:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 13] //A Vampire Romance//

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ughhh. I messed up. I totally missed chapter 10. So I just added that. So now this is chapter 13, you've read 12 and 11 already and 10 is now new. The titles are correct. Sorry. Damn I can't believe i did that. No one said it didn't make sense either lol.


I narrowed my eyes at him. "Are you making fun of me?"

Damian and Ayden both looked at me in surprise. I stared back at Damian, then Ayden, and back to Damian with my mouth pressed into a hard line.

"What? No! I'm being honest," Damian responded, still looking thoroughly surprised. "We really are vampires."

I clenched my hand into a fist. "I thought you and your family were nice. Do I look stupid enough to believe that? Get out of my room. I don't appreciate being ridiculed."

"We're being serious," Ayden insisted, standing up and going over to stand next to Damian.

The door opened and I looked over to see Dustin entering the room. He grinned at me and waved. "Hey."

I laughed dryly. "Hey Dustin, guess what? Damian and Ayden are vampires."

Dustin looked surprised for a moment, and stared at Damian and Ayden, before turning back to me with a grin on his face. "I know."

"Yeah, that's..." I paused. Had I heard him right? "Y-you know?"

Dustin nodded solemnly. "I've known it before they even moved here. Did they tell you? Or did you figure it out yourself? They didn't seem to be doing a good job of keeping the secret." He paused to glare at Damian.

Damian grinned. "What can I say? It's hard to keep the secret around her. It's already been just about two months. Besides, I would have been allowed to tell her soon enough anyways."

"Yeah, but right after the crash? I'm surprised she hasn't started to hyperventilate or something. Or go into shock!"

"Shock?" Damian paused and turned to me and held up three fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Three..." I responded confused. If Dustin believed it... "Are you really, er, vampires?"

Ayden and Damian nodded.

I gasped then turned to Dustin. "A-are you... are you one too? Since you said you knew already!"

Dustin shook his head vehemently. "No way. Not-uh. Like hell would I ever be one of those disgusting monsters."

"Oh," I said, still confused. "Then what are you, a werewolf?" I snorted.

Dustin grinned.

"No way!" I gasped.

Dustin laughed. "Just kidding. I'm a vampire hunter."

"Oh vampire hunter, well that's better," I said, nodding to myself. "Wait. Hunter!" I quickly looked between Dustin, Damian and Ayden. "Are you going to kill them? So that's why you hate him Dustin! Oh..."

Damian began to laugh. I turned back to him. I wasn't surprised I was getting a neck cramp with how many times I was turning my head. He continued to laugh until I finally stopped him.

"What?" I snapped, finally irritated of his consistent laughter. Even if it was the best laugh I have ever heard in my life.

Damian coughed and cleared his throat. "Oh, it's just a pleasant thing. Letting you in on the secret, that is."

I sighed. "It's still pretty hard to believe. This only happens in fictional romance novels. In fact, I think I'm sort of rejecting the idea."

"Romance novels?" Dustin snorted. "You read those things?"

I sighed. "Are you all just pulling my leg? What, were you expecting me to freak out and run away screaming? I don't think it's funny. Dustin," I added after a second with a small glare.

"What? We are being honest!" Dustin replied sounding surprised. "I wouldn't lie to you!"

"It's too hard to believe," I responded while shaking my head. "It's... it's like believing in unicorns!"

"Shall I prove it for you?" Damian asked with a slight smirk. I watched as he went over to the metal chair Ayden was sitting on.


Ayden stood up and offered the chair to Damian. Before I realized what was happening, the chair wasn't a chair anymore. It was a little ball of metal and plastic. My jaw dropped at the sight. Then he threw it. Well, I wasn't sure if he threw it. All I knew was that a second ago it was in Damian's hand, and now it was now in Ayden's hand. I must have blinked or something. Then it was back into Damian's hands. Then suddenly Dustin gasped and took a few steps back.

"Hey!" I cried, trying to get out of the bed. Ayden pushed me back with one hand. I fell back on my pillow and scowled.

Dustin smirked and chucked the ball of material back at Damian. He caught it was one hand, using no effort. Damian then clapped his hands together, with the ball between them, and it was gone. Damian turned over his hand and dust fell down onto the carpet.

I stared at the dust falling down in amazement. They really were vampires. The vampires that I thought only existed in books, television and movies! But they were the real things! And even more surprisingly I wasn't terrified, just shocked. Perhaps it was do to how long I had been a friend of Damian and his family for.

"Don't give me a reason to kill you," Dustin's warning voice broke into my thoughts.

I automatically looked up.

"I won't," Damian replied smoothly. "I just thought you were feeling left out of the game of catch."

"Thanks for your concern," Dustin replied sarcastically.

"Doctor," Ayden suddenly said in warning.

Dustin and Damian both backed to the walls of the room and sat down in the remaining, still intact, chairs. Ayden disappeared from my vision, than suddenly appeared with a new chair, still next to my bedside. I breathed out in awe. This would be hard to get used to.

The doctor entered with my brother by his side. I glowed at the sight of him. Will broke out into a grin and the sight of my smile.

"Hey," he greeted and sat on the edge of my bed. "How are you?"

"Great!" I replied enthusiastically. "So great in fact, I'm ready to go home! So can I go?"

Will laughed as the doctor frowned.

"Not quite. I just want to run one more blood test, but it will take about five minutes."

"Ew. Blood test." I sighed. Then froze and stared at Damian and Ayden. A blood test? From what I knew about vampires from books was that vampires and blood did not go to well together. "Um, a-actually. Do you think we could take the blood test later?"

"What? Why? I thought you wanted to go home?" Will asked his eyebrows narrowed in confusion. "Didn't you just say you wanted to?"

I shot a look at Damian and Ayden, who looked just as confused. "Yeah. But a blood test right now..."

Suddenly, Ayden started to laugh but quickly turned it into a cough, then cleared his throat. "Madison, I think you should take the test."

Now it was my turn to be confused. Wouldn't it make them hungry or something? Or maybe the correct term would be thirsty? I stared at him for a few seconds and he nodded so I shrugged.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to do it now then," I agreed and held out my arm.

The blood test went by quickly, and they took the IV out of my arm, and let me to change into new clothes. I did so, not bothering to wonder how someone got me a new change of clothes, and then waited for the doctor to give me the okay to leave.

Ayden popped his head into the room as I sunk back down onto the bed.

"Are you done changing?" he asked, staring straight at me.

I couldn't help but smile. "Obviously. And next time, just in case I'm not done changing, knock first."

Ayden grinned at me and scratched his head. "That's right, isn't it? Sorry."

He opened the door all the way and slipped in. He went over to his recently vacated chair and picked up his coat.

"Are you all leaving?" I asked curiously. There was a ton of questions I wanted to ask him, and I knew I wouldn't be able to go to his house today.

"Not without you," Ayden chuckled. "How else would you get home?"

I thought for a second, than slapped my forehead. Of course! Will's car was probably completely ruined during the crash. I sighed. That was one really expensive car, and it was, no matter what anyone else said, basically my fault.

"Ah," Ayden said shaking his head. "Don't blame yourself. I'll show you who to blame, if you want to blame someone."

Blame someone? I thought to myself with a confused expression. If it was anyone's fault, it was the bear that ran in front of the car's fault.

"That wasn't a bear," Ayden said, laughing. He shook his head and continued laughing as I scowled.

"How am I supposed to... oh! Oh, no. No way! No!" I groaned. "Don't tell me. You can... read minds?"

"You bet." Ayden grinned.

"Can all of you...? Are you all mind readers?" This was so confusing. I didn't think I wanted to know more. But I was still very curious.

"No. Only I got the curse of this," Ayden responded with another grin.

"Curse? I would think it would be rather helpful."

"Sometimes. But sometimes it's best not knowing what people think," Ayden replied with a shrug. Then he threw his coat at me. "Put this on. Callie forgot to grab you a coat when she fetched your clothes."

Well that explained the clothes mystery. I stood up and shrugged the coat on. "Does this mean I can leave?"

Ayden nodded and opened the door again and gestured for me to go first. I smiled at him and exited the room. He shut the door behind us and then followed me down the hall. I stopped after a few more steps.

"How do we get out of here?" I asked with a small laugh. "I'm afraid I don't come here enough to know my way out of this place from anywhere but the main office."

Ayden laughed and pushed me forwards. He led the way to the exit and out into the awaiting night. I yawned and drew the jacket tighter around me. It was getting cold out, and there was a slight wind chill.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked Ayden as he led the way to his car.

"In the car already," he replied. "I was sent in to go get you while the car was warming up. Callie went home already though."

"Oh," I replied.

We traveled the parking lot until we reached his car and I slipped into the back seat beside Dustin. Will was in the front seat, while Damian was on the other side of Dustin. I smiled in greeting at them.

Ayden climbed in the front and started the car. He pulled out of the hospital parking lot and headed towards our homes. I stared at the window as the dark trees flashed by. After a few seconds, flashbacks of the crash came into my head and I quickly looked away.

I frowned and shook my head, earning a questioning look for Dustin. I smiled and shrugged, than the frown returned to my mouth. I couldn't be scared of riding in a car after a crash. That was stupid. I nodded to myself and stared out the window at the trees again. I ground my teeth together as a feeling of uneasiness washed over me. But I didn't give up, I continued looking out the window. I would not let it get to me.

Ayden flashed me a grin through the rearview mirror. I gave him a quick smile and settled into the back seat more comfortably. It was going to be a long ride home. I leaned over Dustin to look at the car clock. Two twenty two am. I gaped at it. I was going to have a hard time waking up tomorrow.

I leaned back into my seat again and closed my eyes. So Ayden, Callie, and Damian were all vampires. It was hard to believe, but Damian and Ayden definitely proved it with the chair. And Dustin was a vampire hunter... I rubbed my forehead with my hand. I was going to have a headache if I kept thinking.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds, letting them rest, than quickly sat up, with the feeling that I was falling. I yawned and realized I was at the brink of sleep. I wanted to stay up though. I wanted to ask Damian, Dustin, and Ayden so many questions. But my body wouldn't let me stay up any later. I slipped into darkness as I gave up the fight against it.

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