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Hey guys!!

Welcome back to another episode of "Prose Talks".


The word is not unknown to us. But how many of you associate this word to its actual meaning?

We see healing as in the physical healing of the body, sometimes the emotional wounds too. But what if I told you that there are multiple layers of ourselves that heal every single day?

What I'm talking about today is not the healing of the wounds that are visible.

It is the healing of yourself.

We go through life and with or without our choice we do also have to experience all kinds of things. The good, the bad, the worst. While experiencing anything, a small part of it ingraines in us. Although the most common way of knowing that ingrained part is through our memories, there is also an emotional memory which goes unnoticed.

As time passes, these parts slowly start to disguise themselves as parts of our being. And thus we start to associate ourselves with those experiences and those emotions.
Which is nothing but just an illusion.

The brain stores this information of the life as a way to learn and protect itself in the future. It is alright till there. (We need to be able to remember how to walk and talk, right?) The problem arises when we aren't able to separate the unwanted memories from ourselves. They then stick to us like our shadows and thus is also called as our "Shadow Self".

As shadow is dark, it is pretty good at hiding itself. Healing is the process when we start to shed light onto it. When healing is done, the shadow self is forced to come out of the darkness cuz we are then acknowledging it. It no longer remains hidden. And just like a disease is half cured once it's diagnosed, the shadows are half healed once acknowledged.

Acknowledging is nothing except accepting that those are your parts itself which came into being without any fault of yours. And now since they're no longer serving a purpose, they can peacefully leave.

But my dear friends, the healing is NOT all Sunshines and Rainbows. It's a process which will have you to fight a battle against yourself for yourself and by yourself. It's something that will knock your world upside down making you wither, scream and cry out loud in pain but won't let you back down too. There's no exit point over there except the fully healed version of yourself.

While you'll be healing, you'll find yourself not being attracted to or excited by things that once used to give you great pleasure. You'll be questioning your existence every single day. You'll be questioning the world, your beliefs, your dreams, your favourites; yourself as a whole. This is a period in which you'll be seeing yourself change as you'll be no longer resonating with the older parts of yourself.

It's a process which rips you open, raw and uncovered and takes out the shadow from your being. Just like a bullet being removed from the body.
It's painful to the point where you'll just want to give up. Nothing makes sense as your shadow self would be covering you in a hazy blanket as it would have come up to the surface bringing with itself past wounds that were meant to be forgotten.

At the end of this what awaits you is a newer, much more stronger, and an overall better version of yourself. It would be just like sprouting of new leaves and blooming of flowers in the spring. Even the plants have to go through the long, dark and cold winter to enjoy the spring and bloom to their full potential. The Earth is nothing but an extension of ourselves.

Healing is a lifelong journey cuz life happens and so does the formation of memories. But it's just a process of uncovering the true, real and raw you.

It's a homecoming to yourself.

Clear out the old to make room for the new.

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