Chapter 39

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Waiting was the only thing that they could do now. Beom had stared at the door where Jieun left through for a good while before wanting to distract herself from her nerves.

Beom pulled out her phone and scrolled through it, trying to keep her mind off Jieun. Clicking on her photos, pictures of her younger sister appeared. Seeing the light and joy that filled Boreum's eyes had made Beom miss her sister much more.

There were many times when Beom wished that she didn't have such a rocky relationship with her parents so she could see Boreum all the time. The child was always asking questions every time Beom would come to see her.

"Can you come home today?"

"Why do you never visit us?"

"Why are mommy and daddy always upset when they see you?"

All she wanted was to have a nice relationship with her younger sister without the interference of her parents. They were the ones that had pushed Beom away which had made her an outcast to their family. They never liked the plan that she laid out for herself.

Staring down at the phone, Beom had her finger hovering over the call button of her mother. She was really wanting to talk with her sister since it has been so long since they'd seen one another. With the last incident, Beom was too scared to return to play with Boreum if she ever came back.

Backing out, she pressed back on the screen and decided that she was going to call Chaewon instead. If Boreum had come back then she would know.

"Hello?" Chaewon answered.

"Hi, how is life treating you?" Beom asked to start a little conversation.

"It has been going well. It feels so weird to have all this free time instead of meeting up with all the girls to do dance practice or go busking."

"We miss you a lot."

Beom could hear the sigh that followed after she said that. It was like Chaewon was still a little guilty about leaving the group before their big competition.

"I miss you all too."

Changing the subject to what Beom originally called for, "Have you seen Boreum at all? Has she ever returned since that day?"

"Sadly she hasn't. Your mom looked really angry that day and called the next day saying that Boreum wasn't going to come back."

Beom's heart dropped hearing that. She knew Boreum loved meeting with Chaewon and getting to play with all the other kids. Now Jaeyong didn't have his best friend there anymore to play with.

"I shouldn't have done that. I've now made my relationship with my parents worse and I can't even see Boreum anymore. Plus, Jaeyong won't have anybody to play with him."

"Don't beat yourself up over it. I should have texted you a better warning beforehand."

Beom placed her head in her hands in distress. So many things are happening and it is just becoming overwhelming. She takes a quick deep breath before Chaewon starts talking again.

"Maybe you should make amends with your parents? Have you tried talking to them at all?"

"No, we haven't had a decent conversation since the day that I left."

"Well, maybe now is the time."

Beom stopped to think about it. Would her mother want to reform the bond that was broken so long ago? She then could finally meet up with Boreum whenever she wanted to and not have to worry about seeing her parents.

"I don't know. They really hate me and I don't want to make our relationship even worse. It might be better to just leave it as it is," Beom sighed.

"You never know unless you do it. She is your mother and I'm sure there is still a part of her that cares about you still."

Hearing Chaewon's encouraging words brought enlightenment to Beom. She convinced herself to finally speak with her mother after many years of being angry at one another.

She hung up the phone and went back to her mother's contact. She became hesitant once again as she stared at the call button. Her heart was starting to beat fast from being nervous. She didn't want to be rejected once again.

Pressing the button, the phone began to ring. With every ring, Beom grew more skeptical about doing this. She was almost about to hang up when her mother's soft voice answered the phone.

"Beom," was the only thing that her mother said.

Looking around her, she made sure that no one was around to see her. When the coast was clear, tears began to well up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," her voice croaked.

"I don't have time to deal with this now."

Hearing that, Beom began to panic. Maybe this wasn't a good idea, but she knew that if none of this was going to be said now, then there wouldn't ever be a time when she could do it again.

"No, please don't. I really want to talk with you."

The other side was silent, so she checked to make sure that her mother was still on the call. Luckily, she was still on the phone which now gave Beom the time to talk.

"I really do miss seeing you, Dad, and Boreum. I don't regret choosing the life of a dancer and working at the cafe, but I hate how it all affected our relationship and to see what it has become. I wish that we were still close like how I was when I was younger."

Stopping, Beom waited to see if her mother was going to say anything, nothing. The female was still on the phone so Beom started to speak again.

"I'm here at the hospital waiting for Jieun to do her surgery to fix her vocal cords. This has made me realize I should be doing the same thing. I want to fix my relationship with you all again. I don't like being the outcast of the family."

It went quiet again but to Beom's surprise, her mother started to speak.

"Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow," she asked. Beom could hear the hesitancy in her voice, but she wasn't going to risk this opportunity.

"Definitely. I would love to come over." Beom whipped away the stray tears that slipped down her cheeks. Something inside of her felt whole again after she said those words.

Saying a few more words before Beom hung up the phone. She gripped it tightly in her hands as she looked up to see Dr. Kang walking down the hallway. She couldn't see his expression from the mask that was covering his face.

Leaping onto her feet, she asked the question. "Is Jieun okay?"

"She did amazing during the surgery and I believe that it won't be too long before she will be able to talk once again."

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