Chapter One

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Rac was a young saber-tooth tiger female who lived in a pack of seven: her parents, Bai and Dingo; sisters Nora, Atira, and Neerah; and only brother, Rahman. Their home was in the far, frigid north in a cave network surrounded by ice-covered trees and snow banks.

The young saber loved the freezing weather, even when it made her whiskers immobile and her toes numb. She always found time to chase her littermates through the deep snow, across the frozen river and as high up the suffocating air would allow. They had a rocky place above their caves Rac was obsessed in climbing.

One day, as Bai and Dingo were teaching their litter how to stalk the slow tapirs, a strange scent hit Rac as she crouched. It smelled like a large, young male saber. She raised her head in confusion when it disappeared.

"Get down!" growled Dingo, his lips lifting from his sharp teeth. The spotted fur on his back stood straight up in anger at being disobeyed.

The sound of grunting and quick hoofed feet rapidly disappearing signaled their lost prey. A low growl rose to a roar beside Rac, causing her to whip her head around.

"It is YOUR fault we lost that prey!" Dingo nearly screeched, golden eyes smoldering in rage. He no longer resembled the kind and caring father the young she-cat knew. He was replaced by a monster.

"B-but, Dad. I smelled-" she stammered in fright. Her spotted ears were laid against her skull and tiny tail as low as it would go. Rac whimpered when claws ripped into her face, flinging her to the snowy ground.

Dingo roared threateningly. His mate looked on, concerned about his odd behavior. Nora, Atira, Neerah, and Rahman were huddled behind their mother, fear seeping into the air. They have never witnessed their father snapping on lost prey before.

Rac dared to speak once more. She stayed on the ground in fear of being lashed out at again, fully submitting herself. "I smelled a-a male I-I didn't r-recognize. Y-you have to believe me."

"Lies," Dingo spat out. He took a step closer to his oldest daughter. The male saber noticed her cower beneath his paws. He growled in disgust.

"She's telling the truth, cat. I'm surprised a young cub like her knew that before the great Dingo got a whiff. Pathetic."

"Leave, Ravi. This is your only warning," Dingo ground out, turning to the saber instead. Rac took the chance to heave herself to her paws and slip behind her siblings, blood dripping from her cheek. The males took little notice of the she-cat.

Chuckling from the newcomer caused Dingo's eyes to blaze with fire. "Temper, temper. You're as bad as before," purred Ravi with humor. He raised a white paw, licked it once, and drew it over a striped ear. "Some cats never change, it seems."

Before? Dad knows this cat? Rac turned to Bai. "Mom, how does Dad know this saber?" she whispered as Dingo began to crouch in the cold snow. He looked ready to kill, if his expression was to be properly read.

Bai turned to her daughter with an expression of sorrow. "Ravi is your father's brother, your uncle."

Hey, guys! Just the beginning of a shorter story that I came up with. It won't be very long unless I get enough good feedback. Hope you enjoy!

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