Chapter 31

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An empty mushroom burger wrapper gusted across the pathway in front of Shay's information shack. It caught on the foot-tall mini fence set up to discourage children from trampling the flowers planted along the row leading to the Australian exhibit. Elbow on the counter, hand pressed to her cheek to prop up her head, she willed the wrapper to fly free and continue its journey across the zoo, but it stayed where it was, like plastic bag stuck in the branches of a tree.

Turning her attention to her workspace, she returned maps and information sheets that normally lay across the counter to boxes inside the shack. The zoo closed in fifteen minutes, and the shack would be locked up for the night.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if this map was up to date?"

She glanced at the map waved under her nose and then at the man holding it. Her heart thud in her chest and she had to remind herself that this was the time to be the most careful. She couldn't reveal to him how much she was keeping in.

"It's you," she said as coolly as she could.

"I've been searching all over this damn place for you." Jasper placed the map she'd given him in him into his back pocket and then leaned over the counter. He smelled like he belonged in the northern woodlands exhibit, wood and fire and the ash left over after the flames have burned themselves out.

She'd nearly given up on him, believing he'd tossed her care package after all. But no. Here he was with the bottommost item in the box. He'd seen everything she'd meant him to.

"So, what do you have to say? About what I gave you, I mean."

"I wish you'd been straightforward with me, told me that day what you knew. I don't like being toyed with."

She leaned in. "Yes, you do. Still, I apologize, even though it had to be this way. Would you have believed me if I blurted it out on your front lawn? I doubt it. Sometimes, people have to be shown what they need and then left to mull it over a bit."

"So, that's what you did."

"Yes, that's what I did." She contemplated whether to reach out and place her hand on his. Would she be doing it because it was what she wanted or because it was what was best? She paused, and then inched her fingers over to his. He didn't pull away as she used them to stroke the top of his hand. "Now you understand how dangerous she is. She killed Goldie. She could kill you too. Or me if she found out what I know." She opened her eyes as wide as she could. "I've barely been able to sleep, fearing she might figure out my identity."

"I can only imagine what you've been through. But about Tam. And Goldie. Are you saying you witnessed what happened?"

"Of course, I was there. You have the pictures to prove it."

"They prove Tam was there too, but not that she pushed her."

"Yeah, but I saw that part with my own eyes." She gripped his hand. "Can you possibly understand what that was like for me? To see her push my idol off a building, to see her crash onto the pavement. It was awful!"

Jasper stood still. He took a long breath. "I can't believe this. I really thought she was innocent."

"It must feel awful to have been so manipulated by her. She did this horrible, unforgiveable thing and then convinced you she was on your side. Made you believe that she, of all people, was the victim. What else did she tell you, Jasper? Did she claim you were the only one who believed her? Did she make you feel like it was you and her against the world? You know better, Jasper. Deep down, you do. She's not innocent. She did it. Tam Martin killed Goldie."

"But if you saw it happen, then why haven't you contacted the police. I mean, you witnessed a murder!"

It was always good to pause before speaking in situations where one was being asked such a weighted question. Figure out the right words to say, make sure the person you were speaking to understood the gravity of the response. Jasper was here and he was on her side now and she needed to keep it that way. "I have a source."

"A what?"

"An anonymous person who appreciates how evil Tam is. She doesn't care how many lives she destroys if it means she profits from others' pain. Look what she did to Becca and Paul. To lose their daughter like that. They must be completely broken. And does she even care? Probably not. She didn't care about her own parents, did she? She let them take all the blame."

"What does this have to do with you not contacting the police."

"That source says if I tell the police, Tam will find a way to kill me. That's why I've been so scared, Jasper! If I say something, I'm dead. So, I have to be quiet, only... I couldn't let you remain ignorant of the truth. You're the only other person on the planet who loved Goldie as much as I did. How could I keep this from you?"

Jasper grimaced, deep lines forming on either side of his mouth. Poor man, to have been caught up in such a twisted plot. At least he had her to comfort him now.

"But if you don't tell the police," he said, "they might not have enough evidence to arrest her. What then? Are you okay with letting Goldie's murderer walk free?"

"Of course not!" She grabbed onto both of his hands now and brought her face close enough to watch the vein on his temple throb. "I've done everything in my power to make sure justice prevails. I organized a campaign online to bring her down. She even got attacked by someone—

that must have been because of me. I need to make sure she feels as unsafe as I do. But in the end, I can't guarantee that Goldie's fans, even though they adored her, will do what needs to be done. But you..."

"What about me?"

"You will, won't you? Now that you realize the truth, you'll make sure Tam Martin pays for what she did."

He studied her for what felt like an eternity before bringing his head to the side of hers, lips brushing her cheek.

His whispered words tickled her neck. "Never doubt that."


Has Shay convinced Jasper? She seems to think so. He'll do what needs to be done, but is that what Shay believes is needed, or... something else.

Thanks for taking this trip to the zoo with me. Next up, Jasper is still lingering at the zoo, figuring out his next move, and then he's asked to call someone, and, well... you'll find out what happens next!

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