:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 22] //A Vampire Romance//

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"Hell no."

Kale's smirk slowly vanished and became a scowl. "It's the only way out. You go out the front door, you go by the kitchen and get found out."

"I'm not jumping out a window from the second story!"

"I never said you had to jump."

I scowled at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Isn't there like, a back door?"

"In the kitchen," he responded.

I sighed. I guess there was no choice. "Okay, fine. Bring me out the window."

"Don't scream," he suggested with a smirk.

I frowned at him as I followed him over to the window. I looked out meekly.

"Are you sure-"

He hit me hard, and I nearly screamed as I stumbled backwards out the window. I would have, if he hadn't clasped a hand to my mouth. The air rushed by me for about two seconds, and before I knew it I was on my feet on the ground.

I turned and kicked Kale in the shin as hard as I could. He laughed and tapped his wrist. "Fifteen minutes."


"Fourteen minutes, fifty-eight seconds," he responded.

I scowled at him once more before setting off towards my house.

The air was cold and brisk as I hurried along, ignoring the desolate forest on either side of me. It was still scary, even if it was the daytime. I stared straight ahead, trying to focus on other things besides the woods.

Dustin. He would be all right. He was a vampire hunter after all, so he should be able to watch himself. Even as I told myself this, I didn't really believe it. He was lucky that time at Damian's because the vampire wasn't attacking him. Now it would be different...

I quickly glanced at the woods. Could Reilly be hiding in there? I straightened my head out, shaking it. I was going crazy. Why was I even thinking about that guy so much?

I was halfway there when I heard a twig snap and I whipped my head in the direction the sound came from. A squirrel ran out from the forest, stopped and looked at me for a second, and then ran back in. I sighed in relief. It wasn't him.

Something grabbed my shoulder and kept me from moving.

Or maybe it was him.

I jumped and screamed and turned around, preparing to punch. A brown haired man grinned down at me.

"Where do you think you're going, missy?"

"Oh, Ayden," I responded with a sigh. "I thought you were..." I trailed off. I couldn't mention him.


Crap. Stupid Ayden and his mind reading.

"I'm sure Damian will be upset that you're sneaking out of the house," Ayden went on, with a shrug. "What are you doing?"

Damian? That wasn't who- I stopped talking in my mind and began to recite Row, Row, Row, You're Boat in my head. Ayden looked at me curiously and I shrugged. This was a good way to keep him from reading my thoughts. He'd only hear the child's song instead of what I was really thinking.

"I was, uh, getting... clothes from my house," I lied, answering his question.

"But you got them yesterday..." He looked at me suspiciously. "And why would you have to sneak out to go get them?"

"I didn't have pajamas."

Well there goes my excuse for asking Damian to let me wear his clothes.

"And you have to sneak out because?" Ayden repeated.

"I thought you guys were, er, busy. I didn't want to interrupt."

"Ah," Ayden responded. "We weren't doing anything. But you know you have to be careful from now on, right?"

"I know," I responded, frowning slightly.

"Let me accompany to your house then," Ayden responded, pushing on my back to get me to start walking.

I frowned deeper as we came closer to my house. When I was done, Ayden would want me to go straight back to his house, and I couldn't think of a reason to visit Dustin.

"I'll wait out here," Ayden told me as I ran up my steps.

I nodded to him, taking out my key and opening the door. I trudged slowly up the stairs to my room, thinking of excuses to go to Dustin's. I reached my room and reached out my hand when I heard something move inside it.

My heart skipped a beat and I froze, staring at my door. Was someone in there? Was Reilly in there? I hesitated for another second before grabbing the handle and winging the door open, ready for a fight.

What met my gaze was something I least expected in my entire life.

Dustin was in my room. Trying on one of my bras.

"Dustin!" I cried angrily, turning red and striding up to him.

He jumped and looked up. A smirk spread onto his face and he began laughing. "It fits well, right?"

"Dustin, take it off!"

"I don't have enough to fill it though," he told me, looking down and shifting the cups.

"Dustin!" I cried shrilly, turning redder and swiping at it.

Dustin laughed again as I pulled my bra off him. I quickly threw it in the laundry basket in the corner of my room. He was still laughing as I glared at him.

"You're face was priceless," he informed me when he could talk.

"Shut up," I muttered, crossing my arms. "Do you know how worried I was about you?"

"Worried? For what?" he responded, raising an eyebrow.

Crap. That's right. He couldn't know. I quickly raced through my mind, trying to form a lie. "Well... you know, it's not everyday a guy is trying to try on a girl's bra."

Dustin stared at me for a second and I stared back impassively. My excuse was lame, but...

Dustin cracked up again. "Yeah, you're right. I'd be worried too."

I relaxed; glad he had bought it. I went over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of pajamas.

"What do you need those for?" Dustin asked, watching me from the bed.


"Obviously," Dustin responded and I imagined him rolling his eyes. "But why now?"

"I'm... staying at Damian's for a little while," I told him hesitantly.

I winced, expecting him to burst out at me. When it was quiet I peeked over at him. He was still grinning.

"Aren't you going to like, flip or something?" I asked, an eyebrow rose.

"Nope. Because I guess that means I'll just stay there as well."

I narrowed my eyes. "No, you won't."

Dustin grinned wider. "Fine, I'll just go ask Ayden."

We stared at each other for a minute and without warning he bolted towards the door. With pajamas in hand, I raced after him, determined not to let him ask Ayden if he could stay. If he stayed, he wouldn't leave Damian and I alone for five seconds.

I grabbed the back of his hoodie when he paused to open the door. In about five seconds he had wiggled out of it and had begun running. I shoved him into the wall.

"You can't come!"

He shoved me back. "But I'm going to!"

As we came around the stairs I saw Dustin grab the side of the banister and haul himself over it. I heard a thunk and I grabbed the banister looking over. Dustin was already running towards the door. I scowled and hurried down the stairs. There was no way I was jumping off a balcony.

When I finally made it outside, Ayden was smiling and Dustin was smirking triumphantly. I could guess what that meant.

"Ayden," I complained, frowning.

"Yes?" he responded, pleasantly, purposely pretending not to know what I was complaining about.

"Don't let Dustin stay!"

"Too late!" Dustin responded, sticking his tongue out. "I already asked!"


"It might be a good idea to keep an eye on Dustin for awhile too," Ayden told me, a slight frown on his face.


"Vampire hunters are natural enemies of vampires, so I wouldn't not expect that a few vampires might go after him."

My heart dropped. That was right. More vampires could be after Dustin.

"Hey, I can handle myself you know," Dustin responded, a little bit offended.

"If Maddie really doesn't want you here then..." Ayden trailed off, staring at me.

"Uh, no, I don't mind!" I said quickly, waving my arms. "It'd be cool if Dustin stayed."

"Sudden change of heart, eh?"

"Shut up," I responded to Dustin, who was grinning. "I have my reasons."

"What's that?"

"None of your business."

If I were going to protect Dustin subtly, this would be the best way. But I could tell this wasn't going to go as smoothly as I hoped it would.

Dustin smirked. "Shall we go?"

There's your surprise lol. Two updates in one day! Woo! Don't expect this often. Or actually, ever again lol. I just thought that the last chapter was shorter than the rest for some reason. So it's like, okay, two updates. No big deal~ This one is short too though, so whatever! :D Haha. I hope your happy though :D

Join my facebook page though still~ Click open external link!

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