Chapter 1

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A young woman groaned as she stretched. She was sore from all of the moving of boxes she did to help her mom settle into their new home. She didn't love the idea of moving across the country in the middle of the school year, but she had no choice in the matter. She didn't, her father died unexpectedly from an unknown cause as well as other random occurrences kept happening around the home after the incident. All culminating in the young girl and her mother having to move across the country.

This was the only thing they had left. It was her father's apartment he kept paying rent for in case he got a chance to go back home. She found it ironic that he kept a place in case he got a chance to go home. He did come home, but not breathing, instead in an urn full of ash.

She took out the urn and set it on the mantle with a picture of him next to it. She frowned seeing him smiling back at her. The picture was from the fishing trip they took together last summer. She missed that trip and would do anything to have him back.

Her mom saw her looking at the picture and hugged her from behind. "I miss him too Olivia."

"Why did we have to come here and leave all that we had, Mom? I had everything back home, friends, grandparents, school, a decent job." Olivia said a bit resenting the entire thing.

"With the funeral and everything we didn't have the money to stay. This was the only place we have left, you know that. I know it sucks but please try to make the most of it." Her mother told her.

Olivia nodded and went off to her room. In the process, all of her father's drawings moved across the paper in their frames and followed her as she walked down the hallway, without her realizing it.

The young girl laid back on her bed with a sigh, just collecting all her thoughts that she's put off over the last month or so.

Everything had changed so fast. Her father was so healthy, as fit as a fiddle as one would say. It seemed overnight it took a turn for the worst. It didn't make any sense, not to her, her family, the doctors, anyone. There is normally some sort of sign before a person started coughing up something dark, especially something no one could understand, or even identify.

She slowly fell asleep with several questions about what happened to him, as well as anger towards the doctors that pretty much let him die all alone in a hospital on the other side of the country away from his daughter and wife.

It was safe to say she was dreading picking up and going through his storage unit and office at work tomorrow while her mother was at work. Though she figured no one would go through any of it since it was hard on pretty much anyone who knew her father, so if she didn't take care of this it would all be sold or auctioned off to the highest bidder. So yet again she had no choice, thankfully she was in an online school, but not the most ideal time for her nor how she imagined spending her first semester of college.

The next morning Olivia had her coffee and got in the car to go to the storage place. She had to get there early cause they were only allowing her to be in there to go and clean it out for a couple of days before she'd owe another month of rent on the storage unit. She pulled into the parking lot and the building wasn't in the greatest of shape. it was quite run down, paint was chipping on the outside of the storage units, doors were rusted, and going inside of the office there was an extremely potent smell of mold or mildew. It was enough to easily give someone a headache.

She put that aside and walked up to the desk. "Hi, I'm looking for someone to help me find unit 218. It was owned by Peter Phillips." She told the man behind the desk that gave her a once over looking her up and down.

 "You must be his kid. You look a lot like him." He said getting up and leading her to the unit. "Your father was a good tenant, always paid on time, always happy," he sighed. "A really good guy. I'm sorry for your loss, Miss Phillips."

Olivia nodded. "He touched a lot of people." She said simply as she pulled a bandana over her nose so she could breathe without getting a headache. 

The man nodded and they walked in silence down the dimly lit aisles of units until they reached 218. "Here we are, 218. If you need any help don't hesitate to call for help," he said slipping her a piece of paper with the office's number on it. 

"I will." She said slipping it into her pocket before opening the lock. When she opened it she turned on her flashlight to reveal a room full of boxes caked in dust. All except for one, mysteriously it appeared to be one from his work doing archeology, way before she was even thought about, let alone born. This caught her interest and she approached it to see why that one was opened. 

She approached the box and carefully opened the lid. Inside wasn't what she was expecting, it appeared to be an old jar with files of papers on experiments they were doing on the jar. She set it down and shined her flashlight to read some of the file trying to figure out if it was something that needed to be returned or something she could throw away.

The files said something about a mysterious ink like substance that appeared to only like her father. She was intrigued and read further into her father's notes on this and found a video.

She decided to put that into the pile for taking home as well as a few other things that reminded her of her father and informed the office that she was going to pay at least another month cause there was too much for her to go through. It was already 15 minutes to 6 pm, she was starving and hadn't eaten all day and had several projects due for school.

She headed home after getting something to eat and turned on the video of her father that she found and put the jar of ink on her dresser until she figured out what to do with it.

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