[004] making the hard choice

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004. making the hard choices

Elena has hardly been able to comprehend the world around her over the past few days, people coming and going to only receive a mere blink of acknowledgment from her. Jace hasn't been the work, far too scared that if he leaves that the blonde girl will shut down for good. Finnick has been by too, Elena recognising his voice amongst all the noise and yet, unable to actually communicate with him properly.

Her mind is simply in overdrive, horrifying scenarios passing through her head at a million miles per minute and showing no signs of slowing. Death is imminent for her, she knows that if her name is pulled on reaping day that she won't be returning home. Elena was lucky to get out the first time, guided to the end by a boy who isn't around to care for her anymore — she'd practically signed his death warrant with an innocent kiss. Love doesn't always end happily, sometimes the unlucky ones are left to fight on with a tattered heart and memories they wish they could relive.

"If I don't go, they can't pick me," Elena says as she now sits at their dining table, a bowl of bland cereal in front of her. Jace sighs at her words and sits down beside her.

It's the first proper sentence she's managed to give him over the past few days.

"There's no guarantee you will get picked anyway. There are three of you, Rosie. It's not just you," He desperately tries to assure as her leg bounces up and down nervously. "You have to remember that,"

"Maybe so but I don't want Mags or Annie to go either. And then there's Finnick, he's almost a guarantee with how much they love him there," Her voice is a broken whisper.

It wouldn't even surprise Elena in the slightest if the glass bowl was full to the brim with Finnick's name, ready to throw one of their most popular victors back in for a show.

"I know. This is such a shit situation, Elena. I don't want any of you to go either, but you will be okay. You've done it before, if you have to do it again, you will,"

The blonde looks at him for a few moments before looking at the clock.

"I-I-" Elena stutters as her eyes once again fill with tears, feeling more vulnerable than ever before as she watches the seconds tick by. "W-we have to go,"

"Yeah, yeah we do. I'll be with you right up until you have to go on that stage, okay? You show them that they don't affect you, that you're not afraid. Can you do that?" Jace uses the softest tone he can muster as he watches her and she hesitantly nods her head at his words. She will be as brave as she can, it's all she can do. "Good. We have to go,"

Elena stands up and takes one last look around her large home, the silly pictures that rest along the wall of them from their childhood and the one of their parents. Jace sees what she's staring at and walks over, taking the frame down and pulling out the photo of all four of them, handing it to her. The blonde grabs the photo with shaky hands, her finger gently running over the faces of her parents — all of them with wide smiles as they sit in the field outside their home. Her field.

"They would be so proud of you," Jace mummers as he looks down at the photo of his family, fear beginning to fill his own body as he realises that he could end up the only one left. "Come on, kid,"

The Rogers siblings step outside of their home, the eldest of the two closing the door and locking it behind them. When he turns back around, Elena latches her hand onto his arm as they walk into the town square. The District has already begun to gather, Annie Cresta and Finnick Odair both already on the stage.

People stare at her as she walks by them and she feels more out of place than ever. Her free hand holds onto the photo tightly, breathing shakily as her parents bring her some strength, even if it is only a photo.

When they reach the steps, Elena turns around and practically throws herself into the arms of her older brother for some last minute comfort. They hug for a few moments before she's told she must join the rest of them on the stage.

"I love you. Be brave," Jace whispers in her ear as she pulls away, his hands gently grasping the sides of her head. He kisses her forehead softly.

"I love you," She manages to get out before a peacekeeper grabs her arm and forces her onto the stage to stand between Mags and Annie. The older woman lays a supportive hand on her shoulder.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the reaping for the 75th annual Hunger Games. This year, due to it being a Quarter Quell, we have a special stipulation. The district's victors will have the opportunity to find themselves back into the arena. How exciting!" District Four's escort, Emerald, exclaims although there is a serious lack of enthusiasm in her voice. Over the years, she's grown to love these tribute in her own way.

"We will start with the boys first!" The woman says as she walks over to the large bowl which contains several slips of paper. Finnick already looks as if he's ready to go, having stepped forward slightly. He too knows it's more than likely going to be him, the Capitol always looking for that entertainment factor. "District Four's male tribute, Finnick Odair!"

Elena scrunches her eyes at the sound of his name, her heart beating erratically as she thinks about what could be coming way in a matter of weeks.

Finnick moves to the front of the stage and looks out at the crowd of people who all look less than impressed with the situation that has occurred. How eyes flicker to his left for just a second to see all three female victors standing together, almost in their own huddle for protection. His heart aches slightly as he thinks about the fact that one of them will have to face this again — Mags who is a lot older now and then Annie and Elena, both of who are nowhere near up to doing this again.

"And now for the girls," Emerald speaks softly as she walks over to the glass bowl with three slips of paper. The time it takes for her to lower her hand in is almost agonising, Elena now visibly shaking on the stage.

Be brave. Be brave.

Not even the words of her brother can calm her down this time as Emerald moves back over to the microphone. Said brother can be seen in the front row, his eyes staring at the redheaded woman intensely as he awaits her words.

"Our female tribute for District Four... Elena Rogers,"

Elena feels as if she's about to collapse in a heap, arms shaking as she tries to contain her sobs. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Mags making a move but she quickly puts a stop to it by grabbing her hand and shaking her head softly. The woman stares at her for a few moments, before lifting her free hand up to gently lay it on her cheek.

Elena has had people die for her before, their blood on her hands, and it was a fate worth than death. The guilt that has weighed heavily on her mind, the ache within her that simply just won't disappear — she won't have it happen again, she can't. Mags deserves to live the rest of her life peacefully, it's what a good woman like her deserves.

The blonde slowly moves to stand beside Finnick who instantly grabs her hand for support. Elena cannot stop looking at her brother who looks as if he's about to burst into tears in the front row, something rare for the older boy who usually has a hold on his emotions. Elena, however, freely allows her tears to flow. Her heart is beating erratically as she stands there, the words of Emerald drowned out by its constant pumping.

When a hand clamps down on her arm, she turns to see a peacekeeper who moves to drag her away. The girl cries out for her brother who is being blocked from saying goodbye to her. The people of the District, her brother included, flinch at the amount of pain that is emitted from her. Her cries are painful, full of emotion; she doesn't even get to say a proper goodbye to the only family she has left — a simple picture all that remains of the four of them together.

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