Chapter 5

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(Once more, I have come back to update.)
(This was the last chapter I wrote in the google doc, so the next one will probably be written on this site itself.)

By the time I left, Shadowfax had already gotten wind of the beacon's enlightenment. He was undoubtedly scrambling his forces to intercept us. 

"We gotta move fast if we want to reach the base in time!" I yelled to Snowfire over the rain. She shot through the air like a heat-seeking missile towards our base. "C'mon..." I muttered. "Getting close..." 

Suddenly, we flew out of the clouds and were headed straight for the ground, which was rapidly getting closer. 

"Pull up! Pull up!" I yelled, yanking backwards on Snowfire's horns. She began to pull up an away from the ground, but we were going to fast. 

We slammed painfully into the ground, and Snowfire rolled across the ground as I was thrown off her back. I hit the ground and rolled to a stop in the muddy, wet ground. I got up, covered in mud and wet grass. "Bleh." I said in disgust, shaking some of the mud off. 

A searchlight shone right into my eyes, blinding me. "Intruder!" I heard a voice shout, and suddenly, several arms grabbed me. "Get off!" I shouted, trying to break free of their grip. "It's me!" They recognized me and let go. "Geezus..." I muttered. I began to run towards the council hall. The soldiers followed me. "Sir! What's going on?!" One asked. "Sound the alarm. We need to prepare for battle." I commanded them, and they broke off. 

Snowfire followed close behind me, shaking the ground as she ran. I reached the council hall, and burst through the doors. Liu looked at me from the head of the table, an angry expression on his face. "Where the hell have you been?" He shouted. "Long story." I said hurriedly. "While I was out I gained intel that Shadowfax is preparing to launch a massive attack." I explained. "He's going to charge head-on across the Dueling Bridge." I finished. Liu looked at me, unimpressed. "You fail to convince me." He said un-enthusiastically. Snowfire stomped the ground and growled angrily, smoke puffing out of her nose. Liu cowered in his seat. "But I think it's best we trust you." He said, his voice shaking.


We had already created a defensive just outside Defender City gates. Our multi-line defensive lined the beginning of the Dueling Bridge, which was a huge land bridge connecting the Skull lands and the Mainland. It was still raining, and it was dark. Scout and I were in the frontmost defense barrier. We had made a wall out of strong stone bricks, and pasted them together into a wall hurriedly. Now we waited. "Where's Timeist?" Scout asked. "He's supposed to be helping us." 

As if on cue, Timeist ran in and jumped next to us behind the barrier. "Hey guys." He said. He was sporting his new armor, complete now with dual gauntlets, Jetpack, and antennae-mounted helmet. He carried a G36 carbine rifle with him. Scout looked at him confused. "Why do you look like Boba Fett?" Scout asked. Timeist moaned in disgust. "Why does everyone keep saying that?" He asked, frustration in his voice. "It's a good look for you." I said, trying to cheer him up. 

Suddenly, the ground shook. All the soldiers looked around nervously. "Was that an earthquake?" someone asked. 

The ground shook again. "No..." I said, unsure. 

"Sounds like footsteps." Scout commented. 

I tried to look forward to see what it was, but a thick fog prevented me from seeing five feet in front of the trench. I turned and pointed at four of the soldiers in our trench. "You four. Go check out the area ahead. Come running back if you see anything." I instructed them. They hesitated, but followed my orders and walked nervously off into the fog, towards the sound of the giant footsteps. They disappeared into the fog, and the footsteps suddenly stopped. 

A few minutes passed. Suddenly, Gunfire ran out in the distance, and I heard the screaming of men, and then a loud, inhuman noise echoed across the bridge. The gunfire stopped. We aimed out guns out into the fog, dreading what came next. Several minutes passed, and nothing could be heard except the rainfall. One of the soldiers stood up out of the trench. "Well, whatever it was, it's gone no-"

He was cut off as a huge, beaked mouth shot down and chomped on him. "What the hell...?" Scout said in fear. As the beaked mouth rose into the air, the fog around it cleared, revealing the rest of its body. It had a flat-topped, triangle-shaped head and six long, jointed legs which had curved ends, like hooks. It had slitted, glowing red eyes, filled with infinite malice. "What is that?" Timeist asked. 

I responded, "It's a Void Behemoth."

The Behemoth towered 50 feet above us, chomping on the soldier it snatched in its maw. Blood dripped from its mouth, and it looked down at us menacingly. It let out a screeching roar, a terrible and horrifying sound that made my stomach churn. Suddenly, gunfire rang out from the fog behind the Behemoth. We ducked as the bullets flew over our heads, hitting men in trenches behind us that couldn't duck in time. 

"Shadows!" I shouted. "Use the 50 caliber!" On my command, a soldier mounted a large LMG on a tripod and began to unload the clip into the fog. Then the Shadows came, in seemingly endless waves, emerging from the fog. Timeist pressed a button on his belt, and his jetpack activated, shooting him into the air. I watched as he aimed his wrist at a group of shadows, then he pressed a button on his gauntlet. A small missile shot out from his gauntlet, racing towards the Shadows. It exploded on impact, sending the smoldering remains of several Shadows flying into the air. 

I threw down my carbine rifle and unsheathed Dark Bane from the sheath on my back. I jumped out of the trench, leading a charge of other soldiers, along with Scout, into the battle. I kicked one Shadow out of the way, then decapitated another. I sliced through two more of them, cutting their torsos clean in half. One Shadow ran at me with a katana. I blocked his swing with my blade, then forced it to the ground. The Shadow's grip on his sword loosened, and I took the chance. I raised my metal fist and punched the Shadow in the face. The titanium knuckles fractured his skull, knocking him unconscious and causing him to fall to the ground. I looked around, and saw more and more Shadows fall dead to the gunfire of our defense.

But it wasn't enough.

It seemed for every Shadow we killed, six more joined the battle. "Fall back! Fall back to the trenches!" I shouted, running back to the trench. The Behemoth seemed to just now acknowledge our attacks, and began to stomp the ground. 

"Fifty five!" Scout shouted. 

I turned to him. "Fifty five what?" I asked. 

He grinned. "Fifty five kills so far!" He replied. 

I frowned at him. "Now is not the time for games!" I said to Scout. 

I then turned to Timeist, who was hovering in the air, firing at the ground forces with his G36. "Timeist! Can you do something about the Behemoth?!" I shouted. He looked down and nodded. He then directed himself at the Behemoth, flying up to its face. It snapped at him as he flew around, trying to catch him. 

Timeist then aimed his other gauntlet at the Behemoth's face, and pressed a button on it. A ceaseless burst of fire jetted from the gauntlet into the Behemoth's face. The Behemoth screeched in pain, and Timeist took the chance to land on the Behemoth's back. He took his G36 and fired several bullets into the Behemoth's head, killing it. The Behemoth made a deep moaning sound, then fell forward to the ground, while Timeist slid down the head, landing safely on the ground. 

"That still only counts as one!" Scout shouted at Timeist after he was safely back on the ground.

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