IV. Shuni, Cely, Ro

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IV. Shuni, Cely, Ro

Roman Sinclair Berkshire


"And where are you three going?" Mum queries from atop the staircase, engulfed in a red silk robe and her bonnet. Oshun, Celine, and I stand in the foyer, all in nightclub attire, awkwardly staring back at her.

The three of us look at one another, eager for someone to speak. Oshun clears her throat as she holds her clutch purse behind her. "We are going to the club," she answers. "But, no need to worry. Roman here will be the designated driver!"

I give Oshun a sharp look of disappointment as she smiles back.

"Aren't you girls going to be cold?" Mum comments, gesturing to their short and tight dresses. "Shouldn't you two wear something warmer?"

"Mum, I can assure you that the liquor will keep us warm," Celine softly chuckles. Oshun and I turn our heads to her as we await Mum's response regarding her honesty.

"Cely," she sighs, "You never fail to be transparent."

Just then, Dad appears behind her, his hands around her waist, pulling her closer. "Who's taking everyone home? In one piece?" he asks.

I reluctantly raise my hand, wincing at the lie. "I am."

"How come I don't believe that?" asks Dad.

"Dad, I can assure you that Roman will be taking us home in one piece," Oshun stands next to me, her frail hands gripping my arm, nearly tugging it to agree with her. "Isn't that right, baby brother?"

With a wide and nearly fraudulent smile, I nod. "Yep!"

"Roman, can you fend off the predators away from your sisters?"

"Going to the club with no intentions of drinking is one thing," I start, "But fighting off people that Oshun and Cely want to flirt with is too much."

"Roman," Dad's voice is stern, looking at me right in the eyes. "You are to fend. them. off."

I groan, already heading for the door. "They're adults. I cannot control my older sisters."

"Dad," Cely berates, "Do you not trust us?"

"I trust you three, 100%," he replies. "I just don't trust the people around you."

"I'm not having this conversation right now," Oshun mutters under her breath. She sashays towards the door with her heels clacking against the floor, the sound of them bouncing off the walls of the foyer. "Dad, Mum, good night. Don't wait on us. We will get home. Eventually."

Celine waves a little wave to our parents before we all head out the door. With Celine being the last to leave, she shuts the door behind her. The three of us collectively sigh after the semi-stressful conversation.

"Please don't talk to creeps," I murmur, pulling out my wand to apparate us. "Also—designated driver? When have we ever driven to the club?" Oshun and Cely hold onto each other's hands as Oshun is holding mine.

Together, we apparate to the club. A sudden and harsh whoosh engulfed the three of us. The world around us blurred into a dizzying whirlwind as we felt ourselves being caught in a tumultuous vortex of aggressive air. As the spinning subsided, we found ourselves standing in front of the speakeasy, solely intended for witches and wizards only.

Nausea washed over us as our bodies tried to catch up with the sudden displacement through space.

"I can never get used to that," Oshun huffs with her hand over her abdomen. "Is my hair okay?"

Celine and I looked at her together, as we nodded.

As the three of us entered the Greengrass family's speakeasy, we were immediately greeted with a vibrant world of sights, sounds, and scents. Passing through the heavy, velvet curtains, we stepped into a realm of pulsating energy.

Multi-colored strobes danced in perfect sync with the music, illuminating the crowd. The distinct aroma of marijuana hung subtly, weaving its way through the air, blending with the scent of various intoxicating liquors being poured and mixed at the bar.

Celine and Oshun wore snug-fit dresses, each accompanied by clutch purses. I probably should've worn something less suffocating.

"Why'd you wear that?" Oshun spoke loudly through the music. She tugged onto my top. "Are you not going to sweat in that?"

Celine rubbed on the material of my long sleeve top. "Don't listen to her. I'm loving this skin-tight grey long-sleeve thing you've got going for yourself. It's a breathable fabric, too. I don't think you'll sweat."

Oshun glanced at me once more. "It defines your muscles. Why're you looking good? Are you trying to catch attention? You whore. You're a whore, aren't you?" Oshun teased, pinching my cheek. I groan, trying to dodge her grasp.

"Roman's a whore," Celine yapped. "Roman, you're so gross. Have some respect, for Merlin's sake. Are you trying to get hit on? Are you asking for it?" The both of them annoyingly teased me as irritation brewed.

"Look at him, he's getting annoyed," Oshun blurted through her grimacing visage. "Roman, you clearly have no self-respect. You're dressed like a whore! How could you step out like this? Do you want to get pregnant?"

"That's enough, that's enough," I laughed through embarrassment. "You two need to catch a drink. Please go on. Move along."

"Are you sure you're not drinking?" Celine asks.

"Of course, I'm drinking," I answered loudly. "Are you going to use your Veela-ness to get them for free?"

"Silly boy," she retorted. "Why would I exhibit those traits for transactions when we have all the money in the world?"

And off they went with arms linked together, giggling at one another. I shake my head. Cely had a point. Sometimes it just feels wrong to flaunt our wealth despite all the chaos in the world.

I stood by a bar table on my phone, avoiding all these familiar faces. One-on-one, I'm more comfortable. But having all the familiar faces under one roof while intoxicated? Not the best idea. What's worse is that half the familiar faces have slept in my four-post bed back in school, which makes it extra weird.

My sisters arrive with drinks in their hands. I lift my head from my phone and slip it into my pocket, putting it on silent.

"Moscow Mule for the youngest," Oshun said, placing the drink in front of me. "And Mojito, extra dirty, for me." Oshun took three large sips of the drink before slamming it onto the table where we gathered collectively.

I drank my drink as I scanned the crowd. "A lot of familiar faces," I exclaimed through the blaring music. "I did not want to venture out without surveillance."

"Tell me about it," Oshun replied. "Have you seen Cely on the way back here? Waving left and right. Winking like a whore."

"Cause she was around," I joked, though it wasn't a joke.

Celine stuck her middle finger up and she swigged her whiskey on the rocks.

"That's why you're drinking a woman's drink," Celine spat. "With a little straw to accompany it."

"I can easily outdrink you. Especially with whiskey on the rocks. Don't play with me, Cely. You know what I'm capable of."

She rolled her eyes, swigging it once more before placing it down. "Why are we just at this table and not dancing?"

"Can I get tipsy first for fuck's sake?" Oshun rolled her eyes, sipping more of her Mojito. "Maybe I should've gotten whiskey on the rocks, too."

"I'm feeling amazing," Celine smiled wide, already bobbing her head to the music.

Out of nowhere, a man in a Casablanca Velour tracksuit appears behind Celine, his hand creeping up her waist. I clench my drink in hopes that this is someone Celine knows, otherwise, fists would be flying. I give him a stern look.

Celine turned her head around to face the anonymous figure. A large grin plays across her face as she completely turns around to hug him.

"How's my favorite rich girl?" the man said in his West London accent.

"Still rich," she smirks, slowly pulling away from their hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Archie Greengrass extended his invitation to me and my friends," he stood aside to show two girls behind him, both in accentuating dresses that show just enough bosom. "I see you're with your siblings."

"It's great seeing your face again, Louie," Oshun said sarcastically, raising her drink up in the air. "Have you got yourself a drink?"

Louie smiled at Oshun with a nod. "Two drinks in already. I've got to drive these ladies home," he gestured to the ones behind him.

"Lame," she replied.

As Celine, Louie, and his friends all talked, I leaned toward Oshun. "Louie?" I asked.

"Cely's on and off fling. To this bloody day. Not my favorite fling she's had, but the git's the nicest fling she's had."

"Why have I not heard about him?" I gave him another look.

Oshun shrugged. "I dunno. Cause Cely kind of knows you wouldn't like him."

I scoffed. "It doesn't always matter what I think."

"Oh, we know that," Oshun blurted. "It's just that Celine cares about what you think more than you know. Personally, I do not give a fuck about what you think because, y'know, I'm older. You tend to get into physical altercations whenever you don't like a boy."

"Since when?" I retorted.

Oshun's face displayed disbelief. "When we were younger, mum and dad used to host events to celebrate some bullshit—I dunno, they would always be hosting— and there would be kids around our age that would try to harmlessly get with Cely and me. You would just stand aside watching like a creepy hawk. And anytime they would HARMLESSLY touch us, you'd be on them in seconds. Weirdo."

Clearly, I don't remember this. Nonetheless, a protective trait is nice to have.

Contrary to popular belief, or in this case, Oshun's, I started examining this Louie git in a better headspace. With his backward snap-back hat, tattoos completely cover his exposed skin, especially on his hands. A few tattoos on his face.

Okay, maybe I'm not liking him in a better headspace. I'm not opposed to tattoos. This guy is just extremely handsy. How is Cely okay with this?

"Of course, I want to dance!" Celine squeals, taking her hand and locking it with his. He softly chuckles as she drags him to the dance floor, leaving his two very fine friends behind. I can't help but take notice of the brunette who keeps eye-fucking me.

The girls get closer to the table as the one with locs extends her hand out to Oshun. "I'm Edith Nott," she greets. Oshun looks at her hand for a little while, leaving her hanging. Merlin's Beard, why does Oshun have to be so sassy?

I take charge and shake her hand. "I'm Roman. Berkshire. Roman Berkshire. Excuse my sister, she's had a bit much to drink. Her name is Oshun," I turn my head to the brunette standing beside Edith. "And you are?" I extend my hand towards her.

Before the feminine divine could reply, Edith replied for her. "Cassie! She's Cassie. She's a muggle-born, so it's Cassie Rowland."

I give Edith a strange look, though Cassie and I's hands meet. "I'm not prejudiced. It's 2050. Bloodline doesn't mean anything to me. Or anyone, for that matter."

"Excuse her," Cassie sighed. "Edith, also, has had too much to drink."

"It was nice meeting you two," I commented, retracting my hand and planting it onto my sweating glass. "You both are stunning, I've got to say."

"We know," Cassie says. She arches her brow as she takes notice of my drink. "What're you drinking?"

"Moscow Mule. I'm a fan of ginger beer," I replied. "Are you interested?"

"Cassie's had enough drinks," Edith bombarded.

"Are you Cassie's mother?" Oshun finally spoke, eyeing Edith down. "Does Roman need to ask you for permission to offer her a drink?"

"Oshun," I pestered.

"I'm just stating the obvious," Oshun raised her hands in defense. "Edith Nott here is acting like her fucking mum."

"Please excuse her," I said sternly. "Can I get you two anything? Cassie? Edith?"

"We have to get going now," Edith took Cassie's hand. "It was a pleasure meeting you both."

As Cassie was mid-response, Edith pulled her away as they dissipated into the large crowd. My eyes tried to follow Cassie's movement, but the crowd engulfed the two of them.

"Cassie was hot," I groaned. "Can't believe you shooed them away, Oshun."

"I didn't do anything," she commented with the cold glass pressed onto her neck. "Edith Nott is just fucking annoying."

I turn my head back to the crowd in hopes that Cassie returns. Instead, I'm greeted by Celine pressed up against Louie as they're eating each other's faces.

"Great," I huff, slamming my drink down the table. I start to make my move towards them when suddenly Oshun's hand grabs my arm.

"You are to leave them alone," Oshun hissed. "Do not cause any problems right now. It would be embarrassing."

"Oshun," I grunted. "He's being disgusting."

"Are you sure it's him? Because it looks like Celine is the one rubbing her ass against him," Oshun defended. "Can you stop being so weird?"

"Me? Weird? You just told off that girl for being a protective friend to the hot one."

Oshun rolled her eyes. Finishing the last drop of her Mojito, she places the empty glass on the table. "I'm off for another. Leave your sister alone. Go out and dance. Stop being a loser."

With that, Oshun sashayed her way to the bar, leaving me at the standing table. I, too, end up finishing my drink. Mustering up the confidence, I find myself making my way toward the crowd. Hopefully, I stumble upon Cassie once more.

Upon searching for Cassie through the crowd, my arm is being tugged. A sharp head turns behind me, I meet eyes with Camille Ollivander, the very last fling I've had since finishing school. Her eyes are still sharp grey, and her skin is still alabaster. Of course, the waves in her hair are not as accentuated, but I suppose it's the new length of her hair that's weighing them down.

Suddenly, my heart is aching. I didn't know I'd be seeing her again so soon.

"Camille," I spoke with a tight throat.

"Roman," her subtle French accent emanated through her words. She wraps her arms around me, her grasp tight. Pulling away from our short and one-sided embrace, I look down at her in awe. Despite how things ended between us, I couldn't help but feel warm again. "Haven't seen you in years."

"I know," I said. The both of us were in close proximity to one another. The jumping and dancing bodies around us didn't interrupt the little bubble we'd created. "What are you doing here? This isn't your scene."

"My friends insisted," Camille softly chuckled. "You look great. You look... fuller."

"Was that your way of calling me fat?" I queried.

She shook her head and chuckled once more. "No, love," she said. Her hands ran down my arms. "You've bulked up. You're not the teenager I once knew."

"You're not the teenager I once knew, too," I replied, tucking her waves behind her ear. "Do you still live in the UK?"

"No," Camille answered. "I'm in Canada now."

"Right," I said flatly.

We stared at one another for a while, lost for words. I wanted to pull her closer. Breathe in her air. I wanted to smell the hibiscus in her hair. I wanted to nip the tender parts of her thighs. I wanted to sleep in her arms once more. As a refresher, really.

"Do you want to dance?" I broke the silence. I couldn't just stand here facing her with these thoughts.

"Of course I do," she replied. "Who knows when I'll see you next." Her hand locked with mine as she turned around to dance on me. Bloody hell, Camille. You cannot be doing this right now. This close. This smooth. At this pace.

She took my hands and ran them over her body, starting at her chest, creeping down to her waist. Camille knocked her head back against my chest as we danced to the seductive tune. I watched her every move from above as the memories came flooding in.

The sexual memories. The romantic memories. The funny memories. The mean memories. The horrible...memories. I cannot cloud my thoughts with the arguments from the past. I cannot.

I try to distract myself with the way she's moving against me, but I can't help it. I scan the crowd in hopes that I lay eyes on a divine beauty. I can't just leave Camille on this dance floor because of flooding memories.

Just as I was about to give up, I lay eyes on the woman I'd been searching for in the first place.

Cassie. I'm not entirely sure why I continue to gravitate towards her. It must be her eyes. Or her lips. Her amazing figure? Why is she so attractive to me?

Cassie's dancing on Edith Nott. Her ass grinding against Edith is making me envy Edith very badly. She's taking Edith's hands and rubbing them over her body, too. Christ, I need her.

Like a deer in headlights, I'm caught staring at Cassie by Cassie herself. Together, from afar, she's dancing on Edith with her eyes locked with mine, as Camille is on me.

I act uninterested as my hands travel around Camille's body—a body I know all too well. Cassie is running Edith's hands over her breast. Are we teasing each other right now?

Cassie turns around to face her friend. By surprise, they are officially making out. But Cassie's still looking right at me.

Two can play that game. Camille, forgive me. But, we can finally call it even.

I spin Camille around as I crouch down to kiss her. Now, our lips are moving against one another. Our tongues meet and tease one another. But I am still looking right at Cassie.

Cassie and I are making out at the same time, though not with each other. Oh, how I wish it were different.

Cassie pulls away from her kiss with Edith, and I, the same. Just like that, Cassie and Edith are engulfed in the crowd once again, nowhere to be in sight.

"Roman," Camille announces. "We can't ignite a spark anymore."

I look down with not a single care in the world. "You don't need to worry about any of that," I assured her, brushing my thumb against the bottom of the very lip I used to suck on. "I don't want us together again. Ever."

She smirks. "The hardening of your dick says otherwise, Roman."

"Who said it was for you?" I playfully smiled. "You're beautiful, Camille. Your pussy is to die for. And, oh, how I loved the way you would suck me off. But, the arguments were horrible. I would never want to relive that. Let's just dance until we're done with each other, yeah?"

Camille rolled her eyes as she turned her body, her ass against me. "I hate your honesty, Roman Berkshire," she huffed, taking my hand to plant on her waist. "I'm engaged."

"I hate your honesty, too," I said flatly, still in rhythm with her body. "I hope you don't drive your fiancé to suicide."

"I won't," Camille sternly stated. "He proposed without me pushing it."

"I would have proposed if you didn't push it."

Camille sighs as she pulls away. "It was nice seeing you again, Roman. I wish nothing but the best."

I couldn't stand this passive aggressiveness. Instead of bidding farewell, I found myself leaving the crowd in search of my sisters. I spot Oshun at the table, chatting with a friend. I walk to her with speed, a tad bit fueled from hearing about Camille's engagement. Moreso, how frustrating she still is. One would think after 6 years, one would change.

In Camille's case, not at all.

I reach the table and nonchalantly take a large gulp of Oshun's Long Island Tea. Her face is with disgust, snatching the tea back from me. She gives me a slight shove as she wipes the rim of her cup with her hand.

"After you just made out with Cami? Disgusting of you to even think of drinking from my cup," Oshun spat, drinking the rest of her alcohol.

"Don't call her that," I badgered, running my fingers through my hair out of frustration. "She doesn't deserve that nickname."

"You're dramatic," she retorted. Oshun apologizes to her friend for my sudden disruption of their conversation, but she informs her that it's best to dismiss herself from the table otherwise she'd be stuck in my mopey conversation. "What happened this time?"

"If only you knew the torment she put me through back at Hogwarts," I eyed Celine dancing on Louie once again, making sure he keeps his hands above her waist and nowhere near any lower than that. "She's fucking insane. But, oh god how crazy she got with that little mouth of hers."

"Gross, do you know who you're talking to?" Oshun crossed her arms with disgust printed on her face. "Look, get over it. That was 6 years ago."

"Not really," I murmured. "It was on and off until a year and a half ago. We ended things completely a year and a half ago."

"That's not what you told me," Oshun gave me a condescending look. "Are you lying to your sister now?"

I groan, running my hand over my face out of pure annoyance from this conversation. "Shuni, respectfully, I do not want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about her. Just drop it."

Oshun scoffed as the both of us continued to watch Celine lead the night away.

Aside from the frustrating encounter with Camille, I can't help but replay Cassie's maintained eye contact. I'm into her as much as she's into me. I try to muster up the courage to ask more about her through Celine. Or Louie. Whichever person is willing to tell me first, really.

"Should we collect our sister now?" I queried. Oshun tilts her head, still observing our slightly drunken sister.

"I'm getting a little tired," Oshun murmured. "I'm too old for this stuff."

I scoffed. "You're barely 28." I glance at Cely once more, then revert my attention to Oshun. "Seriously, should we go get her?"

"We don't have to. She's already on her way back. With Louie."

I huff, turning back to Cely. She approaches with a happy dazed smile, skin flushed with red. "Hello, my beautiful family! So, one thing."

"One thing what?" Oshun started.

"I... will be back at our manor in the wee morning. I promise," Celine shrieked. "I promise I promise—."

"What are you saying? Are you saying you're going elsewhere?" I questioned with hostility, glancing sharply at Louie.

"Bruv, she's invited me to her loft, we're not going to mine," Louie raised his hands in defense. "I can assure you no funny business will happen."

"Yeah, I'm not talking to you," I spat. "Cely, Dad told us to come back in one piece."

"My gosh, Roman. I'm 11 months older than you. I can decide for myself. I will be back in one piece. Just not tonight. Tomorrow morning. Okay?" Celine pestered, yanking on Louie's hand.

"Celine, just be safe," Oshun cut me off before I could even say anything. "We're heading out now, too. In't that right, Roman?"

I give Cely and Louie one last stern look before eventually giving in. "Whatever."

Cely jogs up to me, pulling me into a tight embrace. She gets on her tippy toes and kisses me on the cheek. "I love you, Ro. Thank you for caring. A bit too much, sometimes. Mum always says you have the biggest heart out of all of us."

I roll my eyes, finally letting go of her small figure. She hugs Oshun before standing right next to Louie again.

"Are you driving, Louie?" I ask him.

Louie nods. "I've already sobered up," he insists, holding up the keys to his Pagani. "I will take us there safely. I promise."

I nod. Before they could leave, I called Louie out one more time.

"Louie," I blurt. "One more question."


"That brunette," I start. "Cassie? The one with Edith Nott?"

"Cassie?" he chuckles. "Who's that bloke?"

"You know, the brunette with the long hair. She was dancing on Edith."

I could see the cluelessness in his eyes until the pieces clicked. "Oh, you mean Vee? Yeah, what about her?"


"Sure, Vee," I lie. "That's my mistake. Yeah, Vee. Does she have any socials?"

Louie dryly laughs. "You want to avoid Vee, Roman," he exclaims. "She's got all types of issues. Great in bed and all, but do not be fooled."

I pause. "Great in bed?" I ask in a monotone.

Louie nods.

"You're telling me you've slept with her?" I query. "And.. you're taking my sister to her loft? Where you claim no funny business will occur?"

"Okay," Cely says quickly, "I think we better go."

"I mean, I've gotten with her a couple of times, but it was nothing serious. Cely knows that. It's not that big of a deal, bruv."

With a clenched fist, I jolted towards him. Sure, I'm quick on my feet, but my sisters move quicker. Celine is pushing me back, blocking my chance at throwing a punch. Oshun is behind me, pulling me to her.

"Let's just get you home, Ro," Oshun grunts, pulling me back with more force. "You need to chill the fuck out. Otherwise, we'll never be able to come to functions like these."

Louie's hands are up in defense once more. "What's your problem, mate? As I said, I'm not tryna have any issues or start any funny business. You need to get your head out of the fuckin' gutter."

I try to lunge again, but man do my sisters have a grip. Maybe it's the liquor in my system.

"We're leaving," Oshun spat. She takes my wand from my waistband as she apparates us back to our parent's manor, not giving me any time to prepare for the aggressive whirlwind. Once the spinning stops, I clutch my abdomen. "You are such an angry drunk, Roman."

"Fuck off," I spat, still clutching my abdomen. "I can't believe you'd allow Cely to get with him after knowing he's done one of his friends that he brought to the event."

"Do you hear yourself right now?" Oshun retorts, her voice echoing in the foyer. "You're mad about two things. One, Louie is likely going to have sex with Celine, which it's something they've done multiple times before. Two, you're mad because he slept with the girl you're so desperately trying to get with. You sound insane."

I remove my long sleeve from my body and I sling it over my shoulders. After a one-sided heated altercation, the musty crowd, and this long sleeve, it doesn't come as a surprise to see myself busting a sweat.

"I'm mad because he's disgusting," I badgered.

"You are such a hypocrite," Oshun snapped. "You have had multiple partners in your little lifetime. What difference does it make for Cely? Cely's slept with men who are best friends! Cousins! Brothers! Safely, mind you. With protection. I'm pretty sure you're the complete opposite in that aspect. So, what's the issue? Because from the looks of it, it's a little misogynistic."

"I'm not trying to come off as hypocritical or misogynistic. I just want what's best for Celine."

"Newsflash, Ro! We're all too young for what's best for us. What's best for Celine will present itself when it's ready. But, for now, we're all just having fun. I know she appreciates that you care for her, but for fuck's sake, Roman. Let her live without being so weird."

I sat on the staircase step as she sat a few steps higher. A moment of silence lingered in the foyer.

I sighed. "Sorry, Shuni."

She glanced at me. A glance where she almost felt a bit bad. "I know you mean well, Ro. Just relax, okay?" Oshun scooted down to me and kissed my head. "I'm going to bed. Try not to stress so much."

With that, Oshun climbed the stairs and up to her bedroom. I sat on the step for a few minutes to recollect myself.

Maybe it is a little hypocritical and rather annoying to be so overbearing. After all, Celine is months older than me. I should only be protecting people if one needs protecting. With careful thought, I've concluded that Celine knows when she is in danger, and Louie is far from dangerous. A bit agitating, yes. but, Celine knows better. It isn't anything permanent, anyway.

Maybe it's the envy after hearing he has slept with Cassie. Or Vee.

Whoever she is, I hope we meet again soon.

And if we don't, then perhaps in another lifetime.



YES, YES. The auction (for real this time) will be in the next chapter. I just want you guys to get to know Oshun (Shuni) and Celine (Cely). Also, I envision Louie as Cench (Central Cee) becauseeeee he's my favorite right now..... NEEDHIMINME

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