Chapter 37

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Maris pulled a chair over towards her side of the desk and offered it to her unexpected guest. The buzz of the station created a lulling background chorus, but in front of the mics, it was only her, Ryan, and the young woman.

"We weren't expecting you." She tried to infuse her voice with a bit of pep. Whatever she was doing here, this girl needed encouragement, not intimidation. "What do you want to say to us, Dierdre?"

"It's something I found, actually." She reached into her bag and rummaged through it.

Ryan approached, a mug of coffee in each hand. He placed one on the desk in front of Dierdre and took a sip out of the other.

"After you left our place, I waited for Shay to go to work and then I dug around in her room. I'm aware that it's wrong to snoop, but I had this bad feeling. Anyways, I found this." She pulled a phone from her bag and handed it to Maris. The screen was damaged, several spiderwebs of splintered silicone overlapping each other. She recognized the sparkly gold case immediately.

"You got this from Shay's room?"

"It was hidden in a box under her bed."

"Do you know whose phone this is?"

Dierdre nodded. "That's why I'm here. I don't... I'm not saying she did it, or anything. I can't believe that. But... she's been obsessed with Goldie for years, and I'm telling you, it's not healthy. She totally stalked her. She used to wait for Goldie to leave her apartment late at night when Goldie wanted to walk around free of paparazzi and fans and then Shay would follow her wherever she went."

Maris practiced her circular breathing. In for the count of three. She wouldn't break down. Hold for three. She wouldn't pound her fist into the desk. Breath out for three. She unclenched Goldie's phone and place it on her desk. Hold for three.

Ryan set his cup on his desk and turned away from them. "I'll get an evidence bag."

Maris forced her impassive face to focus on Dierdre's.
She had a certain resemblance to someone—a movie star probably, but Maris couldn't quite place it. Hollywood always went crazy for blue eyes. "This phone places her at the scene, but we already knew she was there, by her own admission. We also knew Shay was a super fan."

"A stan, that's right. She was proud to be completely nuts."

"And you believe this level of toxic adoration indicates Shay could have killed her?"

"I told you, I can't imagine that, but the fact that she has Goldie's phone makes me question how well I truly know her. Who takes a dead person's phone like that, like, right after they died? Plus, why wouldn't she give you hers if it would have helped your investigation?"

"She was within her rights. We do need a warrant."

"Still." Dierdre wrapped her arms around herself. "Up until this point, I believed the same as her, that Tam Martin killed Goldie."

"Why? Because Shay convinced you she was guilty?"

"No, because it seemed obvious, especially with Paul DeAngelis having seen Tam fleeing Goldie's apartment all frantic and out of her mind. Who wouldn't assume she was trying to save her own ass?"

Maris nodded. Who indeed? "Is there anything else you can think of to tell me about your roommate?"

"Not really. I hate that I'm even here. It makes me feel disloyal."

"It sounds like your friend may need help. It isn't a breach of loyalty to try to get that for her."

"So, you'll help her then? No matter what you find out? Shay isn't a bad person, she's just not emotionally mature. Good people do bad things all of the time."

Maris stood up and Dierdre did too. "Thank you for coming in today and for bringing us Goldie's phone. As a precaution, it might be a good idea if you didn't go back to your apartment when Shay is going to be there. If she finds out the phone she stole from Goldie is missing..."

"I already thought of that," Dierdre said. "I have a place to stay. Don't worry."

"Okay. You have my number. Contact me if you need me."

Dierdre nodded and walked with a brisk step away from her and out of the station. She stared after her, only breaking her gaze when Ryan returned.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"That girl probably doesn't realize it, but she may have given us the biggest lead we've had so far."


What lead is Maris speaking of? 

We are getting CLOSE, everyone! Things are going to keep clicking into place in the next few chapters, but it's going to be a wild ride, so buckle up! 

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