:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 11] //A Vampire Romance//

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Oh boy are you guys in for an exciting chapter next chapter! And than the chapter after that is when the plot REALLY starts going.

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"Dustin, wait!" I called after him. He didn't stop. I turned to Damian. "Um, I'm going to go home with Dustin today..."

"No problem," Damian responded with an agreeable smile. "Want me to drop your stuff off at your house."

"No thanks, I can handle it." I looked wearily after Dustin. He was almost at the schools front entrance. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and hurried after him. "Bye," I called back to Damian with a quick wave.

I hastened down the hall, avoiding the few stragglers whom missed their bus, walked home, or got picked up. I crashed into a girl near the door and she gave me a resentful stare as her papers spilled to the floor. I gave her an apologetic look as I brushed past her and out into the unwonted sunlight.

"Dustin!" I called, hurrying down the stairs. "Dustin, wait up!"

He either hadn't heard me, or was ignoring me, for he didn't turn, nor did he stop. I continued to run, trying to catch up with him. "Dustin!" I shrieked, rather frustrated. "Stop right there, you dastard!"

"Dastard?" he replied, turning around with a confused expression. "Don't you mean bastard? And what's with the screaming?"

I continued to jog until I reached him. Then stopped and clutched at a stitch in my side, panting for my breath. "I think... I need... to get... in shape," I panted, taking deep, gulps of air, trying to redeem my breath.

"Why'd you come after me so fast?"

"To... walk home... with you," I gasped, putting my hands on my sides and leaning backwards.

Dustin chortled before clasping me on my back. "I get it. You were worried about me!" He pinched my cheeks and shook my head back and forth. "That's adorable."

"Cut it out!" I cried, slapping his hands away, my breath regained. "I was worried about you! But now I see you don't need it." I huffed and strode past him, readjusting my bag.

"I was just kidding! Don't be a mad Maddie," he joked, grabbing the back of my hoodie.

I glowered at him. His eyes were light, but I couldn't help remembering the aversion in them moments before. It hurt to know he didn't say anything about his hatred for Damian, and didn't say anything when I was upset when I realized it before, thinking it was unjust.

His expression suddenly became worried. "Maddie, what's the matter? What's with that look?"

I shook my head, putting on a fraud smile. "Nothing, just still a little winded from my run."

"Maddie..." Dustin sighed and rested his hand on my head again. "Silly, silly girl. You think you can fool me?"

I smiled. "I thought maybe I could."

"Tell me what's wrong."

I sighed and looked down at the sidewalk. I dragged my feet on the pavement, making little skidding sounds. How could I explain what I wanted to say to him correctly? I frowned. It sounded inane to say what I really wanted to.

"Well," I hesitated, biting my lip. "Will you be completely honest?"

Dustin's grin slowly vanished. "It depends..."

I gritted my teeth together, but took a deep breath. "Tell me why you hate Damian so much."

Dustin grinned and scratched his head, turning his face towards the sky. I looked at him expectantly. We walked on for a few moments, Dustin nor I saying anything.

"Dustin," I growled, stopping and standing in front of him with my hands on my hips.

"Okay, okay." Dustin sighed, throwing his hands up in the air. "I didn't want to tell you this... it would just make you upset."

"What will?" I inquired curiously. I studied his face for his reaction to this. To my surprise, he broke out into another wide grin. "What?" I repeated, slowly growing frustrated.

"I... can't tell you," he told me, shrugging. "A code of secrecy-"

"If you will!" I finished for him angrily. "Ugh. You are being just like him! Why won't you just tell me?"

"Whoa, wait!" Dustin responded holding up his hand. "I'm just like him? You'd better not mean that thing!"

"Damian is a person not a thing!" I shouted at him, clenching my hands into a fist. "Just tell me what is going on between you two!"

"No," he replied shaking his head. "I won't. I can't."

"Tell me!"


"Why won't you tell me?" I questioned. My eyes started to burn and I stared angrily at a tree.

"Why can't you just leave it alone?" Dustin replied with a deep sigh.


Why couldn't I leave it alone? All this secrecy was beginning to tick me off, but before I didn't mind. Maybe it was because I felt guilty for thinking Dustin's hatred was unjust?

I frowned. "It kind of hurts... that you won't tell me. I don't blame Damian for not telling me, he's been here less then a week and I barely know him. But you're my best friend, Dustin. If I can't trust you to trust me, who will I be able to trust?"

"Aw, Maddie," Dustin said throwing an arm around me. "Don't cry."

"I'm not crying," I stated stubbornly. I had my tears under control.

"I want to tell you," Dustin sighed. "But it's not the right time... Maybe soon. I have the feeling you will be hauled into our plight. But I promise you, one day I'll tell you."

"As long as I know at some point," I agreed, feeling slightly better.

At least Dustin promised to tell me something. But he had called it a plight... did that mean that whatever he and Damian were involved in was dangerous? I stared at Dustin for a moment. No, I disagreed with myself, Dustin was way to carefree.

"Let's hurry home," Dustin offered, glancing up at the sky. "It looks like rain."

I groaned before increasing my pace. I did not want to be rained on, especially since I already had a cold, and I had to go to work tonight. Something cold and wet pelted my arm. I slowly looked up at the sky. Rain. Dustin grabbed my hand, laughing, and began dragging me towards my house.


The rest of September passed by in the blink of an eye. Dustin and Damian were as secretive as always, and bickered almost every time they saw each other. The math teacher, Mr. Black, glared at Damian with daggers in his eyes every time we walked into the class and Damian stilled refused to move lockers, still claiming it as "ours, not yours."

October was the same, except it began to get cold, fast. I was soon wearing scarves with my outfits when I had to walk to school, but Ayden and Will had been good at giving us rides in the cold, since it rained almost every other day. The rain ruined Halloween, and I ended up staying at my house watching horror movies with Will.

Now it was November, and Thanksgiving break was only a few weeks away. But unfortunately, no matter if it was close to vacation on not, I still had work.

"Thanks for the ride, Will," I said as Dustin and I got out of the car in front of the ice cream shop.

Will smiled and waved before driving away from the curb and out of sight. Dustin and I slipped into the shop just as Emmett was leaving.

"Have a good shift," he said grinning while pulling his jacket tighter around him.

"Thanks," I replied, as we headed for the back room to get changed.

Sarah was still here. I guessed that she was finishing up her shift. She was wiping down the counter when I came out from the back room. As I walked up to her she tossed the rag at me and I automatically stretched out my hand to catch it.

"Gross!" I complained before quickly tossing it onto the closest counter. "That's disgusting. Warn me at least."

Sarah laughed. "Well, I would have... but that would have taken the amusement right out of it!"

I ground my teeth in mock irritation. "Go clock out."

"I'm going," she replied, waving her hand. "I'll see you tomorrow, probably."


Sarah disappeared into the back room as I picked up the rag and continued to wipe down the table she had started. A few seconds later I felt something hit my back, and I reached my hand around to grab whatever it was. I pulled it around to my front. It was my apron. I looked up and grinned at Dustin.

Whenever Dustin and I worked together, just the two of us, we didn't abide to the dress code. We wore whatever we want, and just threw the store's apron on so people who didn't come regularly wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Work flew by and before I knew it, Will was at the door to give Dustin and I a ride home. I locked the stores doors while Dustin shut off the lights and we piled into the car. Will started driving as soon as I snapped my seat belt buckle.

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