!REQUEST! Fto: When innocence meets corruption

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Hope you like it Phoenix_Fire11!

Brandon and Bjorn were currently chasing David, Brandon’s Sky devil air vectors and Bjorn’s axe barely missed David as he dodged. How did this happen you may wonder and ask. Well dear friends, let us find out!


It all started when Inmo and David went on an A-rank mission together. It was a job that required the destruction of a certain building so Inmo would be the best suited to join David. And Inmo was happy to be able to come along with David, seeing it as a training exercise. So it was a win-win situation for both parties!

The mission ended up very successful, Inmo only misfired and hit him maybe like 3 times!  But on the way back to the guild, the topic of Inmo and Brandon’s relationship came up, and David did not remember the warning. “So have you guys done the act yet?” David asked jokingly. Inmo tilted his head on confusion and asked, “What’s the act?” 

David froze and looked at Inmo with extreme concern and disbelief. “Are you serious right now? Please tell me you’re joking!” David said with awkward laughter. “Ehhh? No, I’m being completely serious. What is the act?” Inmo said, looking even more confused than before. David didn’t know what to say or do at that moment, questioning if he would still be alive if he told Inmo.

Brandon had been very awful to him recently, making him go see Ms. Prendirghast so many times. Soooooo, would it be all that bad to get a little revenge by telling Inmo things he should probably know by now? His self-preservation yes, it was a bad idea because both Bjorn and Brandon would physically and mentally destroy him. But his little to nothing Impulse control, Mario was 99% of that, said to do it. And since Mario wasn’t there… time to teach Inmo!


Brandon was waiting for his lover to come back from his joint mission with David. Bjorn was out on a short mission and wouldn't be back tomorrow so he had told Brandon to make sure his kid wasn't injured. Although Brandon would have been doing this anyway even if Bjorn has not requested it. He missed his bean and wanted cuddles, lots of cuddles.

But when Inmo came back, he seemed… kinda different, that and David seemed to look extremely proud of himself for whatever reason. David saw Brandon first and gave him a… smirk… ‘David did or said something to Inmo’ Brandon though as David patted Inmo on the back and walked away, not daring to even go near Brandon.

Brandon quickly walked to Inmo and softly grabbed his shoulders, asking “What happened Inmo? Did David do anything or say something stupid?” Inmo just shook his head and asked, “Hey Brandon, when you said Micheal and Ritchie were doing some extreme cuddling… did you mean… the act?”

Brandon froze and said, “No, not at all! Did David ‘teach’ you this?” Inmo nodded and a dark aura surrounded the sky devil slayer. Inmo squeaked and asked, “D-did I do s-something bad?” Brandon sighed and answered, “Not at all Inmo, it’s David who did something bad. He likes to lie and make things up to get back at people. And since I’ve been making him help someone he doesn’t particularly enjoy hanging around he must have thought this would be a good idea.”

Inmo looked confused and asked, “So… he was lying?” Brandon smiled and said, “Yes he was, he probably thought it was a funny prank. Now, how about we head back to my house and cuddle as you tell me how the mission went.” Inmo’s tail swayed happily as he jumped into Brandon’s open arms, “Yes! I want cuddles!” Brandon chucked and sent a short message to the IPS (Inmo Protection Squad) and carried his small boyfriend to his house.


The message wrote, “Ice tried to corrupt the bean.” And everyone BUT David received the message. There were multiple replies from each of the members, but they all had one thing in common. They all had some sort of threat of short term bodily harm for David, even Mario had threatened to beat him up.

But Bjorn was the most vocal about David’s destruction, going into a frenzy of anger that his kid was almost exposed to such unpure things. Mario and Ritchie had to beg Bjorn not to actually kill David, telling him that Inmo wouldn’t be happy with that. That was thankfully able to calm him down but that didn’t mean he wasn’t still going to have a nice chat with David.

Bjorn then privately texted Brandon and Mario about his revenge plan, excited to put this plan in action. Both agreed to the plan, Brandon telling them he’d meet them in a bit since he and Inmo were cuddling. “You know you’re going to have to send pics right to the group chat right?” Mario texted Brandon, Brandon responding with an “I know, I’ll send them after this.”

Brandon sent a quick text to Ritchie, asking him if he could hang out with Inmo for a bit so he could get some revenge. Ritchie quickly responded with, “Sure, although I am with Micheal. Want us to come to pick him up?” Brandon quickly texted back, “That’s fine, thank you Brother. Inmo’s pretty excited to hang out with you guys” “We are excited to hang out too, Micheal hasn’t seen Inmo for a while so this should be fun.” Ritchie responded swiftly. And so, Inmo went to go hang out with the two guild leaders while Brandon, Mario, and Bjorn began their payback.


Getting back to the present, David was still running from the two angry mages. He dodged more of Brandon’s vectors and quickly turned another corner, seeing his saving grace. Mario was walking around the garden, turning around when David screamed his name and begging Mario to help him. David hid behind Mario but was confused as he saw Bjorn and Brandon smirk.

It was then that he felt something entrap his feet and legs, looking down only to see the ground traping him to that spot. “Whaa!?!? What the heck?!?! I-is this betrayal? By my own boyfriend???” David exclaimed as Mario kissed his cheek, answering with, “Sorry not sorry babe, you almost corrupted the innocent. You should have known something was going to happen. Well, my job here is done, text if you need me ok? I’m going to hang out with my brothers for the rest of the day.”

Brandon and Bjorn both gave him parting words before turning to David with smirks on their faces. Let’s just say that after this, no one ever attempted to corrupt Inmo ever again.

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