:Inject Me Sweetly: Chapter Seventeen

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"She's sleeping."

"She needs to wake up."

"Just let her sleep," a familiar voice growled.

There was a soft sigh. "She's already awake. Emily, open your eyes," another familiar voice commended softly and I felt a hand shaking my shoulder. "Come on."

"What?" I groaned, refusing to open my eyes. A sharp burning sensation ripped through my throat and I hissed in pain, snapping my eyes open. I gently touched my finger to it, pulling it back instantly when it burned. "Ow!"

Sebastian peered down at me, chuckling. "Don't try to speak... You're throat hasn't fully healed."

Last nights ordeals flashed in my mind, causing my eyes to grow. "Joel?" I inquired, wincing at the pain in my throat.

An uncomfortable expression crossed his face. "Well..."

"Is he okay? Oww," I moaned, feeling like I had strep throat.

"Didn't he say not to talk?" a snippy voice snapped.

I turned my head to glare at Vincent. When I opened my mouth to retort, he told me to shut up.

"Vincent," Sebastian chided reproachfully. "Cut her some slack. She was attacked last night."

"Well maybe if she wasn't so stupid-"

"Enough," a deep, booming voice stated, making me jump in fright. The King appeared in my field of vision, looking ready to drop. "Emily, try not to speak. Fiona's coming with a white board in a few moments, so just write what you need to say."

I stared at him for a moment before jerking myself out of my trance and nodding.

"To answer your question, Joel is fine," he continued, running a hand through his shaggy hair. "Perfectly fine..."

His answer made me feel a little anxious. How could Joel be fine after those horrendous wounds? Was Solomon lying to me? Why would he do that? I needed to see Joel.

"Have no fear! Fiona is here!" a bright voice chirped and moments later the vampire herself appeared above me. "I come bearing a magical board of white."

I forced a smile at her, too worried about Joel to find any actual amusement out of it. As soon as she handed me the marker, I began scribbling. My first question was asking if Joel really was okay.

"He's fine!" Fiona assured me, smiling widely. "I'd bring him to you, but he's at the court right now."


Sebastian shifted his position, an upset expression crossing his face. "Well..."

"With the wounds Joel acquired last night, they shouldn't have healed for at least a week," Solomon started, pulling a chair up next to my bed. "However, after he drank your blood, they seemed to heal almost instantly."

"When I went to clean him up, he was nearly healed," Fiona interjected, grinning at something. "Which was weird."

"So I had Fiona cut Vincent's arm-"

"What?" I gasped, staring at Solomon in shock. A searing pain went through my throat and I clenched my teeth to stop from showing it.

He chuckled. "Don't worry. Vincent can handle it. Besides, he's the only other one that has ever tasted your blood."

I blinked at him, not comprehending how that had to do with what we were talking about.

"You look confused," Sebastian commented, the corners of his lips twitching up. "We took some of your blood and gave it to Vincent to drink."

My head swiveled around to gawk at Vincent. He didn't look perturbed. He just glared at me, crossing his arms. Confused, I slowly dropped my gaze, wondering what he was upset with.

"Anyway, Vincent, show her the arm we cut."

Heaving an annoyed sigh, I lifted my head back up just in time to see him pull up the sleeve of his black sweater. My eyebrows pulled together when I realized there was no trace of any type of laceration.

Where is it? I scrawled.

"It seems you have Blue Blood."

I stared at Sebastian like he was crazy. All humans have blue blood. I waved the whiteboard in front of his face a few times to get my point across.

He chuckled. "That's not what I mean."

"Stupid," Vincent muttered.

I glared at him. What was up his butt today? I hadn't even say ten words to the guy today!

"Blue Bloods are humans who have a certain type of blood that can heal any kind of vampire wound rapidly," Solomon explained, frowning at Vincent. "I didn't believe any more existed but..."

It took a few moments for his words to register in my mind. When they did, my eyes bulged. I snatched the marker back up from the bed. What are you talking about?

"It's not possible to make it any more simple," Vincent snapped, sounding irritated. "Your blood heals us."

"You fit the criteria too," Fiona told me, tapping her chin with a finger. "Didn't you ever think how weird it was that you needed so many blood transfusions and so often? It's not normal. Nor is it normal for a human to resist having their memory erased. I read about Blue Bloods in a book once."

Blue Blood? What were they babbling on about? I could heal vampires? The thought almost made me snort.

"You look like you don't believe us," Sebastian observed, cocking an eyebrow.

"We can test it out on Sebastian if you want-"

"No!" Immediately I regretted vocalizing my reaction. My hand shot up to my throat and I squeezed my eyes shut.

Fiona giggled but quickly stifled it. "Sorry, Em... You're funny."

I rolled my eyes at her. How was causing myself pain funny to her? I turned to Vincent, glaring at him. Leave Sebastian alone, I wrote.


A sinking feeling made itself known in my chest and I felt the sudden urge to cry. Why was he being so mean? I wracked my brain for a reason for his behavior, but came up short. There was no reason for him to be so moody toward me!

"Focus," the King commanded. "This is a serious issue."

I cocked my head to the side, furrowing my eyebrows again.

"Emily, if word gets out that you have Blue Blood, you'll be in danger," Sebastian told me. "There are... poachers, if you will, who will want to get a hold of your blood as soon as possible."

"Poachers?" I squawked in horror, ignoring my throat's protest.

"Shh," Fiona shushed, flicking me on the shoulder. "Write."

Picking up the marker with a shaky hand, I began to scratch my thoughts down as quickly as I could. What do you mean by that? Poachers? Like the ones who kill those poor baby seals?

"Except these ones kill Blue Bloods," Solomon corrected me. "They also sometimes keep them locked up so they can use them repeatedly."

My eyes widened considerably.

"We won't let anyone know though!" Fiona assured me quickly. "No one will know you're a Blue Blood. If anyone did find out..." She made a face. "Well, we'd be screwed."

How many are there?

Solomon smiled sadly. "That we know of? One."

I blinked at him. Did he mean I was the only one? Confused, I picked up the marker again. That's me? Where are the others?

"Dead," Sebastian responded flatly. "Like my father said before, those rogue vampires used them for their blood carelessly. I'm sure there are some around somewhere, but they're probably in hiding. Generally Blue Bloods are humans from vampire descent... As in, maybe they're great, great grandparents were a human and a vampire; they had a child, that child married a human, until the vampire in them was hardly there. They also know vampires exist."

"She definitely didn't know vampires exist when I drank from her," Vincent stated.

Solomon nodded. "That's right, she didn't know, which is why I'm confused... You're one strange human, Emily. Never before have I met someone, human or vampire, as troublesome as you."

I smiled sheepishly. It wasn't like it was my fault. Vincent was the one who kidnapped me.

"As of tomorrow," Solomon started slowly, his emerald eyes piercing into mine. "You're going home."

"What?" Vincent and Sebastian cried before I could even start to react. In fact, his words hadn't even sunk in yet.

When they did, my heart swelled with joy. "Really?" I croaked, not even noticing the pain this time.

"Father, that's-"

"Silence Sebastian," Solomon commanded, cutting him off. "This is the only way to keep Emily safe. She must return to the human world."

"But the court...?"

The King shook his head. "The court will not know we've returned Emily home."

I nearly shook with excitement. I could go home? I'd be able to see my family again? I could go to school! On any other occasion I would be ecstatic that I didn't have to go to school, but school sounded so... normal.

"There's a chance she might not be safe there," Sebastian argued, giving a pleading look to his father. "It'd be safer if she was here-"

"Sebastian, don't allow your feelings to change what you know is the right thing to do."

He opened his mouth to retort, but closed it abruptly, his shoulders sagging. "Of course, Father."

"Feelings?" Fiona inquired, lowering. "You have feelings...?" She glanced at me, her eyes betraying the calm expression on her face.

I shook my head immediately, my chest constricting at her hurt look. Even if she didn't say it, I now knew she still had feeling for Sebastian.

"No surprise there," Vincent said scornfully.

"I don't have any romantic feelings," Sebastian confessed smoothly. "She's just easy to talk to about my... problems."

I nodded at his words. Friends, only, I jotted down, showing it to Fiona first.

She relaxed straightaway, her usual smile slipping onto her face. "Oh. I can't exactly say I want Emily to go home either, for the same reasons. It was nice having a girl around to talk to..."

I returned her friendly expression. It was nice being able to talk to Fiona too... I bit my lip roughly as my mind began to process reasons to stay. There was no way I wanted to stay here! My friends and family were at home; here were only vampires I've only known for a week... Vampires who were surprising sweet and caring, who seemed impossibly normal, and who I truthfully felt like I've known forever instead of a few days.


I jolted out of my reverie, staring at Solomon.

"Sebastian had a good point. You may not be safe at home."

A frown slowly appeared on my face. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Emily, don't talk!"

I shook my head. "The pain will go away eventually... besides, I'm tired of using that marker."

Fiona laughed. "Whatever, it's your pain."

"It means that vampires might attack you back in your human world," Solomon clarified, a weary expression crossing his face.


"Father, if that's the case then one of should go with her," Sebastian interjected, cutting me off. "At least for a little while, to make sure she's safe."

Solomon nodded. "I agree. However, Sebastian, it can't be you."

"I already know," he responded glumly.

I grinned at him disappointment. Fiona was a better choice anyway. If I ever did get hurt, she knew how to fix me up.

"Vincent will go."

"What?" I cried, narrowing my eyes at the King. At the same time, Vincent scoffed a "yeah right".

He cocked an eyebrow in amusement. "You are Vincent's responsibility after all."

"But he's a jerk!"

Sebastian and Fiona chuckled, abruptly stopping when Vincent threw them a harsh glare.

"This will be a good way for you two to get along then, won't it?"

"Father, I will not-"

"You will," Solomon ordered, an edge to his voice. "And you will keep an eye on her at all times."

Vincent scowled. "That's not fair! I have a life too!"

"I don't want him follow me around!" I told the King, shaking my head in disbelief. "He'll scare everyone away! What about school?"

Sebastian grinned. "School?"

"I heard high school is the time of your life," Solomon commented thoughtfully, turning to look at his son. "It'll be an experience."

"I'm not going to high school."

"I'll have to have Luella figure out how to enroll you..."


Fiona giggled, winking at me. "You're lucky you get to see Vincent in class-

Oh my god! Does your school have a uniform?"

"Yes," I muttered, gritting my teeth together.

Had Vincent been acting the way he did before he'd suddenly had a stick shoved up his butt, I would be thrilled about this surprising event. The old Vincent could have been one of my best friends, and maybe more- I shook my head. Too far. He was still a vampire. He could have been one of my close friends. But now... Dropping my scowl, I glanced at him. He clenched his jaw, his eyes meeting mine. I nearly flinched at the anger.

"Well Vincent, at least you won't have to bring a lot of clothing," Solomon stated, smiling widely.

"I'm not going," Vincent growled, clenching his fists. "I'd rather die." With that, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I winced at the noise.

"Ooh, he's angry," Fiona remarked, staring after him. "I would be excited if I got to go to high school again... I actually had fun."

"You're welcome to go too, Fiona," Solomon told her. "You'll just have to return home afterwards."

"Really?" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up in excitement.

He nodded. "Of course. It's just school."

Sebastian crossed his arms, looking grumpy. I laughed at him, feeling much better. If Fiona was going to be there too, I could handle it. "Feeling left out, Sebastian?"

"Yes," he muttered flatly.

"Sorry, Sebastian, but we need you here..."

He sighed heavily. "I know..."

"I have to go find Luella now... Emily, would you mind going to tell Vincent he better start packing? After that, you can start too."

"Ehh..." I made a face. He would ask me to do that.

"I'll escort you to his room," Sebastian offered, nodding toward the door. "I know you like to get lost."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Just like I like to be attacked by Joel and Vincent?"

He chuckled. "Just like that."

I rolled to the edge of the bed I was in, just now realizing there wasn't an IV attached to me. Instead of inquiring about it, I shrugged it off, placing my feet onto the ground. As soon as I stood up, my legs gave out from under me, and I dropped to the floor. Sebastian and Fiona both grabbed me halfway down, setting me back on my feet again.

"You okay?" Fiona questioned worriedly.

"My legs are asleep," I admitted embarrassedly, feeling my face grow hot. "I've got it now." Holding onto the bed, I managed to take a few shaky steps on my own before the feeling started to return.

"Then let's go," Sebastian said, watching as I staged toward the door. "Vampires don't experience their limbs feeling asleep... I wonder what it feels like."

"It hurts," Fiona and I stated simultaneously.

He grinned. "Does it?"

"It feels like a thousand pins and needles being stuck into your skin," I told him truthfully.


"Exactly," Fiona responded, wrinkling her nose. "I don't miss it one bit. I'm going to go eat something, so I'll see you two later."

"I'll join you after I drop Emily off," Sebastian informed her, nodding to me. "Just a minute."

She nodded and saluted him. "See you then, Seb."

As she walked away he watched her, a gentle smile on his face. I nudged him in the side. "You should tell her how you feel."


"Why not? She definitely still likes you!"

"It's impossible for us to be together."

"That just sounds like you're making up an excuse to not get together."

He pursed his lips at me. "I'm not doing that."

I shrugged. "I just said it sounded that way."

"I want to," he disclosed, sighing again. "However right now, with the dilemma with you, I don't feel like it's the right time."

"Oh... That's probably right."

He nodded his head, pushing me to the right. "Vincent's room is the second door on your right." He pointed toward it. "Have fun."

I tried my best to smile. "I'll try..."

He ruffled my hair. "I suggest telling him than running."

I laughed, pushing his hand off my head. "Yeah, otherwise he might through his bed at me."

"I wouldn't be surprised."

My gut dropped. "Wait, he would do that?"

"Be careful," Sebastian warned me, winking.

An anxious feeling crept over me as I trudged to the door. I raised my fist to know, but figured it wouldn't matter if I did or not. Opening the door, I poked my head slowly, locating Vincent on lying on his bed. Holding my breath, I slipped inside the room, hoping he wouldn't notice me. He didn't move, so I figured he hadn't.

"Shut the door," he suddenly snapped, making my heart jump into my throat.

"S-sure," I stuttered, closing it behind me. "Solomon told me to tell you to start packing."

"I'm not going."

"But he said you had to..."

"I don't care."

Scowling, I marched to the side of his bed, putting my hands on my hips, and hovering over him intimidatingly. "Do you have a problem with me?"


"What did I do?"

His eyes slid over to me, an annoyed expression coming onto his face. "Nothing."

"Obviously I did something," I snapped at him. "You were actually being friendly for the past couple days and now you've returned to being a jerk."

"I thought I was always a jerk."

"You are! But usually not this bad!"

He shrugged, returning his attention to the ceiling. "Go away."


"Careful, if you yell any louder Sebastian might come."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What are you talking about?"

Vincent sat up abruptly, nearly knocking his head on mine. "Don't you want him to save you? Isn't that why you called for him when Joel was attacking to you? Even though I was one room away?"

I blinked at him. "What?"

"You're my responsibility," Vincent growled at me. "Not his. You should have called for me."

"Vincent," I started, my eyes widening. "Don't tell me... Are you jealous I called for him and not you?"

His face blanked at my words.

"You are, aren't you?"

"Who is?" he grunted, narrowing his eyes. "Jealous? Why would I be jealous?"

A smirk grew on my face. "You are! That's why you are so angry! You wanted me to call for you!"

"I never said that-"

"You don't need to," I declared smugly. "Your actions say it all. You're jealous of Sebastian."

"I am not!"

"Yes you are."

"You're stupid."

I patted his head. "It's okay, Vincent. The only reason I called him was because he said if I ever needed help to yell and he'd hear me."

"Which apparently he didn't," Vincent appraised me. "I was the one who heard your terrified squeaks."

I ignored his taunt, frowning at him. "I tried calling you at first, you know.

"You did?"

"You were asleep," I informed him.

He narrowed his eyes. "Of course."

"You were the one that saved me though," I continued, feeling awkward. I dropped my gaze to the floor. "So, thank you, I guess..."


My eyes snapped back to his sapphire ones. "What?"

The smirk that was on my face earlier had transferred to his. "I guess I'm a hero."

I smiled wryly at him. "Don't inflate your ego too much."

"You owe your life to me now," he notified me. "That's how it goes in the books, right?"

"I don't owe you anything," I responded, pressing my lips together in a flat line.

"Yes you do."


Before I could blink, he'd swept my legs out from under me and had me on the bed. I stared up at him, my heart racing from his sudden actions. He held me down by my shoulders, a complacent expression on his face. "I saved your life, and I can also end it."

"Get off me," I demanded, pushing on his chest and ignoring his threat. I knew it was an empty one- and so did he.

"You're an interesting human, you know that?"

"How so?"

"Any other one in this position would be trying to take advantage of the situation."

My face flushed at his innuendo. "Whatever. Get off now."

He laughed loudly, allowing me to sit up. "Fine, fine."

"Get packed," I ordered him.

"This better be worth it," he muttered, looking irritated again. "High school? What is Father thinking?"

I shrugged. Whatever he was thinking, I was glad he was thinking it now. Vincent was back to his normal, holier-than-thou attitude. I raised a hand to my mouth, hiding the secret smile that was beginning to form. A jealous Vincent was actually pretty cute...


I dislike proofreading.

 Today's song is Tendencies by Hollywood Undead!

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