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3rd Person's Pov:

"What are we doing here?" Charlie asked her brother as they pulled up into a fancy neighborhood.
Ruby turned around to look at the other redhead. "We're picking up a kid. Apparently, seniors are carpooling for freshmen's now." Ruby answered, chewing on his sandwich.

"Oh?" Charlie mumbled to herself, looking at the huge houses that they were driving by. This neighborhood looks so familiar but I don't know why? the confused girl thought to herself. Getting bored, she pulled out a piece of gum from her tan book bag. She quickly jolted back in her seat due to Ruby slamming down on the breaks. He then started to hold down on the horn. She quickly turned around to see who the freshman was.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Charlie scoffed, turning back around and slammed her head on her seat. "Hey! I'm Benji." Benji greeted as he opened the passenger door.  Ruby looked at him, "Hurry up. We're late." Benji quickly got in as Ruby zoomed off. Benji started turning around after noticing another backpack.

"Hello! I'm," he introduced before slowing down his words. "Benji." he stared at his ex best friend. "I know." Charlie nodded, blowing a bubble and turning her attention back to her phone. He slowly nodded with a tight lipped smile before turning back around, feeling tension in the air.

"Hold this." Ruby handed Benji his half eaten sandwich. "And don't eat." Benji looked at him, scrunching his face. "I'm not gonna eat it." he said.
"Fucking right you're not. I'm not your fucking lunch car, bro." he mumbled before looking out the window.

"Charlie." he called out. No answer." "Charlie!" he yelled, this time catching her attention. "What! What do you want?" she looked up from her phone with irritation. "Pass me a ballon." he reached his hand out, quickly feeling a deflated ballon on his palm.

He started blowing up the balloon. He started to inhale it before taking a pause and continued. He quickly zoned out, making Benji concerned and nervous. "Are you okay, man?" he asked, quickly grabbing Charlie's attention.

"Adam?" Benji called his name. "Hello?" he asked, hoping for an answer. Instead, he was answered with silence. "What's wrong with him." she asked while looking at the scared boy. "I- I- I don't know?" Benji replied, stammering with his words. "He inhaled the balloon with something!"

The light turned green. "The lights green. Dude, wake up. The light's green." he told the unconscious teen, still holding his sandwich. Drivers behind them started honking at them to go. "Fucking idiot!" someone yelled. Charlie quickly smacked her brother's cheek. "Yo, Rubs, wake up." she said before smacking his cheek again. "Wake up Ruben." Benji looked at her as she kept smacking Ruby's cheek. "Ruby!" Benji yelled, pulling Ruby out of whatever trance he was in.

"Gimme that." he rasped, snatching his sandwich back. Ruby noticed something was different with his sandwich. "Did you take a bite out of this?" he questioned, looking at Benji. "No." he shook his head. Ruby gave him an uncertain look before driving off the school.

The way to school, Benji kept giving little glances at Charlie wishing he could make things right again.

bealvrs yapping corner💗

that was a lot but they finally met again since 6th grade!! i have an idea for how i'm going to get them together and i'm excited!!

school sucked today but now i'm home in my bed:)

words: 574

started: September 6, 2024
finished: September 6, 2024
rewritten: September 10, 2024

her outfit

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