:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 27] //A Vampire Romance//

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Music suddenly came blasting from the gigantic speakers on either side of me, making me jump and the floor vibrate. I clapped my hands over my ears and winced. I could feel the bass in my chest.

"Callie!" I shouted through the noise, my hands still on my ears.

She cocked her head at me, giving me a questioning look. How she managed to hear me over the mind numbing music, I guessed was due to her vampire senses.

"Turn it down!"

She nodded and spun the dial on the volume so it was a whisper instead of a roar. I uncovered my ears and sighed.

"Stereo, check!" Callie called to Ayden, who was on the other side of the room, placing couches randomly around what seemed to be a dance floor.

I watched mildly amused as he held a couch up with one hand, debating on where he wanted to put it. Eventually he placed it against the wall and brushed his hands.

"Okay. Seating check. Food?"

"Check," Damian's voice came from the kitchen.

"Check," a mocking voice imitated from a dark corner of the room.

"Anti-social teenager with an anger problem?"

"Check," I replied, glancing at Kale, who was brooding and pouring snacks into bowls.

"Shut up," he growled at me as Ayden snickered.

I chuckled and headed towards the kitchen. Damian was at the oven, peering in and looking at something.

"What are you baking?" I asked curiously, walking to his side and looking in. A wave of heat blasted my face and a delicious scent wafted out. "Brownies?"

Damian nodded. "I haven't baked in a long time, so I don't know how they will come out. But I think they're done."

He stuck his bare hand into the oven and I gasped and grabbed his arm.

"What are you doing? Damian!"

"What?" he asked, looking confused.

"Pull it out!"

"Whoa guys, calm down in there! Let's keep it PG!" Ayden shouted, snickering.

"Shut up," I shouted back, still holding Damian's arm, his hand still in the oven. "And you, what are you doing? You're going to burn yourself!"

Damian laughed, easily releasing my grasp on his arm. "I don't think it will matter, but if it makes you feel better then I'll put an oven mitt on."

He opened a drawer and pulled out a new looking oven mitt and slipped it on his hand, and pulled out the brownies. He put them on the counter and put the oven mitt back, shrugging.

I frowned at him and sighed, crossing my arms. "I have a question."

"If that's the case, then I have might an answer."

I smiled. "How come you have all the supplies a normal house would have, although you don't really need any of them?"

Damian smiled mysteriously. I was distracted by it for a moment. I realized it had been a long time since I saw this smile. Finally I pulled myself back together and frowned. "Well?"

"The answer is in the question," Ayden called from the other room.

"Stop listening in on my conversation!" I shouted back, glaring at the wall that was between us. "Geez."

"Think about it," Damian suggested, still smiling.

I did. And I got the answer right away. "To seem normal?"

"Bingo!" Callie responded.

"You two!" I growled, rolling my eyes. "Whatever."

Damian chuckled, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, leading me back into the other room. Ayden was putting up streamers, and Callie was sitting on one of the speakers, swinging her feet.

"Is everything ready?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. "There are still a few hours until the party is supposed to start right?"

"Callie got too excited and finished everything else earlier while you were talking to Damian," Ayden explained with a shrug.

"Oh," I responded, landing in an awkward silence. Luckily, my phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my pocket and put it to my ear. "Hello?"

"S'up Maddie?" Dustin's excited voice came from the other side of the phone. "Guess what?"

"What?" I responded, smiling at his eagerness.

"I have something awesome to show you. It's amazing. You'll love it!"

"What is it?" I asked, my smile growing wider.

"I can't tell you," Dustin explained.

"Then what's the point-" I started but got cut off.

"I'm going to show you! So I'm going to be at the party about two hours early," he continued, ignoring me. "Tell Ayden for me."

"Okay." I turned to Ayden who nodded.

"Tell him that's fine," he said.

I frowned at him, but didn't say anything. He really needed to stop listening in on my conversations.

"I can't help it," Ayden responded, pointing to his ear. "We have sensitive hearing."

And listening in on my thoughts. Ayden chuckled again.


"Oh, sorry, Dustin. He said it was fine."

"Alright! Wait until you see this! It's amazing. I'm so excited to show you. Nothing can stop me from getting there early. Nothing."

"Okay, okay," I responded, laughing slightly. "I'll see you when you get here then."

"Yeah! See you soon. Bye!"

I heard a click and then shut my phone, shaking my head while snickering.

"He sounds excited," Damian mentioned, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah. I wonder what it's about," I responded, tapping a finger on my chin. "Oh well, I guess I'll find out."

I looked at the clock. It was two now and the party started at five. That meant Dustin would be here in an hour, but sounding as excited as he did; I guessed he could be here any minute. Unless he was doing something else.

The hour passed, and Dustin still hadn't shown. I guessed he was doing something else. I waited by the door for him, slightly excited about what he had to show me. The minutes past, and he still hadn't shown.

"It's four o' clock," I muttered as the clock struck the four. "He was supposed to be here an hour ago. I thought he wanted to show me something."

"Maybe he got distracted?" Damian suggested, shifting on the couch we were sitting on.


"Maybe something happened?" an amused voice offered from the stairs.

"Don't even say that, Kale," I responded, rolling my eyes. "Nothing could happen to Dustin."

"You never know," Kale responded with a smirk. "Maybe he was attacked?"

"By what?" I asked warily.

"I don't know..."

"Then shut up," Damian responded before I got the chance to.

Kale growled at Damian before retreating up the stairs. Damian sighed and pulled me closer to him. I snuggled up to his chest.

"I'm a little worried," I admitted, frowning. "He sounded really excited on the phone."

"I'm sure nothing happened," Damian reassured me.

I nodded, but the sinking feeling in my chest did not go away.

More time passed, and the feeling in my chest became harder and more prominent. I stood up and began to pace, trying to keep my breathing normal. It was ten minutes until the party started and still no Dustin. Not even a phone call. Phone... that was it!

I pulled out my phone and dialed Dustin's number. It rang four times before going to voicemail. I frowned, and called him again. Voicemail again.

The doorbell rang and Ayden answered it. It was Kim and a few other people form school. The guests were starting to arrive.

"He's fine," Damian cooed in my ear, trying to reassure me. "I'm positive."

"I'm sure too," I responded, even though I really wasn't.

More guests began to arrive and soon I was busy greeting people and gathering coats, momentarily being distracted. But the feeling of uneasiness never went away. During the heavy bass of music blasting from the speakers, in the middle of everyone dancing, the uneasiness was renewed, hitting me hard. I gasped and doubled over, breathing hard.

Damian was at my side in an instant. He placed a hand on my back and straightened me out, whispering in my ear. I followed him to the side of the room, drinking the water he placed in my hands.

"Are you okay, Maddie?" he asked, placing his hands on my cheek and lifting my face up.

I nodded. I was a little calmer now. The uneasiness that had hit me had come so unexpectedly I wasn't ready. It was a weird feeling. I frowned slightly. "Sorry, Damian, but could I go to Dustin's house? I'll be right back."

"Of course, do you want me to go with you?" he responded, looking worried still.

"No, this is your party. You have to stay."

Damian frowned slightly, but nodded. "Okay. But if you're not back in half an hour, I'm coming to look for you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, panic bubbling in my stomach.

"Nothing," Damian responded quickly, looking alarmed. "Maddie, Dustin is fine, I promise. He probably fell asleep."

I smiled slightly, feeling calmed. That was very possible. "You're probably right. Thanks, I'll be back."

With that I grabbed my coat, and set off into the night, hurrying towards Dustin's house. As soon as I couldn't hear the music blasting from the house behind me, the uneasiness returned. My heart was pounding fast and hard, ready to burst from my chest. I clutched it, doubling my speed. Dustin was all right. He had to be all right.

No matter how many times I said it, I didn't believe it though.

Sooo this story is coming to an end lol. I didn't realize how close we were. Five chapters maybe? We'll find out.

In the mean time, please, vote. And when I say please I mean do it or I will... punch you in the wrist! (Desandnate reference)

But seriously, voting isn't hard. Just click the bottom that's on the left now, I believe? Idk why'd they put that there -__-

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