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Edition: 1 January 2050


Calling all 90s Gore Fanatics! Prepare yourselves for the most extraordinary and enigmatic event in wizarding history, as the Parkinson estate unveils its secrets to the world. We bring you news that will make your heart race and your galleons burn a hole in your pocket.

The illustrious Great Granddaughter of the notorious Cassius Parkinson, Miss Vivienne Parkinson, has emerged as the sole living heir to the Parkinson estate. But that's not all—she has decided to auction off every single possession within the vast ancestral holdings, igniting a frenzy of excitement throughout the magical world.

Prepare to delve deep into the dark recesses of post-war history, for among the items up for grabs are none other than the coveted case files from Cassius Parkinson's controversial experiments. These files contain chilling accounts, meticulously recorded, which shed light on the enigmatic "Project Fenrir Greyback."

For those unfamiliar, Project Fenrir Greyback represents a chapter of wizarding history that remains shrouded in secrecy. Whispers of its existence have sent shivers down spines for years, and now, the opportunity to own a piece of this macabre puzzle has presented itself.

Uncover the truth behind the enigma. The auction will unveil shocking revelations that may rewrite the narrative of the post-war era. Students of history, devoted collectors, and those with a morbid curiosity alike—mark your calendars and prepare your fortunes.

With 45 days remaining until the grand auction, meticulously plan your strategies, gather your resources, and sharpen your knowledge. However, in just 15 days' time, an exclusive open house will be held, allowing prospective bidders to explore the sprawling Parkinson estate and its contents—a tantalizing glimpse into what will be up for sale. It is an unprecedented opportunity to roam through the halls and uncover the treasures hidden within the estate's enigmatic walls.

Among the auction's most sought-after items are the locked case files from Cassius Parkinson's post-war experiments. These files reside within his office, a chamber locked to all until the entirety of the estate is purchased. Only the successful bidder will possess the key to unlock the secrets concealed within those case files, offering an unparalleled chance to unravel the mysteries born from Cassius Parkinson's dark pursuits.

The prestigious Olde Curiosity Auction House, renowned for its ability to handle the most extraordinary artifacts and ensure an impeccable experience for bidders, eagerly awaits your presence. Here, the stories of the past converge with the possibilities of the future, where every bid carries the weight of history.

As a unique twist, upon your arrival at the auction, each participant will be required to wear a small brooch symbolizing their bloodline, indicating their ancestral ties to the Sacred 28. These brooches will serve as a subtle signal, as the influence of different bloodlines may affect the outcome of bids. The greater your involvement in the esteemed bloodlines, the higher your chances of success. Let the intricacies of wizarding heritage guide you through this riveting event.

As always, formal attire is required for this exclusive affair. Attendees are reminded to don their most elegant robes, adorned with the trappings of wizarding fashion, and complete their ensembles with a masquerade mask. Let the air of mystery and anonymity surround you as you step into this captivating world of secrets.

During the open house, scheduled in 15 days, attendees are reminded that the same strict dress code and requirements for anonymity will be enforced, mirroring the atmosphere of the auction event itself. It is essential to arrive in formal attire, donning elegant robes and a masquerade mask, as you immerse yourself in the enigmatic world of the Parkinson estate.

This unique opportunity allows participants to not only explore the estate but also experience the ambiance that will permeate the auction. The anonymity of bidders, achieved through pseudonyms and concealed identities, creates an atmosphere of intrigue and mystery, where the focus remains on the treasures within the estate rather than the individuals vying for them.

Unlock the secrets of the past, witness the allure of forbidden knowledge, and prepare yourself for an unforgettable journey into the realms of magic and history.

Prepare to immerse yourself in a world where reality intertwines with legend, where darkness meets light, and where the past holds the keys to the future. The Parkinson estate invites you to join them on this extraordinary journey of discovery.

Stay tuned to The Daily Prophet for further updates and exclusive coverage of this monumental event. We shall be your guiding light through the corridors of dark magic, shedding light on the shadows that have plagued us for far too long.

Note: The anonymity of bidders and the use of pseudonyms have been requested by the Parkinson estate to ensure the preservation of privacy and the maintenance of the event's enigmatic atmosphere. Attire, mask requirements, and the display of bloodline brooches will be strictly enforced for the duration of the auction and open house. The open house, scheduled in 15 days, offers an opportunity to explore the estate and its contents prior to the auction, providing a glimpse into the treasures that await successful bidders. Unlocking Cassius Parkinson's office and accessing the case files requires the purchase of the estate in its entirety. The starting bid for the auction will be revealed during the open house, giving bidders valuable insight into the financial commitment required to participate.



Amelie Emans Berkshire née Zabini fell ill in her late 40s, and the illness stepped foot into her 50s. In fact, it was the same illness that took her mother too soon. This illness was just as aggressive and relentless.

The Healers of St. Mungos have all said the same thing: it was the hexes done to the woman before her. A series of spells and unrefined potions were given to her mother, Onyx De Loughrey, during captivity for months on end, which brought out the illness bestowed upon her—and, now, her daughter, Amelie.

Radiation and chemotherapy were viable options to potentially rid the illness, or at least, give Amelie much more time to live. But instead, she'd rather let nature take its course.

Though, in reality, nothing about this very occurrence is natural at all. The series of hexes and potions performed and given to Amelie's mother, Onyx, enabled an aggressive form of cancer to grow rapidly and without warning.

And with the dealt cards, Amelie's luck has gone sour.

With proof that this unforgivable illness can be passed down, it seems that her daughters are at high risk of inheriting this illness. Additionally, her son may also be a carrier for the kin after him.

In St. Mungos, Healers have discussed this phenomenon amongst themselves anytime Amelie comes to the hospital for a check-up, and not for work. They've come to the conclusion that the only way to reverse this aggressive illness for Amelie and her children requires the knowledge of the hexes, potions and their ingredients, and other viable information.

How would one obtain such classified and nearly forgotten information?



Ah, the beginning of my return. I have put Filthy - Rewritten on pause because it hasn't caught my attention yet. I'm very excited to start writing this fanfiction. I am a sucker for Lorenzo Berkshire and am forever proud of creating him. This also means I am a sucker for his entire bloodline. I cannot believe I'm actually going to start writing about Lorenzo's GRANDCHILDREN! Jesus, I keep pushing this further. Yolo Swag. What to expect: a grandiose and proper fanfiction with the right amount of smut and the right amount of angst. No more repetitive swearing for no reason. I've reread Filthy and Obscene and it really makes me cringe!!! 

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