Pt.12 Guilt

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Inks P.O.V

It has been weeks since me and Dream had talked...I feel terrible. I lay in bed as all I hear is the quiet chit chatter downstairs from Error and Blue. It gets quiet and all I hear is the soft beat of my SOUL. Bum bum, bum bum....I lay down onto my stomach. I sigh loudly and put my face into my hands. I feel my SOUL drop as I remember the event that had happened just weeks ago. I feel the pain and guilt rush through me. My mind races with questions like 'Will he ever forgive me?' I lay back on my back.

Errors P.O.V

I walk into Inks and my room. I see him just laying on his bed staring blankly at the ceiling. I hate seeing Ink sad, I walk over to Inky and I sit on the bed. I look at him.

"Ink...its not your fault.."

"Yes it is...I said harsh stuff to him, he was right...we are total is it suppose to work?" He says that as he turns to face towards me.

"Ink, just because we don't have any simliar interest doesn't mean we don't belong, I love you and that's all that matter Inky.."

I feel tears weld up in my eye sockets. If he does mean it and he does want to end it all here just because of what Dream told him then I don't know what I would do. Ink must have seen the tears in my eye sockets because he wiped them away. He hugs me, just feeling his warmth makes me happy. I hug him back. A faint smile grows on my face. "Knock knock.." Ink sighs. "Who's there?" "Olive..." "Olive who?" "Olive ya..My little Inky" I chuckle and Ink giggles. We lay by each other for the rest of the day and don't do anything else...

Are ya sure? Hahaha you peeps. Sorry for how short this is. And sorry if all my chapters suck aahahahaaha...bleh. welp anyways


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