Pt.13 New wounds pt.1

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No ones P.O.V

Error was out at Underswap with Blue and Fell, Ink was left alone to think about what had happened weeks ago. Not only did he feel guilt but also he felt numb. Ink had been cutting, Error not Blue or Fell knew about this. And Ink is going to make sure it stays that way.

Inks P.O.V

I went to the closet, opened the doors to it and looked on top. I saw the silver blade sitting on the top of everything. I grabbed it. I felt emotionless. I slid my sleeves up only to reveal my scars and new formed cuts. I slid the blade across my arm swiftly, blood trickled out of the new cut. A burning sensation came as soon as the blood hit the floor.

I kept cutting not showing signs of stopping until...

"I-Ink....why?" A glitchy voice sounded behind me. A sound of something dropping and a sound of true horror and sadness.

"Error..." I didn't even turn around, I knew it was him. The blood kept trickling out of my newly formed cuts.

"Ink why-why would you!?" He sounded angry..?

"....." I was loosing alot of blood by now. My vision blurry, my breathing turned into small gasps for air. Error grabbed me right before I hit the ground, though I do not remember falling, then...darkness..

Errors P.O.V

"INK" I caught Ink in my arms before he can even hit the ground, it layed his head on my lap as I lowered us down. I let his leg touch the now blood filled floor. His head staying in my lap.

I stood up, carrying Ink in my arms. I made a portal and went to Heaventale, I headed for the hospital, barged into the doors and past the front desk and run right into a doctor, doctor Alphys to be exact. She saw the blood coming from Inks arm and inesently took us to a room.

(Temmie Skippie)

Ink was now put up to alot of cords,his heart gave uo once but he was brought back. His blood still extremely low, the doctors are trying to find the right blood type. Inks blood is a rare type, AB- only 1% had that type. I just wish I found him before he was low on blood...then he wouldn't be on the hospital bed probably dying painfully...

To be continued...

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