!Request! FTOs1: How it began

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imafrogperson Ahhhhhhh, I hope this doesn’t disappoint! I personally believe my writing has gotten better but you guys will be the judge of that!


A slight breeze flowed through the room from an open window, the velvet blue curtains dancing along to a soundless melody. With the breeze came a small chill, a chill that could only be cured with soft quilts and a warm body next to oneself. Darkness coated the island, the only natural light at this hour coming from the moon high above the land. It was such a tranquil night, one almost too beautiful to sleep through.

Though, the mellow moonlight only enhanced his lover’s alluring form. A face so serene, almost untouched by the normal chaos of their everyday life. It was moments like this that Brandon cherished the most, a moment that he would rather die than forget. Inmo’s lavender hair almost seemed to glow in the light of the moon, the chill making him unconsciously move closer to his warmth.

Brandon placed a gentle kiss on his lover’s forehead, soaking up feelings that he wasn’t able to describe. He felt lucky, he never thought he’d ever feel this way after all the hurt he had caused when he and his brother first came to this world. Such a harmonious night like this brought back so many memories from their time together.

Fiddling with the silver band located on his left hand’s ring finger, he thought back to when this whole journey started. Reflecting back to the day he didn’t expect to ever come, yet still took place.


It all started out like any other day, full of property damage, bills, and discord. Brandon was just sifting through all the necessary paperwork as his brother relentlessly tormented him about his love life. He didn’t know how much more he could take before the winds would solidify and cause more property damage than there already was.

“I’m just saying brother, you should just take the chance. Isn’t it better to risk it and be happy than to stay in a constant state of wanting to?” Richie asked his dearest brother, who only saw his words as unhelpful. “I’d rather not create such an awkward air around us when he says he isn’t interesting.” Brandon shot back, his tone firm yet holding no malice. He understood his brother only wanted him to be happy, the probability that Inmo would actually like him back was in his eyes, a .01% chance.

Richie just rolled his eyes at his obviously valid statement, something Brandon would have taken great offense to if it was anyone else. His brother was always more willing to take a risk or two to get what he desired, something he would feel incapable of doing in these circumstances. “Brandon, let me be honest with you, Inmo WILL probably accept your feelings. Everyone can see your fruitless pining, just rip it off like a bandaid.”

Brandon only huffed at that statement, not believing his crush on Inmo to be that visible. Ritchie only sighed in exasperation, lithe fingers coming up to his face to massage his temples. “There isn’t much left in the paperwork department, I can do the rest with ease. Please just go take a break and think about what I said, I think the whole guild would be happier if you did.”

Now, Brandon didn’t particularly want to think about his unrequired feeling for Inmo but a break from the paperwork was akin to an incredibly calming time. If his brother wanted to take care of the rest of this then he would not stop him, as it was his choice, to begin with. “If you are sure brother, do call me if you require assistance though.”

And with that Brandon walked out of their shared office and into Divinus Magia’s garden, where not a single soul congregated at. The rest of the guild must have been busy with other things, leaving Brandon alone and to his own devices. He leaned against a tree, in a state between dreaming, sleeping, and being awake. Peace washed over his mind and body for what seemed to be ages until a fated interruption occurred.

A mage’s presence was drawing near to him, and before they could fully reach him Brandon asked, “Do you need something?” It was the lavender haired demon that stood in front of the guild leader, an anxious spark hidden in his eyes. Inmo blushed a bit, his hands placed behind his back to hide the fact he was fiddling with them.

“U-Uh, hey Mr. Brandon. I… I just wanted to confess something. So I can say I at least tried.” Inmo stuttered out, the faint pink blush slowly turning to a red. Brandon could feel his heart start to race as if it was trying to burst out of his chest. He was frozen for a few seconds before nodding his head, not ready for what was about to come next.

“AhhhhhhHHHHHHH, I’M JUST GOING TO SAY IT! I REALLY REALLY LIKE YOU MR. BRANDON. LIKE THE I LOVE YOU KIND OF LIKE! Please give me a chance to go on a date with you!” Inmo asked Brandon, both their faces a scarlet red. 

Brandon was speechless, he never thought Inmo would actually like him, much less be the one who took the first step and confessed. But that's why Brandon loves him, because of unpredictability, his personality, his everything. Brandon let a small smile grace his face as Inmo only twiddled his fingers more in a mix of impressment, with a sliver of hope peeking through his eyes.

He stood up, the wind blowing through their hair as he walked closer to the half-demon. Brandon on the outside looked as calm as a still river, but inside his mind was an active mone field. Inmo started to visibly panic at his actions, probably believing he was mad about this. It was then that all time seemed to stop, as he bent down and gently linked with Inmo’s.

The kiss only lasted about five seconds but by the end of it Inmo’s hands were grasping his Pancho and his own hands were playing with the lavender hair in front of him. Both of their faces were a light red as they looked into each other’s eyes. Brandon knew this moment was one that would change his life.


To think back to the time they realized their feelings for each other, and acted upon it, was a pastime that Brandon enjoyed thoroughly. It was nice to make fun of his past self and in a way, Inmo’s past self, for not confessing sooner. It was also amusing to him that he was married to a being his magic was meant to slay. But if he was honest, he wouldn’t have it any other way.


Sorry, this took so long! I hope you enjoyed it =). I would just like to say that no new requests will be done as of now. If you have requested before this chapter then you do have a high chance of getting it finished, unless you tell me in PMs or the comments that you don’t want your request to be done. If a request was made after this chapter then I will not be doing it. Have a lovely day my dears! 

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