Chapter 30

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It was practice all day. The competition was tomorrow and Yin was making them work extra hard today. It was almost constantly dancing back to back. Yin was having a hard time sitting down. Whenever Beom convinced her to allow them to have a break, the female would still be watching herself in the mirror.

"By the time we have to dance tomorrow, we're going to be passed out," Yeojin huffed.

"You could stay that again," Beom agreed as she plopped herself down on the ground. She was spread out like a starfish as she tried to cool herself off with a cold water bottle on her stomach.

"Alright, there isn't time to rest. We have to make sure that it is going to be perfect," Yin told them.

"We've done this dance a hundred times without exaggeration. I'm sure it will turn out perfect tomorrow," Jieun signed.

Beom was worried about the female. She had been on edge a lot recently. Secretly, she thought that Byungho was still bothering her even if she kept telling them that she wasn't thinking about him.

"Should I have Yohan come in and watch us?" Yin questioned.

"If that allows us to have a break then yes please," Sumi whined.

"I have something to say," Chaewon stated as she stood up. She seemed to be a little nervous about what she was about to say. "I know we've been working hard on this dance, but I don't think I'll be able to perform tomorrow. I have an exam at the school during the time the competition is."

The room went silent. They didn't know what to think at this point—having a member leave the day right before their competition.

"To be honest, I'm going to quit being in COS:MIC. It has been hard to juggle my school life, work, and dancing at the same time. I really wanted to perform tomorrow, but this happened to come up at the wrong time."

Beom walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. "Everything is alright. We can quickly get different formations done now, can't we Yin?"

"I think we can."

With that, Yin gathered them up. She would go through each formation to change parts that seemed off. Most of the time they weren't huge changes, just pulling in or out one of the other members to make the formation look better.

"I think we'll make this work," Beom reassured Yin.

"I hope so. There will be so many casting companies there looking for talent. I don't want to mess up in front of them. I want to show what COS:MIC can do."

"We'll be just fine. This isn't our first time performing. I believe we'll rock the stage that the judges will be blown out of their seats," Jieun said, trying to lighten up her mood.

"I hope so," Yin sighed.

Beom placed her hand on the female's back and began to rub it to comfort Yin. Her feelings were still all over the place. One moment she was herself while the next Yin will become like an angry monster.

"It is just there will be so many people and agencies that will be there. I don't want to embarrass myself. I keep stressing myself out about this thinking about every single horrible possibility that could happen."

"You shouldn't worry about a thing. You're Yin, who can kill every single performance," Jieun encouraged her.

"You've trained us all from the ground up," Yeojin popped her head over their shoulders. "I'm sure we'll kill the stage."

Jieun's phone let out a ding as the female slipped away from the group. Beom watched her smile as she read the text message that was sent to her. She quickly replied back to the person before leaping onto her feet and making her way back over to the group.

"Let's go over the dance one more time and have a lunch break," Yin suggested. Everyone cheered as they moved over into their new places. Chaewon sat in the front as she would review the choreography and formations, making sure everyone would be perfect.

The same song played through the speakers. As usual, Yin started the dance as she matched the same aura as the song. The others would soon join in with her as they began to move along to the rhythm.

They had a tough time remembering the new formations. They had danced in the old formations for so long that it wasn't built into their brains.

Flopping onto the ground as the song ended, the girls were starting to get frustrated. They wanted the dance to be perfect, but something was off throughout the dance as they tried to get their formations correct. It could only be practiced with more dancing, trying to learn the new spots to move to.

"Let's take that break," Beom said.

They ordered food and waited around the room. Allowing their bodies to rest, they either played on their phone or had little small conversations with the others.

Meanwhile, Yin was still dancing. She wouldn't stop. Her mind was focused on perfection.

"Yin, take a break," Beom told her.

"I can't," she replied out of breath.

"You can't make yourself exhausted the day before the competition. You need to sit down and allow your body to have a break. It will also help with clearing your mind and allow all of the new things to process."

Yin sighed but gave into Beom's plead. She dragged herself over and plopped down next to them. Beom handed her a water bottle as Yin began to chug the liquid.

"I'm sorry for being complicated all the time," Yin mumbled.

"Don't start talking nonsense," Jieun tugged on her arm.

"We love you for who you are," Beom said.

"I just feel like I can be a burden on the two of you. I know I shouldn't be thinking that because you're my two best friends, but I do love you guys with all of my heart," Yin said as she pulled them into a hug. "I hope we can be with one another forever."

"Me too," Jieun signed.

They received a text, stating that their food has arrived. Sumi shot up from the ground and ran out to retrieve it. It was only a minute before she returned with bags full of different foods for the members to enjoy. They laid it all out on the ground as they would pick and choose with meals they wanted.

There was so much food that Beom didn't think that they would eat it all between the six of them. The portions that the others were taking were small but they would frequently take food.

Beom ate a piece of chicken as the juices filled her mouth. Her stomach was enjoying the food filling it up. She had been so hungry. She was groaning just from the sparking taste of the food.

"By the way, I invited the Stray Kids members to watch us tomorrow," Jieun told them.

"You did what?!" Beom was almost screaming.

"They can't make it the whole day, but Changbin said that they could appear whenever we dance. They're kind of busy but will squeeze us into their schedule."

"What made their staff agree to bring them to watch us?" Yin asked.

Jieun scooped up another bite to eat before dropping her chopsticks to sign to them again.

"Changbin apparently told the other members and they all somehow convinced their manager to allow them to come."

"I feel like a celebrity," Beom stated.

As the group ate, they became more silent. Their mouths were full of food, so no one was trying to talk to one another. Their stomachs were getting satisfied from eating each meal.

Finishing up, they were all complaining about dancing after their stomachs were full.

"Why are you going to make us dance now? I feel so full that I ate a whole pig," Yeojin whined.

"Because we still have a lot of formations that need to be imprinted in our minds," Yin hissed at her.

Yin was ready to go. She had done a few stretches as the others were waiting on their stomachs to digest the food. She was the only one up on her feet ready to start dancing again.

"Just five more minutes," Sumi added.

"We need to get these formations down before the competition tomorrow. Plus, you get to work off all the fat you just ate."

Hearing that made some of them scramble onto their feet. Yeojin was definitely on her feet first as she skidded over to Yin's side. She joined in at the tail end of the stretch and got into her first formation as she was ready to get started.

The rest of the night was filled with endless dancing as they trained harder to feel confident to walk up onto that stage and perform. They must show everyone the power of COS:MIC.

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