What is the the Difference between universe 3 and the red tide home universe

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Number One:

the Red tide universe  wars were more devastating compared to universe 3

the reds had to fight a rogue ai onyx on earth this war lasted one week to complete 

as things were about to be peaceful it lasted until the year 2040 

when the Red tide fought the alien race called the crystals 

which the war lasted from 2040 to 2080 

leaving the earth devastated and the reconstruction begun repairing the damages on earth 

number 2:expansion 

the red tide would end end the civil war on Mars and begun building their new military 

to helped them expand and brining the rest of the SF  territories under their control

they would later defeat the siren empire in the year 2200 

and secure the andromeda galaxy from the White comet empire 

it was in the final war against the crystals that the red tide would expand and secure many universes would join the red tide 

because of three reasons 

the reds were seen as heroes for saving their worlds and wanted to join a powerful nation 

they surrendered once their nations in their own universes fell to the red tide massive military 

and the third was fear on what awaited them if they  continued to resist the red tide 

Number 3:Star Kansens 

the original Kansens of Azur lane who fought for humanity and earth  and not the so called elite would be instrumental 

in the formation of the Star Kansens would be more powerful compared to the original Azur lane 

after the crystal wars the Azur Lane Kansens that fought were rewarded for their service to humanity many of them chose to retire 

while those that wanted to fight more were given two choises 

being turned into star kansens or pilot mobile suits 

with many Making their choises of Being Ms pilot 

while the rest work with Blagoj and his scientist to upgrade the Wisdom cubes 

with the first Stark Kansens being Shield of Valdor and Spirit of Eternity

with Speranza and the Abyssal class siblings being Monarchia Vengeance and Sacred lady would be next 

currently the reds have about :18 Star kansens with more being planned to be created in the future 

additional info: the daot fleets also have 5 star kansens under their command and they are involved in missions that are involved in eliminating the red tide enemies that survived their defeats and who may be a threat 

Reason 4:Technological Advance 

the red tide technological growth  will happen during the dark age of technology that started in the year 2090 and lasted all the way to the year 2800 

as being the end of the DAOT 

in this period the reds developed many technologies for civilian and Military use 

advanced medicine planetary terraformers  colony ships space colonies and robots being civilian use 

For military 

Titan legions Men of Iron Sun Snuffer Mechanivorse The infamous Helldrakes Data vores 

Many Mobile Suits And Gundams 

Veritech Fighters and their Macross carriers 

Massive tanks such as Bolo Tanks made their enemies feared them 

Fact 5:the new generation 

after being formed the red tide would make contact with the friendly aliens their original Nation befriended 

such as the Zentari Trolians Gaians and Garmillias and other species they would become allies and would fight in some of the most deadly wars in their universe 

in the aftermath of the Crystals wars their nations were hit badly by the crystals wars in a suprise declaration they 

would ask the red tide to join them 

shocked and suprised the reds would acepted 


and in the proces they would discard the old flaws of superiority and believing humanity deserves to rule the stars 

this would improve the relationships between all the Different aliens the reds befriended in their time 

Fact 6:the reds are always prepared to face new enemies adapt 

this is true to the reds  their is a difficult truth 

a new threat will always emerge 

such as the Nation of China creating the Legion and its rampage across the earth 

and their goals to eradicate all life on earth and to evolve all of humanity into godlike beings 

such thing is heresy To Blagoj as he lived many lives even when he was the Emperor of Mankind he stated that there were no gods

 there is only humanity 

the reds have joined the war and there will be nothing of China but ruins  once the war ends 

Fact 7:Diplomacy 

the reds are skilled in diplomacy with having many Ambassadors in their own universe and the ones that were recently discovered 

diplomacy is used first to secure the universe if it fails a false flag operation is insitigate to remove the leader in charge and claim the worlds to the red tide 


the red tide military has many branches 

the army 

the navy 

the space force 

the air force 

the RDF 

The Titan Legions 

Raze Soldiers 

Spec ops 

MS Corps 

their original Military personal were about:800 Billion frontline soldiers 

with the reserves redacted

but the war against the specters and the previous ones 

has forced the reds to decrease their Frontline personal from 800 billion to 50 billion 

while the rest were placed in reserve 

but with the recent aperance of the Regents and the Legion being almost defeated Blagoj

made the decision to bring the original Military personal back to 800 billion frontline soldiers with the council supporting the decision 


Long live the red tide 

death to our enemies 

we fight for peace 

No mercy 

No surrender 

Forward  Comrades 

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