Chapter Three

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My uncle was once part of the pack?

"He knew Rhova very well, Dingo. They met at every moon cycle by Roaring Cave near the border," Bai mumbled quietly. She gave Ravi an apologetic glance; no one had known where the striped saber went those four nights except her. By his expression, he was clueless about his brother's soon-to-be-mate knowing this information.

"You knew?" Ravi whispered, his blood-stained jaw slack. "But how-"

Ears back and spotted head cast down, the she-cat spoke in a whisper as well. "The first few times I thought you were only night hunting, since the moon was full enough to still give light. But once it had disappeared from the sky and you still left, I got curious. I followed you."

Rac and her siblings were silent throughout the confession. They had never heard of this she-cat before; it was definitely news to the young sabers. It made Rac wonder where Rhova was now. Was she still alive? What's she like? Is she nice or cruel? Does she have cubs?

A low whine brought Rac out of her thoughts. She glanced at Neerah and saw her staring at Ravi with sad, glazed eyes; he was barely breathing.

"We have to do something!" Rahman said, starting to panic. He saw the same expression mirrored on his sisters' faces, agreeing with their brother. They couldn't just let their uncle die!

"Father! Please let us heal him, he's lost way too much blood," shouted Rahman as he scampered over to his dying uncle and stood over him. He made sure to put himself between Ravi and Dingo should the male try to hurt him once more.

Finally snapping out of her saddened trance, Bai leaped at her mate and managed to pin the shocked saber down in the snow.

Their daughters rushed forward and inspected Ravi. Including his shoulder wound, there was one across his side and down one back leg. Bone showed through the worst, its whiteness sharp against the bright shade of red surrounding it.

"Atira, go find clean moss. We can use the clean snow to wet it." The saber shot off. "Nora, I need cobwebs. There are some in the holes of the trees beyond that hill." She sprinted in the direction of her sister's tail flick.

"What can I do, Rac?" asked Rahman as he quickly turned around. There was no longer a need to keep an eye on Dingo.

Rac thought for a heartbeat as she gently licked the deepest wound. "Keep him warm. Use either yourself or gather moss like Atira. We'll need plenty of it."

Neerah laid at his other side and slowly cleaned Ravi's more shallower wounds with soft strokes. Rac couldn't help but smile as she licked away dirt, snow clumps, and blood. Her youngest sister didn't even need to be asked to help out. She already knew what to do.

Atira and Nora came sprinting back at the same time, one ladened with a large ball of moss between her teeth and the other covered in fresh cobwebs. Rac looked up, relief shining in her eyes.

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