7| Boring

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"I think no matter how much time passed by, I will always have a weak spot for you. And that terrifies the hell out of me"

| Ardian |

"You wanted to see me?" I asked, as the door shut behind me
I didn't have my notebook
I came straight from the coffee shop and so I placed my recorder down alone.

After I rounded the table, surprised to see her sat where she had originally been, back to the door, now blocking me from it

She stood between me and freedom now
And I didn't like it
That's why I had switched our seats in the first place
She had called me here for some sort of game

"And you came running" she commented, tilting her head in amusement, light brown hair falling graceful around her face
She had rid her shirt
Sat in a white tank, contrast to her grey trousers

The colour grey washed her out
It made her paler
"What is it you want?" I asked, remaining standing
"I wanted to see you, I miss you so much when you leave me here... all alone" she said, eyes running down my body

"You always look so... nice in your suits" she commented
"Ivelle" I warned

"So handsome" she added
"I'm not staying here if you're just going to play with me" I said, picking my recorder up
"It's only playing if it actually effects you" she said, standing up

"Does it Ardian? Do I effect you?" She asked
"No" I said, hating myself for even giving her the answer
But the abruptness of the visit and her ambush of attitude had thrown my mind off
I stepped around the table and she stepped backwards, blocking the door

"Ivelle, move" I said
"Make me" she smiled
"Ivelle" I said again

She sighed, looking up at the ceiling as she wound her neck side to side
"I love the way you say my name" she said
"Move out of the way" I warned
"Make me" she said again

"This isn't a game. And I'm not playing" I said sternly
"I am" she shrugged
She knew if I made her move, then I would have to touch her in some way

Grab her, push her, shove her.
But I don't want to initiate that contact
I said nothing
And she let down the tensity in her body, frowning at me

"Come on Ardian, it isn't fun unless you play" she said
She was smart. Not crazy. So where is she going with this? She's acting childish and pouty
That isn't her style
"I bet Enora doesn't play with you does she?" She asked

"A teacher? I bet she's so boring... boring to talk to, boring to listen to, I mean she must be if you come here so much" she smiled
"Stop" I said
"I bet she's so boring in bed too" she went on

And I refrained from grabbing her by the throat
Talking about my life like that
About my girlfriend
"Does she bore you? Doctor..." she teased
"No" I said, stepping closer
A step closer to freedom

"I bet she does... I told you when we first met. I notice things... and you... you're frustrated, mentally, sexually..."
"Stop" I said again
"Make me" she pushed

She groaned
"Are you waiting for me to touch you first? Hm" she drawled out, reaching her hand out, touching my chest
"Stop it" I said, pulling away
"Come on Doctor Ellison..." she teased, both hands grabbing my shirt and tie

I grabbed her wrists
She is not touching me
She leant her face in, close to mine as I pulled her hands off me
"I can excite you way more than that boring cunt ever could" she whispered

I looked at her surprised, ready to shove her away from me before she quickly kissed me
A second, if that before she pulled away
And the patience I had for her snapped as I shoved her away from me angrily
Her back hit the door
And I stepped forward to hit it hard for help

She snapped too it seems
As the impending threat of guards meant she had little time to do whatever it was she wanted to achieve
And as her face fell and her eyes darkened
It was clear that what she wanted was to hurt me

For ruining this

She punched me in the face before I could stop her, and I stumbled back.
Into the table as she neared me and the door opened
She hit me again before a guard pulled her arms behind her back and cuffed her

My keys dropping from her hand to the floor
When did she take my keys?
"Alright, calm down" he warned her
I stood upright from the table and she head butted me

"Fuck" I groaned
She stared at me as she was dragged out
"Fucking nutcase. Here you are sir" the other guard said, handing me my keys
She did all this for what?

To taunt me? To try and take my keys?
My fucking lip is killing me
"Come on, let the medic check you out before you leave" he said

When I eventually got let out of the medical wing, I returned to the reception, getting my belongings back
And as the receptionist handed me my phone, I saw the several missed calls and texts from Enora

I rushed home. To find she wasn't there
And so I got ready as quick as I could and raced over to Daisy's house
Where she stood drinking with her sister and brother in law in the garden
She glared at me when she clocked me

"Sorry I'm late" I said, after sifting through the crowd, I brushed my arm along her back
And she took it off as she took my hand in hers. She was definitely angry

"Ah finally" Daisy smiled, kissing my cheek in a half hug
"Enora said you got delayed at work, I didn't realise you were fighting" she joked
I touched my lip
"Oh, yeah, that's why actually, prisoner got a little out of hand" I smiled

"I don't know how you do it and not clock them one back" Daisy's husband laughed
I smiled back, unsure what to say

The car ride was silent
She hadn't talked to me all night
"Enora? Baby" I said, as she stormed ahead of me out of the elevator

"You promised me you would be back on time, you promised me!" She said angrily
I shut the apartment door behind us
"It just got out of hand, she started a fight" I said
"She? This Ivelle again? That's where you were? You said you had a meeting" she said, throwing her bag down

"I did and then I got called in-"
"Do you know how embarrassing it is walking in alone? Lying to everyone that you're running late and in actual fact, I have no fucking clue where you are. Only for you to turn up with a busted lip acting like everything is fine!" She shouted

"I'm sorry-"
"You're always sorry Ardian! It isn't fucking good enough! Can't you see that this woman is ruining us?" She shouted
"She isn't ruining us. Work is... a lot. But so was the last case-"

"Exactly. It's always another case. Another late night. Another night of me going to bed alone and waking up alone and going to dinners and parties alone. You're barely ever here!" She burst out

Silence. Because I didn't know what to say
I had logical answers. But nothing she would want to hear
Nothing a boyfriend should say to his girlfriend when I'm definitely in the wrong

"I'm going to bed" she sighed
"Sleep on the sofa" she interrupted, shutting the bedroom door
I sat down, wondering where I was going wrong.

I was spending too much time trying to figure this woman out
That I was neglecting my girlfriend

| Ivelle |

I sat on my bed, looking at the hatch in my door slide up
Before I pulled the pen out of my bra
Diversion. Distraction. Seduction
They all amount to the same thing
Getting what I want

They think I'm stupid enough to try and go for his keys? In a locked room
Ardian isn't stupid though, he'll figure it out. He'll realise it's missing... eventually

I'll have to use it before then...

| Ardian |

An uncomfortable night on the sofa taught me the importance of punctuality more than anything else ever could
I should have shown up on time
I shouldn't have gone to see Ivelle

But whilst I lied on that sofa, staring at the ceiling
I wasn't thinking about how much I had upset Enora
And it was clear I had
I was thinking over and over about why Ivelle would want my keys.

They were keys to my locker there, keys to my desk I had been given. They weren't personal. They weren't of any use. They wouldn't have got her out of the cell
So why did she take them?
Why did she hit me?
She hadn't been violent at all.

Not until I threatened to leave.
Maybe that's why. Maybe she snapped because I wouldn't stay and hear what she wanted. Because I wouldn't play into her game.

I left the flat before Enora woke up. Hoping to avoid her anger for the morning
I should apologise
Buy her some flowers... take her to dinner
Tell her I'm an idiot and I'm sorry.

I trudged into work that morning, reluctant to sit down with Stella for our weekly catch up
"Nasty mark" Stella commented from her desk
"She's got a good punch" I said simply
"She's got a good hold" she said instead

"No, she doesn't" I denied
"She does, I pulled that meeting with Dione Lowell to this morning, you need to learn that Miss Honeycutt isn't someone you should be giving any leeway to" she said.

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