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Sorry for a short chapter, it's kind of a filler until I get a better grasp of how I want the next events to happen. 

I'm panicking, organizing my things again and again although they're already organized.

I have my first day of classes tomorrow and I couldn't be anymore anxious. Elena has stayed silent, cautiously eyeing me as she peers up from her phone every so often.

"You know, not to like..point out the obvious but I am pretty sure you just cleaned your desk a half hour ago," Elena says with a playful smile.

I pause, holding my lamp in my hand before the two of us bust out in laughter. Shaking my head, I  set it down and sit at my desk. I can't help but sigh and shake my head at myself. 

"Nervous tick," I say with a laugh.

"Yeah, you always do that when you're nervous?" She asks me with a grin. I lose my smile.

"It's more of a newer type of habit. Anyways..." I'm dying to change the subject. 

"Okay so I've been holding my tongue and I'm actually dying. What the hell was going on at Dean's party the other night?" She asks, sitting criss-cross applesauce.

I suck in my lips and release with a blow of air. "I don't know, I drank whatever the heck you gave me and I saw these guys messing around with-"

"The gay kid?"

I ball my fists up unintentionally at my sides. "Cyrus, his name is Cyrus." She holds her hands up in defense. "Hey, no hate. So what happened?"

I sigh to calm myself down. 

"All I know was that there were these jerks that were being...well, um, jerks."

She laughs at me but it's lighthearted. I continue the story, receiving a nod, a few sarcastic jokes and a couple of eye rolls when I mention Luke. Then I get to the part of me throwing my drink in his face, and she's on her back laughing on her bed.

"Do you think he'll kill me?"

She wipes at her eyes, barely sobering up from her laugh-attack.

"I'd steer clear," She replies. I groan because I was hoping to hear a joke about him not wanting to do anything of any sort of malice, however that was not what I got. The rest of the night is spent with me readying myself for tomorrow. Elena doesn't really bother to get anything ready, but I don't let that shirk me from my organization.

It's about 10:30 when I'm in bed, drifting off and dreaming of my parents again.

My alarm plays that dreadful tune, letting me know it's time to get ready for my 9AM class of statistics. I look over at Elena to notice she's still in bed, her back to me. I don't know when her class is so I don't bother to wake her. 

I realize I'm going to have to use the communal bathrooms down the hall and I can't help but frown at the thought. Gathering up my courage, I put on my flip flops, grab my toiletries and make my way there. 

It's not too bad, as there are an abundance of stalls where there is a girl's section and a boy's section. I'm quick to shower as I don't want to be late. The thought of being late to my very first college course makes me feel nauseas. After I shower, I blow dry my hair until it's at a comfortable half-dry and half-damp before I put on some mascara. 

I'm headed back to the room in a robe with a towel in my hair, carrying my things at my side in the hopes that no one will see me.

"Hey there Sweatpants," I hear from below. I look down to see Luke on the bottom floor crossing his arms and giving me a flat stare.

"Um, hey," My voice comes out as a squeak as I walk faster to my room. I hear him mutter something about "getting her back" and then my nerves are on fire as I shut the door behind me after entering my key code.

Getting her back? Does he mean me? Maybe Elena? Then again, I kind of threw a drink on his face which I've never done to anyone before. But he deserved it! He's so rude, and watched aimlessly as a kid was being bullied! I'm trying to calm myself down as I put on some loose shorts and a tank top before I grab my bag and I'm headed to my first class. 

When I trek across the campus, I find the building for Stats. I walk in, a group of students that like to be early like myself waiting for the doors to open to the room. I'm starting to get jittery. What if it's the wrong room? How embarrassing would that be?

"Sara?" I jump when I hear my name called. Over my shoulder, I see a familiar face and I can't help but feel a little more relaxed.

"Cyrus," I nod my head towards him and smile. He comes over in a paid white and green button up with sleeves that cuff at his biceps. "I'm glad you still remember me," He says with a proud smile. 

"You're in Stats? What year are you?" I asked him. 

"First year. What, did you think I was some senior or something?" He asks. The doors open, a professor with glasses opening them for the students.

"I don't know," I say with a chuckle. Together we walk in with the mass of students and we both make our way to sit in the front.

"I hate math," I say to Cyrus as we take out papers and pencils. "I don't mind it. Seems like it's the one thing that seems to make sense," He says, his eyes not meeting mine as he seems lost in his own world. I want to ask what he means by that, but the professor begins to speak.

"I am Professor Kofflin, your Statistics professor. Today we'll just be going through the syllabus and working through a simple set of problems every so often," he says. He's an older, rounder man with red cheeks and a white trimmed beard. 

"Syllabus week is the worst," I hear some girl behind me state.  I agree silently, knowing that this is going to be a slow and most likely boring week. 

Don't forget to vote and comment and I can double update!

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