Chapter 2 {Moving Pictures}

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"The whole of life is just like watching a film. Only it's as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no-one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues."

- Terry Pratchett




Amber's POV~

I jumped and turned around to see the door close automatically behind me.

"Well that's strange..." I thought as I looked down the hallway.

"Alright Mister Joey, I am here. Let's see if I can find what you wanted me to see." I said as I walked through the hallway to see a projector which was on and there was a Bendy Cutout against the wall.

It was weird to see a projector on and I didn't go near it at all and walked to my right. I had to take another turn and right beside the wall i saw the directions to the four places:

The Art Department was on the other side which I will go to later and the other three places which were The Ink Machine, Theater and Break-room were on the direction I was gonna go.

When I turned around i saw the words "Dreams Come True" written on the walls with ink and I could see Ink falling from the ceiling and this looked fresh. The words made shivers go down my spine. I shook the feeling of headed for the hallway. As I did i noticed a room which had light but I didn't bother going in and i saw the words Ink Machine Room in front of me. As i entered i saw a board which was the Ink Output Schedule. I looked at it and then turned around to see a piper which had "Watch Your Step" written on it and then i walked over it to see a very big room which was blocked by a railing. I saw there was a hole in the middle of the room.

"This line could use a few dry cells." I said as i looked at the empty battery cell and i looked around to find them.

I found one on the shelf and the other inside the trunk. After I put the cells in their place I held the handle and pulled it down.

"Let's see what you are hiding down there, Mister Joey." I said as I saw something come up the chains.

After two seconds I saw a huge machine come up and I was awed by it. After it fully came up it let out some steam. So This must the Ink Machine. I got this feeling I should turn it on so I left the room and went towards the hallway to find out that the break-room's door was slightly open and the room which was closed before was open. I didn't go to the break-room and I went to the other direction and saw two pathways. I went to my right to see a Bendy cutout in the corner and went towards it.

"I wish you were here Bendy." I said touching the horns of the cutout and then walked forward.

As I was walking the board from the ceiling suddenly fell which made me jump. I let out a sigh of relief and then walked to my other right to see a huge room with pedestals and a switch which had "low pressure" written beside it.

"Alright. How do i get this to work?" I questioned myself as I looked at the frames behind the pedestals. I made a lit of what i needed which was a book, a wrench, a cog wheel, an ink bottle, something to do with music and a bendy plushie but i am sure in hell it's not gonna be mine! As i was going out the room i saw bendy cutout which made me jump and nearly screech.

"Who put this here?!" I said and when i looked at the room in front of the cutout i was shocked.

I saw the corpse of Boris. as I went near it I saw he was dead. I started to cry as i fell on my knees. Who could do something like this? You wiped away your tears and saw the wrench and took it. Beside the corpse was written, "Who's Laughing Now?" in ink. This scared the heck outta me.

"That's one." I said as i saw a door in the room and opened it and walked through to see desks and then another door which led me to the room where the break-room door was in front of me but i turned to where the bendy cutout was cause i saw the cog wheel and took it and then went towards the other direction.

When I did i noticed an audio log resting on the table and pressed on it and I knew that voice too well:

The Voice of Wally Franks

At this point, I don't get what Joey's plan is for the company.

The animations sure aren't being finished on time anymore.

And I certainly don't see why we need this Machine.

It's noisy, it's messy

And who needs that much ink anyways

Also get this.

Joey had each one of us donate something from our work station.

We put them on these little pedestals in the breakroom.

To help appease the gods, Joey says.

Keep things going.

i think he lost his mind, but, hey he writes the checks.

But I tell you what, if one more of these pipes burst, I'm outta here!

And with that the audio log ends. Wally's weird way of ending something but it was funny to say the least! But whatever Wally said made your head go into questions as to what Joey was planning anyway I went to the other room to see it was a small theater room and i saw a Bendy plushie which looked like mine. I picked it up and went to the other rooms. I went to the break-room where i found the book. It was titled "The Illusion Of Living by Joey Drew". Not gonna lie but this book was all sorts of weird. Then I went to the place where the words were written and i found a recorder disc and then i found the ink bottle under a desk.

As I found the things I needed I wandered around the place to find my dad's old desk. Then i saw a door behind it to see a room full of desks. I walked around to see a boarded up bathroom which had a Bendy cutout in it which made me weird out as to why there was one in it. After that i went to the room and put the objects on the pedestal. I am glad that was over.

"Now I just need to get the ink flowing somehow. Should be a switch around here somewhere. Then I can start up the main power." I said to myself but why was i turning this machine on anyways. I sighed and i remembered where it was. In the theater room.

As i was going towards it by a hallway, suddenly a Bendy cutout popped out from the wall and made me jump and shriek. I calmed down and went there to see the cutout resting against the wall but at the bottom had some ink. Weird...

As I entered i saw the projection automatically turn on to show a Bendy cartoon and there was that whistling. I shrugged it off and turned on the flow valve and then i noticed ink coming out of the pipes and starting to flood the room. I got out of there quickly and went towards the pedestal room and flipped the lever as the room started to get dark and the whole thing started to work or something and then I went towards the Ink Machine room. As i did i noticed there were footsteps leading towards the break-room which was strange and the room was locked. Was someone here? I then went towards the Ink Machine room to see it was boarded up but it wasn't like that before!?

I slowly went towards it and was about to touch the boards when something popped up from behind it and tried to grab me and it made me fall to the floor. Was that Bendy?! I had no time to sit so I quickly got up and ran. The ink was flooding the entire area. I saw the exit coming near and as soon as i was about grab for the handle the floor gave away and i fell in an inky pool. I quickly got up and searched for a valve to drain this.

"Well this is disgusting." I said as I found an audio log belonging to someone i knew:

The Voice of Thomas Conner

It's dark and it's cold and it's stuck in behind every single wall now.

In some places, this godforsaken ink is clear up to my knees!

Whoever thought that these clumsy pipes could hold up under these kinds of strains either knows something about pressure I don't, or he's some kind of idiot.

But the real worst part about all this... are them noises the system makes.

Like a dying dog on it's last legs.

make no mistakes, this... place... this... machine... heck, this whole darn thing... it just isn't natural.

you can bet, I won't be doing anymore repair jobs for Mister Joey Drew.

With that the tape ended. Yeah i can feel Mister Conner now. After draining all this ink I came across a room and on the walls was written, "The Creator Lied To us." It made me feel weird. Were they talking about Joey? I wasn't sure but I found an axe and grabbed it and broke down the boarded room and went to another room after a turn and it had a some sort of pentagram with candles... weird yet again.

As I started to step into the room the whole room started to shake and then when i was on the pentagram weird flashes and images showed in my head and with those i dropped the axe and fainted on the ground.

Bendy's POV~

I swear to the gods, who was that woman?! It sure as hell wasn't Henry! But she looked like Henry and that face it looked hellishly familiar. But I couldn't put my finger on it. Could it be Amber? I am not sure.

But I am sure as hell gonna find that girl. With a grin i walked around the studio ready to find her. I just hope Sammy doesn't do anything that will make me snap at him real good.

"I am coming Darling~"








EDITED IN: June 26, 2020


Hoo boy this is one huge chapter!

So How was Chapter two?

It was sure big and took me a while!

I hope it was good considering it was big as heck!

Please Read, Comment, Vote and enjoy!

Let me know if there are any mistakes!


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