Pt. 20 Our Time Together

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Error's P.O.V

I was thinking a lot about Ink and I, on the days we spent together, away from everyone just him and I and sometimes his friends. The times we fought and the times we teamed up. I would smile thinking about it, the past of us hanging out together, talking like old friend. These memories stayed with me forever, even the bad ones, where we hated each other, fought each other. But then there comes the great memories of us hanging out together, when the times no one saw, where we laughed together, those times were always the best and always will be the best. I sigh as I look up at the stars of OuterTale, outer sans walks up to me. "Ay Error you okay? Look I know that ever since after Inks death you have been...really down. Ya know I'm here to talk to right?" I look up at him. "I don't need someone to talk to" I scoff. "I'm not weak like everyone else around here, needing someone to talk to" I say in an angry voice. Outer sits next to me. "Ya know, you can't just keep all those feelings bottled up Error. You should know what it leads to...You saw what it lead to with In-" "EnOuGh" my voice glitches as I yell cutting him off from what he was about to say. "Sorry..." Outer says in a quiet tone of voice. "Look, I know you want him back, we all do, but his time ended and yours needs to keep going, you have a child with you now don't you?" I look into his eyes wondering how he knew. "Blue told me" he blurts put as if he knew I was thinking how he knew. "Uhh oh..okay" I shake my head. "Yea I'll stay alive, you are always right...cant believe I just said that" Outer smiles and pats my back. "Sans Sans Sans!!" Outers' Frisk comes running towards us, her small legs tripping her as she runs. I chuckle as she falls. "Owww!!" Outer picks her up and chuckles as well. "Ay kid, you a'right? That was quiet a fall you had. Heh" Outer says as Frisk pouts. "Yea, I'm fine, I just tripped over a rock" I shake my head, Frisk looks over to me. "Hiya mister Error!!" She says happily. "Hi.." I give a slight awkward wave. She giggles and looks up at Outer. "Papy was wondering where you are, he wants you to go to your post. He says he'll be really mad when you get home today" Outer's pupils roll as he picks up Frisk. "Well Error, you heard the kid. Pap is wondering where I'm at and is mad, I'll catch ya later. Bye" Outer walks off with Frisk on his back. I shake my head as I watch them fade into the distance, I look back up at the sky remembering this one day me and Ink had a picnic together.


"Error! You butt!" Ink yelled out to me as he stared up at me, his clothes soaking wet as he sits in the pond if water I pushed him into. "Pffft hahahaha!!" I would laugh as he makes a cute yet funny pouting face. "Stop laughing it's not funny!! Now I'm wet and freezing!" I lend a hand to him, he takes it and yanks me in with him, I land on top of him, his face just inches from mine, he is blushing as I feel warmth rushing to my face. I look into his eyes as he looks into mine. We slowly bring ourselves closer together not even noticing it until our mouths touch, then we finally realise what we had done, though we do not pull back, slowly melting into the kiss. Our arms wrapped around each other. A warm tingly feeling at where I would have a stomach if I were human. Ink pulls back, his face filled with a rainbow of colors, more heat rushes to my face as look down on him. "Uh..Error..." Ink says. I look at our position, my body placed on his and his legs spread. I blush a lot and quickly roll off of him Landing into the cold pond of water. "Sorry..Ink I didn't realize what our position was.." Ink shook his head. "Its okay Error, to be honest I didn't notice until after our kiss" we both blush A bit. "Well, let's go get changed, shall we? Or do you wanna stay wet and freezing haha" I would say.

~End Of Flashback~

I sigh as more memories flood in of our time together.


Ink laughed cutely ad I tickled him. Blush spread across his face as he kept saying stop. Once I stopped tickling him he looked at me, he smirked and pinned me to the floor, he held my arms above my head with one hand while the other tried tickling me. Once he found out I'm not ticklish he pouted then bit me. "Ink, why did you even think that was gonna work?" Ink shrugged and laid on top of me. "Now I'm tired" I turn over to the side taking Ink with me, as I do so he yelps. I nuzzle into him as we're flipped to the side. I wrapped my arms around him as he wrapped his around me. We cuddled each other till we fell asleep peacefully.

~End Of Flashback~

Paperjam runs up to me. "Mister Error! I found this new guy, let's go say hi to him!" I roll my pupils and walk with Jam to go see this 'new guy'. Once we got to him I realized it was Fresh, I growled at him and he took notice of me. "Ay long time no see brosthef"(can't do Freshs lingo very well xD) why this 90's freak? Why not Geno sans or something?

~BlueBerry's P.O.V~

I am laying down in my bed as Fell and Pap are trying to get along. A few flashbacks of times me and Ink had spent together start flooding my mind as I stare blankly at the ceiling


"Blue common we're going to be late!" Ink yelled as I was changing into a blue suit It was Flowerfell's sans and Flowerfell Frisk's wedding we were going to, Dream waited outside in a car as I was just getting out of the changing room. Ink wore a tan suit, he still had his scarf on since he never takes that thing off, he was smiling and I smiled as well. We went out to Dream and got in the car and drove off to the wedding, after it we all had fun.

~End Of Flashback~

I would smile softly as more memories came in as a few tears slipped down my face.


3 years passed by from Inks death, people still missed him dearly but he is gone and never forgotten about. Paperjam and Error are good together, Paperjam just started high school and met a nice guy whom goes by the name of Fresh, Error is a little ify about Fresh but let's Paperjam hang out with him to keep Paperjam happy. Blue and Fell got married and are planning on having a kid, Blues brother is happy for them same with edge Fells papyrus. Life keeps going as people make new friendships or relationships, the world has changed but Ink is never forgotten and never will be.

This was Inks Time AlOnE(a Ink X Error fanfict) I hope you liked it

Goodbye my good friends and I hope you had a fun journey reading this story!!

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