the constantly prying eyes, helping to calm to obvious jitters that she was feeling. Peeta is relatively a stranger, somebody who she knows merely through a common denominator.

Yet, she thinks it's definitely a better option than standing around and watching other people have fun.

Elena slips her arm through his and allows the ashy blonde to lead her to the dance floor. The music is rather dramatic as his arm gently winds around her waist, her free hand resting on his shoulder as their other hands link. They slowly begin to move with the music, Elena trying her absolute hardest to avoid stepping on the poor boy's toes.

"You're from District Four, right?" Peeta asks, the sound of his voice enough to draw her attention away from the others around them. She can practically feel their stares burning holes into the back of her head.

"Yeah," Elena breathes, her hand unconsciously tightening around his as some of the Capitol residents surround them and continue to be their loud selves.

"I've always loved the idea of living by the water. District Twelve doesn't have anything other than trees really,"

"The water is my favourite thing about home, the beaches are really beautiful too. Surely there is something at home that you love,"

Peeta smiles lightly. "My parents own a bakery, I've worked there for as long as I can remember. I did all the cake decorating,"

"See? I wish I had something like that. For the longest time my hobby was seashell collecting,"

There's still a massive box of them in her wardrobe, ones that her parents had helped collect when she was simply a little girl — before the world around her collapsed in a heap. Elena hasn't been able to look at them since but she also hasn't been able to bring herself to throw them away either. One day she'll build up the strength to go through them, but until that day they'll remain in the back of her closet.

"Ready?" Peeta asks and her eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

"Ready for wh—"

Peeta gently twirls the girl around, her hair flying about with the turn. A gentle laugh falls from her lips, eyes light with a flicker of joy as she continues to dance with the boy. Peeta's face is light too, the teens letting go of all expectation and worry in that moment to enjoy just a small moment of innocence before they have to go back to the real world.

If the attention wasn't on them before, it definitely is now, the blondes ignoring the prying gazes as they continue to enjoy themselves. When the music dies down moments later, the two let go of one another.


It's a voice that every person in Panem knows by now, the District Twelve Victor walking up from behind him. Elena can feel those nerves from earlier coming back, unsure of whether or not Katniss will actually be okay with the fact that they'd shared a dance together.

"Hey. This is Elena," Peeta introduces the blonde girl to his partner, smiling.

It's painfully obvious that Katniss would rather be anywhere else but here, and yet Elena cannot help but be thankful for the smile she forces her way. Maybe they aren't total contrasts after all.

"It's nice to meet you," Elena decides to extend her hand to the brunette who takes it carefully. "I'll leave you two to it, you must have so many other people to greet. Thank you for the dance Peeta,"

The two of them watch her go, one slightly guarded and the other pleasant. Elena doesn't glance back, simply continues to make her way through the party in search of her brother as if all that didn't just happen. Yet, there's a slightly feeling of accomplishment rising up within her with each step. Maybe they aren't friends yet, but Elena knows better than most that to survive in this world you have to have people on your side — people who understand you.

Hopefully, she's just gone a step closer to finding that.


I hope you enjoyed! We should be getting back into the original story in the next chapter, with some differences of course! See you next time!

made by fireandbloods

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