Chapter Five: Dark Tetra Dualies

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Years pass without incident. Skye and Robin have a beautiful relationship. They loved each other. Skye Inkbrush and Robin Nouveau. Even their names fit perfectly.

Robin spins her Dark Tetra Dualies, her signature smirk defining her face. She walks over to a bridge with Skye. They walk along it in a comfortable silence.

Skye whispered, her voice almost seeming like a ghost in the wind.
Robin noticed this. She inquired as to what Skye was trying to say.
"I said, do you think I can still surprise you?" Skye's voice increased in volume slightly.
"Princess, you can't surprise me anymore." Robin said, her voice brimming with confidence.
"I really hope that's not true." Skye mutters.
Skye gets down on one knee, and pulls a box out of her pocket. Inside the box, is a vending machine dinosaur ring.
"I stand corrected." Robin muttered, with shock in her voice.
"You know what, Robin? You're so pretty and cool and so much better than me and I don't know why you've stayed with me this long and I don't know, you can say no if you want and why am I like this I can't sto-"
Robin picks her up and kisses her midsentence.
"Okay guess we're doing this-" Robin whispers, as their foreheads touch.
A comfortable silence decends upon them. Robin is the first to break it.
"Princess, how did you know that I would love a Dino ring?"
"I love you. It's not that hard to figure out that you would love a Dino ring. Also you dropped your Dualies."
"Oh, whoops. That would have been terrible if I had lost them."
They laugh all the way to the house. Robin makes about thirty jokes about how she's royalty now that her fiancé is a princess. ("Robin, no- Robin, yes!")

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