Chapter 25

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Gathering on the couch, the three girls were cuddled together with Yin sitting in the middle. Her eyes were completely red and she couldn't stop the tears from flowing out of her eyes. She had told the other two about what had happened while she was gone.

Jieun had just returned from the hospital after being stable for a while and Beom was getting worried about why Yin wasn't answering her phone. They returned home and Yin wasn't anywhere at the house. They could hear her phone as she tried to call her one more time to find out that she left it sitting on her bed.

It was an hour later when Hyunjin appeared with a dripping wet Yin next to him. They thanked the male as they rushed over to help get the female dry. They got her a new set of clothes when they noticed the tears falling from her eyes.

"We broke up,officially," Yin mumbled from her sobbing.

That had led them to all being huddled on the couch as they allowed Yin to cry. She wasn't someone who cries very much, so it was shocking seeing the clear tears that dribbled down her face.

"How about we order something to eat?" Beom suggested. The other two nodded in agreement as she disappeared to go call one of the nearby places.

Jieun was very angry at Byungho. She knew all the time and effort Yin took to make sure that their relationship wouldn't turn sour. In the end, it was the male's needs that weren't satisfied with his partner that he felt the need to go out and find someone else.

Beom returned inside the room and as she moved back onto the couch. Her arms wrapped around Yin's shoulders to provide more comfort to her. She rested her head down as the three of them now just sat in silence.

Yin needed time to think. She wanted to be around her best friends but didn't want to be flooded with questions. They knew about her break up and now they were just there to provide her with support as she felt all of these weird feelings surface.

"Tomorrow we have our picture day with the rest of the girls," Yin broke the silence. She wanted to get her mind off the situation.

"Yeojin was texting me the address earlier of where we are supposed to meet," Beom said.

"I wonder what outfits will she be bringing this time. No matter what, Yeojin goes all out with the clothes," Jieun signed.

The pictures were for the competition. It was requested that the dance team would provide pictures of all of the members and a group shot of them together. It would be given to the judges as they would want to recognize the different members for any other special offers that would appear.

Then the doorbell rang, signaling that their food had arrived. Jieun leaped off the couch and got the money to pay. She opened the door as a middle aged man stood outside. He had on a bright smile as he handed her the food. Jieun quickly bowed to him before handing over the money.

The food's smell was filling the room. Hungry bellies were begging to be filled by the aroma that came from the bag. Jieun pulled out each of the items and handed them over to Beom. The female opened each container and laid it neatly around the table. Yin already had a plate and was digging into each of the dishes as soon as Beom set them down.

"Food always takes my mind off things," Yin says, breaking the silence.

"We know how much you need it," Beom jokes as she slid over a pair of chopsticks to the female.

Their faces were quickly stuffed with different kinds of food. It had been a while since all three of them had a decent meal and their empty stomachs couldn't wait any longer.

"This place always serves some of the best food," Yin groans as she swallowed her mouthful.

"I couldn't agree with you more," Jieun places her chopsticks down to agree with Yin's statement.

The table would soon clear as they all were groaning from their bellies being so full. The night sky was almost pitch black as a few of the twinkling stars peeked out.

"I think I'm going off to bed now. My eyes can hardly stand to stay open any longer," Beom said. She waved to the two who finished picking up the table.

Eventually, Yin and Jieun would break away and head off into their own rooms to snuggle in the warmth of their beds. The girls would all soon drift off into dreamland.


The day was bright and sunny. It was perfect for their photo session as Jieun, Yin, and Beom arrived at their location. They would take the time to apply makeup from Beom before being directed over to Yeojin. She had a rack of clothes hung up for all of the members.

Their makeup matched the fierce concept of the group. They had darker colors that popped from their skin. Fake lashes were applied to their eyes as it made their eyes stand out even more.

Jieun walked over to where Yeojin kept all of the outfits. She dug through her hangers before pulling out the one labeled 'Jieun'.

"I'm going, to be honest, yours is one of my favorites," Yeojin told her as Jieun took the hanger.

Jieun moved over to their little changing spot. She unzipped the protector over the clothing as it revealing the outfit underneath.

The top was all black and had long sleeves. It stops a bit over her belly button. It was slightly a turtleneck as the silver necklace popped off from the dark color behind it. Her pants were the main point as they had a red, black, and white camo pattern. A black belt was also sitting on her waist. To finish it off she wore a pair of black boots and had matching earrings to her necklace.

She stepped out to admire the others in their clothing. There was a matching theme between all of them. Each person had a part of their clothing that had a red, black, and white pattern. Yin wore a jacket, Beom had a shirt, Yeojin had smaller patches on her pants, Sumi wore a hat, and lastly, Chaewon had a different hat from Sumi, but also had a patch on her shirt.

"Everyone is looking great," Chaewon exclaimed as she looked around at them all.

The location that decided on was a run down building. It had a little smoky effect once you entered the building which Sumi was excited about.

Sumi was very interested in photography, so whenever there were pictures that needed to be taken, Sumi was perfect for the job. They had a small website where they would upload their pictures since their fanbase had grown a lot since they first started.

Being here was taking all of the stress from Yin. Jieun kept a side eye on the female, making sure that she was feeling alright. She seemed to be distracted by everyone else that she wasn't thinking about it anymore. Jieun couldn't help but have a grin on her face.

Sumi had the camera all set up and they would take their group shot first. She placed the members in the position she wanted them as she set up a timer to go off to give her time to run into the frame.

The camera flashed as they all went over, wanting to see how it turned out. Their eyes widen in awe as they stared at the quality of the picture.

"I have to admit something," Yeojin started, "We all look like badasses."

They took a few more group shots before moving on to the solo shoots. They would change the location with each member to separate the members. Some of them would have props that matched the theme like Chaewon had a broken pipe and Yin had a spray paint can.

"I think this will be one of our best photo shoots," Jieun signed. She was excited to be here to spend time with all of COS:MIC. They didn't hang out too much besides when they got together for dancing, but they didn't do much together.

The only member that Jieun would see outside of dance would be Yeojin. She wanted to be a part of their lives instead of being dance buddies. She enjoyed coming over sometimes and even texted them quite often.

It was time for Jieun's solo shoot. They changed places again as the wall would be her prop. She stood right up against it as her face pressed against the side. Her hands rested alongside her as Sumi shot the picture.

"You're looking hot, Jieun. I bet Changbin would want that picture," Yeojin teased her which made Jieun return it with a glare.

Jieun then placed her back on the wall as her left leg came up to rest on it and her right arm sat on top of her head. She first looked off to the side before moving it to face the front again, giving Sumi a couple of different options.

The day quickly wrapped up as they would break away again to return to their normal lives. They were all adults now and needed to go back to their responsibilities.

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