Chapter 8- Spirits of Lost

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(This title makes no sense...)

When I woke up, I was laying in a bed within the brightly lit, white corridors of the medical bay. The room was as big as a barn, and medical beds lined the walls. I could feel a bandage on my head, and several more on my leg, where the gunshot wound was. I could feel Echo sitting on my head, picking at my bandage. "Hey buddy." I said, moving my hand to let him perch on my finger. 

"Okay?" Echo said in a squeaky, concerned voice. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Echo hopped along my arm and sat on my shoulder. 

I lifted my left arm, and nearly puked when I realized my left hand was gone. The stump was covered in bandages. I was lucky the CO2 Gas had frozen the wound, otherwise I would have bled out. 

I heard the doors slam open, and when I looked I saw Cupa, Scout, Timeist, and Liu ran in. "OH MY GOD THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE OKAY!!!" Cupa screamed, jumping on me and hugging me in a tight embrace.

 "WhOAH there! You don't want me any more injured, do you?" Cupa let go and stood back up. "S-sorry. I forgot." Scout walked over. "You okay? You took quite the hit back there." I smiled as I looked at him. "Yeah, I'll live." I responded. "There's a whole lot more people out there. Should I tell them?" Liu asked me. "No. Cupa, Timeist, Scout- You go tell them. I need to speak with Liu." Cupa pouted and followed Timeist and Scout out of the room. I waited until the doors had shut, then I spoke to Liu. 

"Tamson." I said. 

Liu turned. "What about him?" 

My eyes narrowed. "He's alive." 

Liu turned to me in surprise.
"Impossible! He died more than ten years ago!" 

I shook my head. "Apparently he works for the Shadows now. They resurrected him." I motioned to my hand. "He did this." Liu sat down on an empty bed in shock. 

"How could he!" Liu said, shocked. I turned my head to face him. 

"He's not himself anymore, Liu." I said. "Now, what are we gonna do about this?" I said, pointing at my stump wrist. 

"Oh, yes." Liu said, recovering and standing back up. "We're sending you to the robotic transplants wing." Liu snapped and two nurses walked into the room. 

One of them grabbed Echo and stuffed him into a birdcage. 

The other wheeled my bed out of the room. She moved it down the hall, turning corners here and there.

Finally, she rolled me into a dark room with one light in the center, illuminating an operating table. Lots of machinery and tools were hanging from racks around the room. Several other nurses were around the room, tending to the various machinery. The nurses slowly picked me up, moving me onto the operating table. 

"This is a shot of General anesthesia." Said a nurse holding a syringe. "This will only hurt a bit." Without warning, she stabbed the needle into my chest and injected the fluids. 

I began to feel woozy as she pulled it out, and I started to say something. My voice trailed off as I passed out from the Anesthesia.


When I woke up, my head felt like someone smacked it with an iron glove. "Oh...what happened?" I moaned as I started to sit up. I looked down at my left arm, expecting to see the bandaged stump. 

The bandages were gone, and there was a white glove covering something attached to the stump. I slowly pulled the glove off, and I gasped when I saw what was there.

 Attached to the stump was a robotic replica of my hand. Not a jointed, skeletal robot hand. This one was smooth and curved. The overlapping pieces of metal looked exactly like a human hand. It was like someone had created a 3D copy of my actual hand out of metal. 

"Someone to see you, general!" said a voice, and when I looked up I realized the room I was in. It was my bedroom inside of my quarters, and I was lying in the bed. I looked to the sound of the voice, and I saw a female maid holding the bedroom door open. 

Next to her stood Cupa, and behind Cupa stood about a few million other people, Including Scout, Andr, and Timeist. The maid closed the door, letting Cupa in. "Hi." She said. "Hey." I responded. I lifted my metal hand, and tried to move the fingers. They didn't budge. "Woah." She said, looking at my new hand. "Can I touch it?" 

I shrugged. "Sure. I can't move it though." Cupa stroked the hand, examining the fingers, the humanlike shape of it. "Can you feel that?" She asked. 

I shook my head. "I think it's going to take a while before I can move it again." Cupa looked into my eyes. Suddenly, the maid opened the door. "Visiting hours are over for today." She said, and a chorus of aggravated moaning came from the crowd outside. "Bye." Cupa said, following the maid out of the room. 

I shook my metal hand in the air, pretending the wave. The Maid closed the door, then turned to me. "It's late general. I suggest you get some rest." She spoke. "Yeah, I guess I should." I replied, lying down. The lights went out, and so did I.


I had a dream that I was falling through space and time, through an endless tumble. I suddenly landed on Death Island, and when I looked around, all of my team was there, but they were all frozen statues. A T. rex came along and one by one, smashed them all. I ran, but found I could not move. The T. rex came at me, and when he opened his mouth to eat me, I was sucked back into the black void. I heard a deep voice speaking to me. 

"You have left without finishing what you started." it said. 

"Who is this?" I asked, then I realized I was standing on a solid surface, but there was still void around me. "Where am I?" I began to worry. 

"You're with me." Said a loud, deep voice from behind me.

 I turned around, and to my surprise, a huge, navy-blue Dragon was laying, curled up. I was so startled I fell over. The Dragon made a strange noise that sounded like laughter. 

"Who are you?" I asked. The Dragon looked at me, tilting his head.

 "I am Oblivion." The Dragon replied. "And you have left without finishing what you started." he said again. 

"The egg? I had no control over that!" I yelled. "I was taken away! If not for my people, I would have returned it to you!" 

The Dragon tilted his head. "But why did you come to my quiet island in the first place, hmmmm?" He asked. "I was told the Island was evil." I replied. 

The Dragon nodded. "Indeed. But I am not evil. I require my egg to regain power over my island." The Dragon began to stand up, shaking the dreamscape. "You have one month to make things right, or I will bring ruin to you and your people." The Dragon began to leave, swinging his tail around. His tail whacked me, sending me flying.

Then I woke up.

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