Bolo Regiment or Battalion

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History: The bolo battalion or regiment are a large number of super heavy tanks called Bolo 

created during the dark age of technology these tanks piloted by a small crew and a advanced ai served the red tide during the unification wars 

to the war against the siren empire  and other wars 

especially the war against the gatlantis empire in the andromeda galaxy the reaper wars 

and the most infamous the crystal wars 

these tanks served their nation for many Ceuntries and what makes them more special if their crew members were killed 

the Bolo wont stop until their killer was killed By the ai of the bolo tank 

the total number of bolo tanks is speculated to be about 500 to 9000000000000 units produced 

the bolo tank are more famous for their legendary feats during the battle of talarn in operation revenge against the siren empire 

the red tide forces under the command of infamous colonel Radec layed siege to talarn to reclaim an dark age relic 

called the blood tide and prevent it from falling into the siren hands 

ultimately while the reds did lose the battle of talarn to the siren defenders the blood tide was sucsefully secured thanks to the alpha legion 


the bolo regiments would continue to serve in the red tide military for many years to come 

and the leader himself Blagoj already gave the bolo tanks a massive upgrade so they can survive any shot from any weapon in the universe 

as for plans to retire the tanks is a no go as the red tide military and their leader along with the council 

have stated in their meeting that these tanks will continue to serve the red tide to the end of time itself 

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