Pt.16 Goodbye..

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Errors P.O.V

Another week past by, I have been asked to pull the plugs 3 times already, but I refuse to do so. Today is me and Inks Birthday, we were created on the same day. I had brought in a gift even though he may not ever be able to see it. I had 1 gift from Blue and Fell, the two worked together to try finding a gift for me and they got a glitch baby dragon. He only gets about to my pelvis when fully grown I was told. He has some ink marks on him, heh nice. I was petting the baby dragon when all the sudden.

Inks heart monitor stopped... "Someone help, please someone help it's Ink!!" I said as I ran outside the room, doctors and nurses ran into the room.

             (5 hours later)

The doctors came out, Blue,Fell,Fell bro,Blues bro,Core Frisk,Reapertale Frisk were there. The doctor had a grosum face. "Ahem, as we all now, Ink had been in a coma for weeks, but. Today...his life was sorry for your loss..." My eye sockets widened as tears formed in my eye sockets, slowly dripping off my cheeks. Core Frisk hugged me like she knew the pain I was going through. "We-We tried everything to save him, but he gave up...He made his choice to leave.." I kept on crying, not hearing what the doctor said I started glitching. I could tell the others backed away from me since I heard footsteps getting further away from me, it must have been really bad glitching for them to back away from me,my eyes were blurry and I couldn't see anything. I heard myself screem but I didn't hear myself stop screeming. I woke up on a bed,I must have passed out or something. My dragon was right next to me, he purred softly and put his snout near my hand asking for me to let him, I pet the smol guy and he purred even more. A tear slipped from my eyes as I saw the small bits of ink splattered onto him. "I think I have a name for you little guy, why not Echo" Echo started jumping around in excitement, Echo was his name, I didn't mean to kinda copy the name of the Echo Flowers but eh.

               (Weeks later)

It was Inks funeral today, I grabbed a black suit and black pants,tie,shoes,gloves and a umbrella since it was raining at Undertale, they made it out to the surface finally. Ink had always loved seeing the surface when they made it out so we made his funeral on the surface. After being in a church for a bit we then headed off to the grave yard where his ashes will be burried. I placed blue orchids on his ash holder, others placed white roses. And then the human sent his ashes under the soil to possibly grow flowers there.

Blues P.O.V

After burrying Ink we went out to eat, alot of food was served and all the AUS were here. It was big. The food was nice and the music there was calm. There was a big fountain and it had colors running down it. The building was huge for us all to fit in, each room was like the AUS place just crammed into one tiny space. Me and Fell talked to Error but he stayed quiet. There was Inks favorite cheesecake there, caramel. I ate some and gave one to Error, he happily ate it. After all that we all headed to our AUS and slept. All except Error,me,Fell stayed at Inks place. Me and Fell had to make sure Error didn't do anything to hurt himself. So we stood the night. It was quit awkward since Error never talked really. At around 1:57 AM we all went to sleep. Dreamles sleeps,no nightmares or nice dreams, just blank darkness...

There y'all have it, Ink had died...but this isn't the end I'm planning on ending it on the 22nd chapter. I'll do all tomorrow, it will be like a gift heh. DERP OUT Y'ALL AND HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS!!!

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