Chapter 6 {An Old Friend}

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Note: Okay! So gonna let you guys know that a few things will be changed! Since I am planning on putting a spin in the game and everything here so yeah that! Enjoy!

Amber's POV~

I was still scared. I didn't move an inch except I was breathing too much to be exact. Looking up I saw Bendy's face. Gotta be honest he was looking humanoid and well not the cartoon looks he used to have. His hand was still on my cheek. It was gentle and not rough. I slowly made my right hand reach up and put it over his. He didn't seem to react but looked happy. Then I heard him trying to say something.

"A-Amber... is that you?" He said still not letting his hands go of my cheek. His voice wasn't the cartoon-ish type anymore. It sounded more... well... I wouldn't say manly or anything but it was soothing and nice and was deep. I nodded slowly slightly looking down.

"Y-yeah." I said and then he just hugged me. I slightly flinched at his sudden move but slowly calmed down and hugged him back. I missed the feeling of hugging him. It felt like forever that I haven't seen him. I never got to say goodbye when my dad quit his job here. I heard Bendy sniffing and was he crying?

"Are you okay Bendy?" I asked as he slowly nodded. I felt bad for him. He's been stuck here for maybe 20 years if I am correct. And Joey was there and did something. What the hell did you do to everyone down here Mister Joey? None of them deserved to be stuck like this especially Bendy.

I slowly started to pat him and stroke his horns. He seemed to calm down at this and started to... purr? Yep he was 'purring' alright! He's officially a cat right now to me, not gonna lie.

His features were a lot different from what I last saw him look like. When I was seven he was the same height except a bit tall like an inch and now he looks like he's 6'1 or something which makes me really short since my height is 5'7 and his back has these spike like things and well his eyes are covered in ink.

As we both stayed in that hugging position i started to feel tired. I didn't want to sleep just yet but my brain was telling me to sleep and have some rest so I gave myself in and fell asleep.

Bendy's POV~

I could feel her falling asleep so I let go. I didn't want to interrupt her at all and I couldn't leave her here either so I carried her and I had to take her to that safe house. Problem was I couldn't create an Ink Portal to get her there either so I had to walk which was the least of my problems.

As I opened the other door in front of me I heard something from around the corner and I peeked around to see... wait... is that BORIS?! No... that's not the real Boris I know. It's just Buddy being turned into a Boris clone. But has the same mind as the actual Boris. I know what happened to the real Alice Angel and Boris. If I am correct they got merged with these two humans. Allison Pendle was merged with with Alice Angel while Thomas Conner with Boris.

Of course I could tell this Boris stayed in the safe house but I couldn't go near him since he will freak out and plus i couldn't just leave Amber at his doorstep cause that's a problem since he's here. I tried to think of a way of getting her there when I clumsily made a barrel roll towards the door which hit hard against it and I cringed at the sound and knew that this alerted Buddy Boris So I quickly just put Amber sitting up straight against the wall still sleeping and quickly left through an Ink Portal. I just hope he helps her.

Buddy Boris' POV~

As I was drinking an open can of bacon soup I heard something which made me jump and I went over to see what it was. I saw that it was just a barrel but what more surprised me was a human girl was sleeping sitting up straight against the wall.

She looked really tired so I gently picked her up and went over to the safe house. I was glad not to run over any hostile monsters along the way. That would have been bad like really bad.

As I reached the safe house, I got in and found an empty room and made her lay down there on a bed and I was surprised she was still asleep. I dimmed the lights and quietly closed door to let her sleep properly.

A While Later~

Amber's POV~

I slowly woke up. Man what happened? Did I fall asleep or something. I looked around my surroundings to see I was on a bed... Wait... Where am I? I looked around. I was in some sort of house I guess but who took me in here? Was it Bendy?

I got up and saw one lying next to the hammock which was there and then opened the door and walked down the hall. Beside me was the bathroom and I saw another doorway so i went there and the first thing I saw shocked me.

Beside the table was Boris just sitting there. But how?! I saw him dead earlier! Or was that another clone version of him. I saw him waving at me with a smile and so I waved back with a small smile.

As I came near he started to point at a deck of cards and then at me. I think he was asking me if I wanted to play cards with him and I nodded. I guess he couldn't speak anymore that's for sure but I guess he remembered me? Then again I wonder where Alice was. I hope she's alright...

Another while Later~

After what seemed like forever we were done playing for the day and I had to get out of this studio and fast. So I got up and went towards the door only to find the lever was missing.

"I'm not getting out of here that easy. Need to open the door but the lever is missing. Boris probably has it." I said as I went towards Boris to see if he has the lever.

"Hey Buddy. Have you seen that lever handle around? Or are you holding it hostage till I make you something to eat?" I said as he nodded. "I thought so. Let's see what we got." I said as I looked around for bacon soup cans and found three. The third one was in a corner near the stove and I saw a really jumbled up pictures which looked strange as heck.

After cooking the soup, I gave it to Boris. "Here you go." I said as he gave me a box which had the lever inside and I took it out and went towards the flip switch to put it in and flip it down to open the door.

The minute i stepped out of the door I knew I couldn't go back so I looked back at Boris and saw him coming with me. I tightened my bag around me.

"Let's see what's out there. Don't wander off." I told him as we stepped put. As I walked I saw this small box with the title Little Miracle Station. I wasn't sure what it was for but I guess it was for hiding from someone. As I turned the other way I saw the room was dark like really dark.

"Looks like it's really dark up ahead. Let's find some light." I said as i saw a Light lamp thingie and grabbed it and turned it on. I looked at Boris who seemed scared.

As i walked around the dark room I heard some noise and looked at Boris behind me to see him looking around.

"Did you hear that?" I asked him. "Yeah. Me Either." I said as i continued to walk. I saw that the room started to become brighter and came to a dead end. I put the light away since we didn't need it anymore.

"Another dead end. I don't see any other way though. You got any ideas, Boris?" I said as i went towards Boris who looked like he knew what to do and then saw him open up a vent and go through it as it closed.

After a few seconds i saw the door in front of me start to open. Guess Boris flipped a switch to make it open. After it was fully open i went through it. The first thing i saw was a bendy head in front of me drawn on the walls and two pathways leading to the same area. I went through the left and saw a place which was huge and in the middle was written Heavenly Toys.

"Wow. I have never seen this place before." I said. I looked around to see a couch and huge Boris plushies. I also saw another Miracle Station. After looking around, I began to walk up the steps.

The minute I did that, I heard someone humming...

Yay! Amber finally met up Buddy Boris!

What did you guys think of this Chapter?

Please let me know!

I liked it very much to be honest!

If there are any mistakes, let me know please!

So Read, Vote, Comment and Enjoy!


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