Comfort in the night P2.

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Inmo went to his secret campsite again, not knowing if Bryan would be there again. He did know of Bryan’s presence there, of course, Banjo told him after that first night. He didn’t mind it really, sure it sucked to have his private place found by another but  it seemed as if Bryan really needed this getaway.

Inmo wasn’t really that involved with the whole situation but he did know about Bryan being controlled. It seemed like a stressful situation for everyone and even after the big battle everyone seemed to not want to be around Bryan. So when Banjo told him the reason for bringing Bryan here was to help him get over a bad nightmare he fully accepted it and decided to go there every night to help Bryan out. Besides, the animals and pixies enjoyed his presence as much as he enjoyed theirs so it was a win-win situation. 

Inmo even began to develop a small crush on the son of Aphrodite, seeing as he did spend more time around him, both invisible and visible. He would never tell Bryan that though, he didn’t seem ready for a relationship after Jakey and the Seductive Rose. And Inmo doubted that Bryan would ever like him back anyways, who would like a mostly mute thief?

So it was a very big surprise when Bryan actually sat next to Inmo the next night. Inmo almost fell off the log when he jumped in surprise. Bryan gave Inmo a smile before saying, “Hey Inmo, sorry if you didn’t want me here.” Inmo panicked for a moment before taking out his talking board and writing down, “It’s ok, Banjo told me about you. Although I didn’t expect you to reveal yourself.”

Bryan read the board and blushed before saying, “Y-Yeah! I just felt like it was time for me to stop being a creepy stalker.” Inmo giggled at the creepy stalker bit before writing, “It’s fine! I don’t think you’re a creepy stalker.” Inmo gave the board to Bryan before taking his banjo off his lap and giving it to one of the pixies to put in his tent. 

Bryan smiled at this as he scooted closer to Inmo, their legs now touching. “Aw, thanks! I would have been really sad if you didn’t want me here anymore because you thought I was creepy. You really helped me with mine… nightmares.” Inmo looked concerned as he then wrote, “Yeah, I’m glad I could help. But do you want to talk about the nightmares? Sure my music gets your mind off it for a while but you still have them every night. You can talk to me if you want, I make up my lack of talking with being a really good listener =D”

Bryan read what was written and smiled before asking, “Are you sure you want to hear about my silly nightmares?” Inmo nodded as he looked Bryan straight in the eyes as if to tell him nonverbally that he was serious. Bryan nodded and looked at the campfire, a great sadness now present in them.

“W-Well, they are mostly about me turning evil again and hurting everyone so bad that they start to despise me. My body does all these horrid things and I’m back in my head, unable to do anything about it.” Bryan starts to tear up, remembering the screams of his friends and his voice just laughing at their misery. It was then that he felt a warm body being pressed against his. Inmo had started to hug him, putting his arms around Bryan’s neck as he squished his face into Bryan’s chest. 

Bryan looked at Inmo, shocked that the usually no touching allowed theif was currently hugging him tightly. Then he smiled gently as he wrapped his arms around Inmo’s petite waist and pulled him onto his lap. Bryan covered both of them with his pure white wings to protect them from the coming cold and to hide them away from the animal’s and pixie’s prying eyes.

His face was a deep red as Inmo lifted his head from Bryan’s chest. “Thanks for the hug Inmo, you really are the best.” Inmo pouted but laid his head against Bryan’s collar bone, enjoying the warmth coming from Bryan’s body and wings. Bryan removed one of his hands from Inmo’s waist and started to run his hand through Inmo’s long, fluffy hair.

It was then that Bryan decided that now was the best time to reveal the other reason as to why he decided to show himself. “You know Inmo, there is another reason I decided to reveal myself.” Inmo looked up at Bryan and hummed, nonverbally telling Bryan he was listening.

“Well, you see… I’ve been having these strange feelings for you ever since that first night. I kept noticing how beautiful your hair was, how enthralling your eyes were, and how utterly amazing you are in general. Now, I know I might be pushing my luck with this but I really wanted to let you know that I… I love you. I loved you the first moment I saw you and only fell in love with you even more as we began to hang out. I love you Inmo and it’s ok if you don’t love me back. I just really wanted to let you know.”

Inmo looked up at Bryan surprised, but then smiled and leaned forward, capturing Bryan’s lips with his own. They both looked into each other’s eyes, giving each other a look filled with love. It was then that Inmo decided to finally speak to Bryan for the first time, and his first words to him were, “Love you too, Bryan.”

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