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Xornoth: 100% Fire elf


Xornoth (___) Smajor

(yes i haven't thought of a middle name for him yett- XD)


The fire in the elf was a suprise to everyone- as they have a huge family geans of basicly all having ice- tho they looked into it- and on his moms side- FAR into it Some fire elf got with The Ice- yknow- And it was shocking at how the fire geans surived- lol-


The Older twin by 5 minutes-

He was orginanlly was born Female- And Named X-Zaiva, (Xornoth is Trans~)

And tho their parents Wanted Scott to take over- as their father belived only a man could rule a kingdom(which is bullshit.)

So- thats why Scott took over the kingdom and not Xornoth-

And Scott was the first to know of Xornoth being trans- and helped him come up with his name- (more on that in a fic in my oneshot book lol- :D)

Andd he Xornoth did come out- his father just thought of it as a 'fase- She'd get over soon' tho he didn't.


Uh- his truama might be better than Scott's?- uh- lets see- he try'd to sneak food to Scott when Scott had the basement as a punishment- and if there father caught him- he'd get beaten-..And that would make Scott have to stay in the basement longer-

But for the most part they didn't give one shit abt Xornoth–


Xornoth has hectrocromia-(and no- i wasn't thinking of S2 Scott when i came up with this- cus i thought of this before S2 even started- XDDDD)

The megnata eye- and a cyan eye- tho he covers his cyan eye :D


Uh- i dunno what else- XD

(yes i forgot to make this page a when i came up with stuff- k- X'D)

(accidental irl fanart cus why not)

(lol- i made it when i had to go to my sis's track race thingy- and i just started to draw- and then it kinda looked like Xornoth- and so- uh- Accidental Xornoth fanart that might be a bit off but at the same time- looks like xornoth- XD) [yes i didn't color it- deal with it-]

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